Monday, April 24, 2006

April 21, 2006 - Friday


04/21/06 FRIDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Tom Ganyo and
Graftons beautiful Leistikow Park.
The current temperature is 46 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 58/42
Normal H/L temp for this date is 57/33
Since the rain started, the Gazette rain gauge has collected .88 inches
of rain.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Stan Pastoreks crew moved a brand new salad bar into the Pizza Hut
Thursday. It's still possible the salad bar, and a house special pizza
can be ready by next Friday.
Rumors of house sales and new folks moving to town abound. The latest
"rumor" is the house on the corner of 5th and McHugh has been sold,...
again. I just heard yesterday that we (Pat and me) will be getting new
neighbors again, just down the block a bit.
If houses keep selling the way they have in the past few months, Wally
will have to convert his workshop into an apartment.
It seems Rose and Howard Wendelbo were really, really busy bunnies last
Sunday. Jean sent the following. >>>
Gary - Just wanted to share my thoughts on Rose Wendelbo also. My
children also woke up on Easter Sunday to a front yard full of Easter
eggs. I had all 5 children and 2 cousins scurrying around the yard
putting plastic filled eggs into their pajama shirts and nightgowns. One
little guy even ran out in his boxer shorts he was so excited! (That was
Paula and Brad Pedersons son.) This is the second year Rose and Howard
have surprised my children on Easter Sunday. They are a wonderful couple
who are very caring. Thanks Howard and Rose.
Jean Jiskra <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Jean
Speaking of wonderful people and how they are. It's been awhile since
I've heard an update on Nessa, "little" Ben & Maria, and, several folks
are wondering how Jim is doing.
I receive the following note from Rosemary & Gary Fisher (the Henry
Bolek and Fisher rest home Fishers) They wrote; >>> Gary,
Enclosed is $20 for a Legion Baseball ticket. Please put "Second Time
Around" name on the ticket.
Thanks for all the Grafton info and reminiscing. You've come a long way
with subscriptions since starting the Gazette. Leaving for "home"
the end of May. See you this summer. Rosemary and Gary <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing. Ticket number 100 will go into
the drawing barrel with Second Time Arounds name on it, Courtesy of
Rosemary & Gary Fisher.
Speaking of Baseball tickets, yesterday morning Pat and I stopped by
Grafton's Golden Harvest Jewelers. Gosh it's a beautiful jewelry store.
Anyway, as we were looking over the display cases, Jeff said, "I'm glad
you showed up, I want one of those baseball tickets you've been barking
about in the Gazette." Wouldn't you know it, I just happened to have one
in my pocket. Then, as Theresa Kalbrener returned with our freshly
wrapped gift. She said she would really like to have one too. Yup, I
just happened to have an extra one for Theresa too. The Kalbrener family
knows baseball better than I know the menu at Marketplace.
That's the way it works in small towns. I do business with them, and
they do business with me. AND, in this case, the American Legion
Baseball program wins too. Or so it seems to me.
Speaking of small towns and things that are important. Lynn Flanagan
sent the following note we need to share. >>
Gary: Unity Medical Center Foundation Banquet is coming up on
Tuesday, April 25. It will again be held at St.John's Parish Center
here in Grafton beginning at 6:30. Fallcreek, an excellent barbershop
quartet from Grand Forks, will be the featured entertainment. Anyone
yet in need of a ticket can contact me at 352-3300 or Christl Durand at
352-9372. Continued support for this fundraiser from Grafton and the
surrounding area will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, lynn Flanagan,
Unity Medical Center Foundation President. <<< Thanks for sharing
Information on Unity's big event. Put me down for one of those
tickets as well Lynn.
I am also very pleased to welcome three new members to the Gazette
family tree.
Shane Shereck, Bryan Hurst and Bonnie Mohagen have all asked to have a
shot at tolerating the Babble I call the Gazette.
Just in case you should get the idea that I "might" be a tad
opinionated. You will be absolutely correct. However, I am always
willing to allow others to share theirs as well.
As a matter of fact. I just happen to have an opinion about about "our"
park board raising to cost of camping fees in Leistikow Park. Someone
help me understand the logic.
The board, according to the article, voted to raise the fees sighting
"rising costs" for electricity. They didn't indicate the rational for
the $5 "dumping fee" I'm guessing there was logic to that as well
although I'll be darned if I can figure it out. I don't remember seeing
a coin slot in the shower and rest room door, so I'm guessing that
facility will still be "open" for "outside" guests.
I'm wondering if anyone thought to ask questions like. What do campers
do when they come to town? How often, if ever, is the campground full?
Or, are the folks that visit "our" campground a benefit, or a detriment
to "our" community?
If rising costs are a concern, and certainly they should be. Why
wouldn't it make cents (pardon the pun) to put a toll gate in the Park.
The fact is, of course I'm guessing, that the maintenance and operating
costs of the park are up significantly as well, and, it generates zero
To use the rational that "We didn't want to be the most expensive or
the least expensive. We feel we're right in the ballpark with the other
campgrounds in the area." begs the question. As compared to what? "Our"
goal should be to attracted people to "our" community, not price them
out by raising the price of a camper in a partially used campground.
Then of course theres that idea of being "right in the ballpark". The
fact is, the ballpark is way over on the other end of town. However, I
have tickets if anyone would like to support the Legion ball team that
is in fact, "right in the ballpark".
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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