Saturday, April 08, 2006

April 7, 2006 - Friday


04/07/06 FRIDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Lunski's Septic
Tank Service.
If you can dump it, Lunski can pump it.
The current temperature is 31 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was "windy"
Normal H/L temp for this date is "nicer"
Saturday is Rally is the Valley day at the Grafton Armory. Stop by and
check it out.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
Foul language is used, most often, when the speaker needs to fill the
void between his ears, while his intelligence is being converted to
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I've noticed, the past several days, the sign in front of the Jet Oil
(BP) gas station and their advertisements in the local paper says, "We
sell quality oil "not" tractors.
I'm not sure what that really means. Could it mean they do in fact sell
tractors, though there not "Quality" tractors? OR, could it mean they
don't sell tractors and are suggesting that those that do, don't sell
"quality" oil? OR, did they put that on their sign just to catch the
attention of dummies like me?
Somewhere, it was written; "Forgive them Lord for they don't have a
single ounce of sense." Or, something like that. Anyway, that
couldn't be more true than when applied to those that advertise their
interest and desire in "renting" beets. I find it "almost" unbelievable
that anyone connected with the beet industry in the Red River Valley
could, or would, allow the law-violating term "rent" used in any way,
shape or form.
A once long time dispute between the Grafton Lutheran and Our Saviours
Lutheran congregations was settled many years ago. The end result lists
Grafton Lutheran as oldest and Our Saviours as have the oldest church.
Which in turn, brings us to Diann's note.
She wrote; >>>
Gary, I have some information that I would like you to pass on to your
loyal readers.
This year in conjunction with Summerfest, Our Saviours Lutheran Church
in Grafton will be celebrating our 125th anniversary. Our Saviours was
the first church in the city of Grafton. (see, I told you so) A worship
and communion service will be at 10 am on June 25,
There will be an afternoon program at 2pm . We will have a catered
meal at
11:30 and reservations are recommended. Cost is $8 per adult, $4 for
children under 12 and, under 5 are free.
We are hoping to reach any former members of our church who are
interested in this event.
Tickets can be purchased from Richard and Mary Nelson 352-0114 or Steve
and Rachel Fisher 352-3832 by June 1st.
We also have a new cookbook just out. It is available at Dennys,
Grafton Drug and Thrifty White Drug for $8 or from any church member or
the church office 352-1627. Hoping that people will pass the
word along to former members and friends. We would love to have as many
come back as possible. I am sure you have heard by now that Pastor Pete
Schiefelbein is returning to Our Saviours to lead the flock. He is due
to begin in early May.
Thanks, Diann Bratlie. <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Diann. Congratulations and I hope your 125 year anniversary celebration
is a huge success. -----------------------
I'm sure just as I did, many folks received the 01/02/03/04/05/06 thing
the other day. With that in mind, I also received the following though.
... I see you also got the email about the 01:02:03 04/05/06 business
and commented that it will never happen again. You are right about
that, but did you ever think that we'll never get another chance at
right now, no matter what the date? I wonder if the person who initially
realized the above sequence of numbers would be coming in the near
future ever thought about what they would have been thinking about if
they knew today was their last day on earth? I'll bet those numbers
would seem fairly insignificant if that were the case. <<< Thanks a
million, for caring and sharing that thought as well.
Here's another thought to ponder. "The second the minute you're
thinking about, gets thought, it's history." Or so it seems to me. GLM
Grafton's Leistikow Memorial Park was established in 1915
Please plan to attend the Palm Sunday Pork Dinner Benefit for Nessa
Nessa, daughter of Keith and Sandy Schrank is presently hospitalized at
St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, Mn. recovering from a brain aneurism
due to a brain development called Moyamoya.
Nessa's benefit will begin at 10:30 and go til 4:00pm at Marketplace on
Howard and Rose Wendelbo have assured me the food and fellowship will
be fantastic and tickets for the event are only $10 each.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
P. S.
I looks like the folks from are blacklisting the Gazette

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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