05/16/06 TUESDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by the folks that have devoted their
lives serving the people in Small Town America.....
Small Town Business Men & Women.
The current temperature is 40 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 59/44
Normal H/L temp for this date is 71/44
It has to dry up pretty soon. Tadpoles are starting to raise little Tad
families right out on the streets of Skeeterville.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
If you haven't already started planning on coming to Grafton for this
years Summerfest. You should get going on it, right away quick.
I am trying to understand why "ILLEGAL ALIENS" blame the United States
for their problems. Why do they wave the Mexican flag at us as if it
stands for a better way of life? Then too, is the problem "really"
illegal aliens, or, is the major problems Legal citizens hiring illegal
What's going to happen when they fill up the United States with minimum
pay jobs? Who will pay the taxes so we can send billions of dollars a
year over seas feeding the poor and fighting their war?
Has anyone else noticed that it takes a whole lot more question marks
to right a letter now than it used to?
I don't remember what I said about illegal aliens yesterday, but
whatever it was, Jill seemed to agree. She wrote: >>> Wow, your illegal
article was GREAT !!! I agree with every word !
Jill, Desautel, Deckard <<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing Jill. It's nice knowing someone agrees with me sometime. It's
almost as much fun when someone disagrees, so don't be afraid to do that
as well. Just be sure you let me know if you want you thoughts sent out,
or if I should lock them up in the never let anyone else know file.
The GMU crews have filled the holes in the parking lot in the 500 block
east of Hill Avenue. Some of them were getting so big a guy was out
there the other day practicing his casting technique.
It'll be ready for dancing at the Summerfest Celebration.
It was a slow news day at Granny's this morning. Among other things,
the topic of Gene Fortner came up. Gene lived just across the alley from
us and everyone seemed to agree on that. Then, when I tried to remember
Gene's wife name,.. I couldn't. I can still see her standing in the
kitchen of Zinkes Cafe doing dishes. I'll never forget the bright red,
really really, bright red lip stick she wore. And, every once in a
while, I can still hear her laugh.
Communities could use a lot more folks like Gene Fortner and his wife.
Gosh I hope someone can share a bit more about them.
Happy Birthday -- Ronald Lunde
Friday the 24th of July 1942 Ronald Lunde celebrated his eighth
birthday. Rons mom baked a giant pink and white cake with eight lighted
candles. Guests were Larry Schweinfort, Richard and Dennis Loos, Frances
and James Kryzcho, Stewart Lundberg, Victor Johnson and Phyllis Gorder.
(Grafton News and Times July, 29 1942)
The article didn't say if everyone has a good time or not. Judging by
the participants, I gotta think they did. On the other hand, I'm pretty
sure a few of the guests get the Gazette. Maybe they would be willing to
let us know.
According to the June 24, 1942 Grafton News and Times. Carl Hvidsten
transferred a realty deed to Ira LaMont for lots 5, 6, 7, of blk. 54
Grafton for $1.
Speaking of birthdays. Eileen Torkelson celebrated her seventh birthday
on Monday the 2nd of March. Games were played at the after school event.
A birthday supper was served and Eileens green and white birthday cake
was lit up with seven candles.
Miss Laura Phalen, her teacher, Dorothy Swanson, Donna Mae Matcha, Lois
Sandvig, Carol Marie Watkins, Beverly Quist, Janet Rydholm and Marlene
Meilke all showed up for the celebration.
(Grafton News and Times March 4, 1942)
Happy Birthday Eileen, better late than never. I know it's too late
now, and, I'm sure it wouldn't have mattered anyway. However, I gotta
think Ron might have preferred the green and white cake instead of the
pink one.
I am hesitant to share the following "Rumor". I have decided to do so,
only with the intent that sharing it with "our" Gazette family - should
the "rumor" be true - that there may still be time to avert the Taylors
>>>>> Gary, you can use this information but please refrain from using
my name.
Why is it that people around here are so afraid of change? Or they
question the quests of others and feel there must be an alterior motive
behind their interests. Our community has done it again (according to
rumor), one of our newest residents is pulling up home roots and moving
to Grand Forks. Mr. Allan Taylor is leaving our humble village and
moving. He will apparantly still keep businesses in town, but the rumor
mill has made him want to remove his children from our education
I don't know if the other rumors that are going around are true or not,
but what about the benefit of the doubt.
Is it jealousy, skepticism, paranoia.....?
One just has to wonder. When will common sense come into play?
Who will be the next one run out of town?
Maybe this is just late night babble but maybe you can shed some light
on this. Maybe the people are right...You can fool some of the
people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.
Thanks for letting me bend your ear.
Again please don't use my name in the reprinting of this. Thanks <<<
Thank you for caring and sharing. First of all, I certainly hope this
isn't nothing more than rumor. Second, if there is any validity to it, I
hope the business leaders of our community do everything possible to
avert it. And then of course is the sadd fact that one can't run away
from "rumors". They are often more vigorous in larger communities than
they are in small ones.
No matter what anyone "thinks", the Taylors have brought life back into
downtown Grafton. For that I am most appreciative.
The real fact is, they (rumors) are probably much easier to address in
small communities, simply because of the logistic of numbers.
The week three winners of the Grafton High School / American Legion
Baseball drawing are:
Lynn Ebert * $50
Pete Houdek $50
John Maxwell $50
Terry Boulduc $50
Russ Hatt $50
Nicole Leier $100
Thanks again for helping "our" Legion ball team to continue in our
Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
This weeks lucky winners of the Grafton Volunteer Firefighters calendar
draw are:
5/15/2006 Jerry Raumin * $20
5/16/2006 John Silewski $20
5/17/2006 Buzz Lunde $20
5/18/2006 Jesse Irvine $20
5/19/2006 Joyce Kingsbury $20
5/20/2006 Michaela Duerre $20
5/21/2006 Shane Burns $20
Congratulations to the lucky winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks the read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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