05/15/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by Small Town America, Use It, Or Lose
The current temperature is 52 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 58/42
Normal H/L temp for this date is 70/43
If the forecast holds true, we may have to fill the birdbath with water
Small Towns, Use them, or lose them.
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Yesterdays Mothers Day dinner at MarketPlace on 8th was another super
event, as usual. We went to MarketPlace early with the idea we might
beat the crowd. Evidently, a couple hundred other folks were thinking
the same thing.
Surprisingly, everyone seemed to get in and seated within minutes. The
buffet menu was fabulous, from several items displayed at the salad bar
to a significant selection of deserts. Everything was absolutely
Personally, I overindulged in the turkey & dressing, ham and shrimp
smothered in gravy. Once again Suzie and her very competent staff gave
folks from throughout the area reason to come to Grafton for Mothers Day
We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful facility in our little
Small Towns. Use them, or lose them.
Theodore Roosevelt once said. "I never would have been president if it
had not been for my experiences in North Dakota."
Martha Stewart went to prison for listening to the advice of a person
she paid to give her advice. It was an illegal act, (I guess) she should
have known better, (I guess) and, should have been punished. (I suppose)
Catching a fish, out of season, is an illegal act. Get caught doing it
and you pay a fine lose your fishing equipment and fishing privileges
for years. But that's okay, because, it's an illegal act.
Stick a cigar, anyplace except your mouth, and it's an illegal act
also, or, at least it should be. But, that's okay too,... if your the
president. I wonder what part of "illegal" we don't understand?
For some reason, some politicians say that common sense says we can't
send every illegal alien back to Mexico. I'm wondering where those
common sense politicians were when "our" Border Patrol beat the
beegeebee's out of "our" Local Doctor? Or, I wonder where their common
sense was when they forced another Grafton citizen to stay in Canada.
Oops,... I must have gotten carried away. All I really wanted to say
was. What part of "illegal" don't we understand?
The Grafton States School (now referred to as the State Developmental
Center) provides maintenance for about 1,000 epileptic and mentally
deficient patients (presently referred to as Clients) Counties of the
state pay $15 a month per person. The school farms 1,240 acres according
to Dr. John G. LaMont, superintendent.
(taken from the Wednesday, July 29, 1942 Grafton News and Times)
Small Town USA, Use it, or lose it.
A supplement in the Sunday Grand Forks Herald recognized most of our
area individuals graduating in the class of 2006. At first, as I opened
it and looked at the first page full of pictures, of Grand Forks Central
High School Grads. I wondered why they were so few pictures.
As I scanned down the photos I wondered if the Barclay boy was someone
I should know, I also wondered about the lad named Gowan. The young lady
with the name Lerud reminded me of Ma Lerud and the fabulous monster
burgers she prepared at Lerud's Drive Inn. Then there was a girl named
Morgan, although I was pretty sure I didn't know her family.
Then,... I noticed the picture of a good looking young man named
Pederson. WOW, I thought, that's my fishing buddy Jarred Pederson. The
son of Jack and Ruth (Demester) Pederson. Then I was reminded of the
day, at Rocky Point, when Jarred and I went fishing with his Grandfather
Chuck Demester, and Jarreds uncle Lee Crook.
As I remember it, Jarred was having a bit of a problem (at first)
catching fish. Then, grandpa Chuck let Jarred use his very special
(retirement present) fishing rod. No sooner did Jarred drop his line in
the water than he hooked a 29 inch walleye. Then another big one, and
another until he had caught most of the limits for everyone in the boat.
I remember Chuck saying that day that Jarred was a pretty smart little
bugger. (catching fish the way he did) I'm not sure if he really knew
for sure then but I am sure he does today. So to does his Grandma Mert
and His Grandmother Audrey and Grandpa Jarl Pederson.
Jarred's picture is on that page because he is an "honor student". I'm
pretty sure Chuck knew it before the rest of us, but now we all do. And,
I'm pretty sure Jarred still has grandpa Chucks "special rod" and I hope
I will get a chance to watch him use it again this summer at Rocky
Oh yes, the rest of the graduating class was listed too, they just
didn't get their picture in the paper.
I think the class motto is especially appropriate as well. "We came
together as strangers, but we leave as eternal friends." -- Gorden
That'll sure work for me Jarred. Congratulations Jarred. Your aunt Pat
and uncle Gary are extremely proud of you, and we love you very much.
Speaking of pictures. Please welcome Rock Tweten to our Gazette family.
If you've ever been to the Chester Fritz in Grand Forks you have seen
the myriad of pictures Rock has taken of all the top name entertainers
that have played the Fritz.
Myrna and Allen Martinson have also expressed their desire to belong to
the Gazette family. Thank you, we are very pleased to have you in our
I am very pleased to share the following note from Susan Suda. >>> Hi
Having caught the occasional Gazette, I know I don't need to tell you
how great it is to live in Grafton. During my extended three-week stay
in Minnedosa, Manitoba, I was forwarded your musings several times and
enjoyed the local updates.
My return this week has been most wonderful, not only in being reunited
with my family, but with my amazing neighbors (including those who
dropped you a line) and an entire community of well-wishing individuals.
The past week has brought many tears and hugs from people as I entered
businesses and received kind words of welcome from owners, employees
and fellow shoppers. Grafton truly is an amazing community and I
am truly grateful for all the kind thoughts and deeds my family and I
have received.
Please add me to your emailing list - I look forward to reading the
Gazette at HOME.
Thank you,
Susan Suda <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Susan, and, We
are pleased to welcome you in the Gazette family.
Small Towns, use them, or lose them!!
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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