03/31/06 FRIDAY grp 1 of 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Mother Nature. Mrs.
Nature decided our area could use a 24 hour rain event and pufff,... we
got one.
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was Ave.
Normal H/L temp for this date is 42/25
Bare ground is beginning to show up throughout the area.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff, mostly stuff.
Grafton's Granny's restaurant continues to add improvements. Monday
they added a neon "OPEN" sign to their front window. Thursday the
framing for glass partitions were installed and representatives from
Simonsons Lumber and Hardware showed up Thursday afternoon to take
measurements for the "glass" inserts in the partitions.
The new partitions will make it more difficult for those entering
Granny's to "snatch" food off the two booths by the door.
It's seems like more and more folks are talking about the LeClerc &
Schrank families and their need for our prayers and understanding. This
weeks Walsh County Record carried a super story, "A little man fights a
big battle", written by Sue Matcha. The picture of beautiful little
Maria and Ben Wharam centered in the article speaks volumes.
Howard Ray send the following note in regards to both upcoming benefit
activities. >>> Gary, just to let you know that we have tickets to both
benefits for sale at First United Bank if anyone in interested or/and
wants some. Even if you can't attend, it would good to support them in
their need. Thank you. Howard <<< Thanks a million Howard. The First
United organization is always quick to step up to the plate when folks
in the area need help.
Reports of ¾ of an inch or more rain the past twenty four hours seem
pretty common throughout the area. The weather service has issued flood
watches for several areas in the valley.
I mentioned the nice sign over the former Penney's building the other
day and that Ann McAnn's artwork was admirable to say the least. I
should have suggested taking a look at the giant Coke sign on the north
wall of Polly's at the same time. That too, I believe, is Ann's the
ANYWAY, even though I'm half French I didn't know that Cafe - Au -
Livre was. I do now though, because Wanda sent me the following
information. She wrote. >>>
Dear Gary,
The new sign you mentioned is in French. I have a houseguest from
France and she says:
Cafe - Au - Livre would translate from
French to Coffee with the Book
"Coffee and Books" translated to French would
be Café et Livres
'livre' is singular = one book.
The French translation of some words depends on what you are trying to
That's why French is so hard for Yankees to learn correctly she tells
I've had my French lesson for today
I enjoy your newsletter very much. Merci, Monsieur
Maggie in Los Angeles <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Wanda. Now all I have to do is figure out what "Merci, Monsieur" means.
And, will I have to take medication for it?
I received the following "quote", yesterday. Actually, it was at the
end of a much longer message. I though about not sending it, then I
thought about sending it. Then I wondered if it would offend anyone,
then I though it wouldn't, much anyway, and, then I couldn't
remember if I decided to send it or not, here it is. There is more
money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on
Alzheimer's research This means that by 2040, there should be a large
elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no
recollection of what to do with them. <<< Thanks a million for caring
and sharing Don, and I couldn't agree....more, I don't think.
The local political races haven't even started yet and already "some"
can be seen waving and smiling at folks they don't even know. I'm going
to try real hard not to get to involved in politics this political
season. Who knows, I may not even share an opinion,...or two. I was
pleased to hear from Margie, however, and will share her thoughts with
everyone. She wrote. >>>
Hi Gary,
Funny that I was just thinking about dropping Todd Burianek a note
this morning when opening your e-mail I see his name. I met Todd
through a mutual friend and had the pleasure of meeting him in person
little more than a year ago when I was out your way for the World Junior
Hockey Championship.
My knowledge of him makes me believe he'd make a great mayor for
Grafton. He's intelligent, has high moral standards and compassion
for others. I don't know the opposition so my comments
regarding Todd are just that, about Todd. I wish him the best of luck in
the mayoral race.
I don't care if you don't use my comments. You may not want your gazette
to become a political arena. I don't know all the facts anyway. What I
do know is that I like Todd and appreciate his communications with me.
Marjie <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Margie.
I am pleased to welcome Nicholas Osowski to the Gazette family. Nike
sticks his feet under a desk at Farm Credit, and, that qualifies him to
be considered one of the gainfully employed.
I am also pleased to welcome Tom & Deb Torkelson to "our" Gazette
Although the following message was not sent to me directly from Julie
or Chris Wharam. I am taking the liberty of sharing their information
with "our" group.
>>>> Here's the latest on Ben
Friends and Family,
We are back in Rochester...Maria is with Grandma and Grandpa LeClerc.
Today, Ben had a Hickman catheter placed. It is basically an IV line
that enters Ben's chest and feeds into the Superior vena cava (the big
vein just before the heart). The Hickman will be used to administer
chemotherapy, IV fluids, and blood draws. This catheter will stay in Ben
until he is done with chemo or until he pulls it out.
The excitement for the day was when Ben was in surgery having the
Hickman placed, an IV line in his right hand was dislodged from his vein
and pumped his hand and arm full of fluid. His hand was white and hard
to the touch. The fluid will be absorbed and all will be well...but it
just seems that if something can go wrong it does.
We are hoping tomorrow goes better, as it will be Ben's first day of
chemotherapy. He will receive two drugs. First a 1 hour infusion of
Carboplatin. Followed by a 2 hour infusion of Etoposide. Hopefully, all
goes well and the side effects are minimal. We will keep you posted.
Ben is doing great. As of the 27th, he is 7 months old. Today he weighed
21lb 2oz and was 27.25 inches.
They tell us that being a big, strong, and healthy guy will make the
chemo more tolerable.
Thanks again for all the support.
Chris and Julie <<< Little Ben and his older sister Marie Wharam and
beautiful Nessa Schrank, have not only entered the hearts of me and my
immediate family. They are in the prayers of the entire Gazette family.
I hope the Schrank and Wharam families will continue to keep us
informed of their progress.
The Gazette works best, when the folks the read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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