04/26/06 WEDNESDAY
The "real" Wednesday
Todays Gazette is being brought to you by the Ben Collins Home.
Graftons first apartment building.
The current temperature is 56 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 63/28
Normal H/L temp for this date is 60/36
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Graftons city crews are out "spring cleaning" in full force. Street
sweepers are covering every street from curb to curb while the motor
graders are busy levelling alleys and anything gravel in the community.
The Park is already looking lush and most of the past winters debris
has been picked up and hauled away. The only remaining signs of this
springs flood threat is the two mounds of dirt on fifth street.
Although still in the "later" stages of rumor. The Grafton Drug Store
as been sold to two ladies (pharmacist's) previously employed at the Ye
Old Medicine Center in Park River. Rumor has it, Dan and Maryjo Lapp
have purchased property in Georgia and will be taking up residence there
in the near future.
Since it's beginnings, with William Fleming and Hugh Leweaux in 1890,
the Drug store operation has functioned out of it's present location.
Ras Hatelid purchased the drug store in 1900 and changed it's name to
Grafton Drug. I wish the new Grafton Drug Store owners the very best in
their new venture, as well as Maryjo and Dan in their new endeavour in
I understand the Pizza Hut will open Sunday the 30th for all the help
and workers. And Monday May 1st for the rest of us. The giant Marquee
out front certainly doesn't give any indication one way or the other.
The time to get a Legion baseball ticket is almost up. I must say, I am
pleased with the response the Gazette family has given to this years
event. I would like to share one interesting "tidbit" that happened the
other day in regards to this years Legion Baseball ticket sales.
I was heading for Alco in the Gem and as I approached the Select Inn
(formerly Super 8) I noticed a white van parked in front with all the
doors open. As I got closer it was evident that the van was packed full
of candy. I stopped behind the van as a man was unloading a bunch of
candy machines and several boxes of candy out on the parking lot.
I asked the fellow, if he had a sweet tooth, to which he replied "no
not really". Then I mentioned that I noticed his license plate was from
Missouri and asked if he sold a lot of candy in the area. He said, "I
sure do, it keeps me busy."
Then, I asked him if he would be interested in helping "our" local
Legionaires help "our" local Legion/high school baseball team by
purchasing a ticket. I'll admit I did have a little trouble
understanding exactly what he said, so I can't quote him verbatim.
However, It went something like,... NO, we set up candy machines in so
many places, in so many towns, that if we donated money to
everything,... we'd go broke. Now don't that just make your warm glow
As I drove away, I asked myself, I wonder what part that man and his
company plays in "our" community. Obviously, it would be in the "going"
part, of the going and growing Grafton.
It's starting to look like the Westside Drive Inn will be serving Wagon
Masters again this year. The big sign is already out by the road and one
can see hard evidence of getting ready cleanup.
I'm not sure if there's a subliminal message in the advertisement for
help or not. But, those interested in applying, should do so at
Blanchards Chiropractic Clinic in town. Maybe that's cause folks always
get stiff during the first few days of a new job.
The never-ending saga of the problems associates with border crossings
and "our" inability to understand the term "illegal" continues. Bert
Overland wrote. >>>>
Hi Gary,
The Incident you mentioned about what seemed a doctor that was
roughed up. Reminds me of the last time we came back to the U.S. from a
trip to Banf/Jasper Canada. We had a cousin and his wife from Norway
with us and they were never even questioned other than to show their
passports. My wife Kathryn and I showed our passports but they put us
through the wringer and about took our 5th wheel travel trailer apart.
We had no trouble with the Canadian authorities in, or out, but the
young U.S. Border Patrol can only be described as pompus--power happy
stupid. They must have found these guys in a "boys school". <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Bert. I'll bet there are as many stories
like yours Bert, as there are "illegals" coming across the Canadian
I understand last nights Unity Medical Center Spring Banquet was a huge
success. The food, fellowship, and entertainment was wonderful. Most
important, was the fantastic show of support for "our" local medical
Next year, one suggestion might be, to offer the entertainment portion
of the program to "local" talent. Lord knows there's lots of it around.
With deepest regrets I share the passing of Leota "Lee" (Mrs. Donald)
Almen. Lee passed away Tuesday in a Fargo medical facility. Anyone in
the area that owns or has held a golf club, is a aware of Lee's love of
the sport. Had she been able, she would have preferred dying on a golf
course. Though that couldn't happen, I'm almost positive Lee's heart was
somewhere between a tee box and the green when she left us.
At this point, services are pending with the Stennes Funeral Home in
East Grand Forks. I will share them when available.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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