03/17/06 FRIDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by The New
Scott-Urshel, Sugar Beet Combine.
The current temperature is 1 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 19/0
Normal H/L temp for this date is 34/18
The way the forecast looks for the next week or more. You
snowbirds might as well unpack and stay where you are for a little while
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I found the headline and article in this weeks Record extremely
disturbing and frustrating. Disturbing, because I too believe "we" have
a drug problem in Grafton. I believe every town in the United States has
a drug problem. A person would have to be crazy, not to think thats
disturbing. I think, that three college students would "assume" that
"our" drug problems are worse than those in Seattle, Wash,. Portland
Oregon, or Riverton Wyo., (their home towns) is exceptionally
disturbing. Personally, I think that the author of todays Record article
didn't challenge those concerns is even more disturbing to me. Of course
we have a drug problem in Grafton, every town, has a drug problem. If
the trueth be known, I'd venture a guess that the Montana State
University in Bozeman (their University) also has concerns and issues
with drugs on occasion.
So,... since the Record chose to print the following quote, "It
seems like Grafton has had a history of drug abuse going back many
years," I challenge the Record to qualify that statement. As a matter of
fact, I believe the entire community is entitled to a full and complete
explanation as to why the Record would allow an article so slanted, one
that leaves the reader to believe Grafton's drug problem is so much
greater than anywhere else in the United States that a "film crew"
should come to "our" town to document it.
Disturbing, because the approximately 10 minute long "film", the
article relates to will be "entered" in a Bozeman community arts and
movie event. Disturbing, you bet. The fact that drugs and are a problem
in "our" community, or any community, is extremely disturbing.
Frustrating, you bet. The fact that the Record appears to have
"jumped" on the bandwagon to showcase another local negative is
frustrating. Frustrating, because I have been in, and around, the
Riverton, Wyoming area several times, as well as Portland, Oregon and
Seattle, Washington. If, someone would ask me if I believe they have
problems with drugs in those communities. I would have to respond with a
resounding, YES, of course they do, as does every other community in the
The "film crew" mentioned in the article that they just finished
up a "fiction story" in Seattle Washington. Now, doesn't that make your
puppy wanna bite something? One things for certain. It isn't "fiction"
that Seattle has problems with drugs. Why then, wouldn't those three
young students have done their documentary right there in Seattle? I
suggest they preferred coming to "us" during their spring break, on a
lark. Do we have a problem? Of course we have a problem. I doubt very
seriously, that a 10 minute (approximately) film shown in Bozeman,
Montana will do much to solve "our" problem, nor theirs.
Of course that's "my" personal opinion.
The latest Grafton news on the bright side of things. It
appears that Grafton School Superintendent Dr. Paul Stremick is leaving
us for greener pastures, and more oil field money, in the Dickinson
school system. No, Paul leaving certainly isn't the bright part. The
fact that "our" school district was financially embarrassed when Paul
came to Grafton. And, in only a few short years, "our" school system can
once again afford to leave the porch light on, is a tribute to Paul's
capable direction.
Paul is a relatively short man in stature, though a first class
contender to be sure. He is a man of few words, though he demands
meaning from every one of them. He has even stopped by Granny's a time
or two and bought breakfast,... when he lost.
It will take a man with spirit and above average knowledge to
replace Paul Stremick. Although, his replacement will have the advantage
that Paul already has us going in the right direction.
I wish Dr. Paul Stremick the very best in his new venture and hope
he will check back once in awhile and make sure "our" GPS is still set
for the right direction.
Speaking of school stuff. Suzanne sent this note. >>> Hi Gary,
Just to let you know - the Class of "71" will also have a reunion during
the Summerfest. <<< I'm not sure, but I think the class of "71" was the
tame one,..wasn't it?
Speaking of "tame" classes and Summerfest. I received the
following update from John Tweten. He wrote. >>>
Subject: Summerfest
Hi Gary:
I'm sure you and all of your subscribers will be happy to know, Polly's
and the Extra End have planed another great parking lot dance. Thursday
and Friday June 22-23.
We have booked a great band called RIFT. They played for us
last year and a good time was had by all. They are out of Bismarck. In
fact Shaun Oban, the leader was born in Grafton.
The chamber has also booked the one and only Johnny Holmes again at the
Centennial Center for Saturday June 24.
Take Care
JT <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing John. Wouldn't it be
great if everyone that ever lived here came back for this years
Summerfest? We might have to put some cots in Mike DeSautels storage bin
in the old Robertson Lumber Yard.
The subscription department sent this note from Melanie.
Hello Gary,
I sure do enjoy reading the Gazette and I thank you for all the time you
spend putting it together. Would you please add a co-worker of mine to
your subscription list: Janet Wysocki.
Thank you and keep up the great work :)
<<< I am pleased to welcome Janet to the Gazette family tree. You might
notice Janet, once in a while I tend to express my opinion. I encourage
everyone to do the same. Often I find myself struggling between two
sides of an issue. Since my writing skills are minimal at best, I
generally only express one side. I encourage everyone to share their
thoughts and ideas as well.
If you just want to tell me where to go, or where I should stick
my opinion. AND, you don't want it in the Gazette. Simply say so and
I'll stick your message in the same place. If you want your opinion in
the Gazette without your name, I can do that, assuming of course, that I
don't end up in jail doing so.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me. P. S.
Does anyone remember the Scott-Urschel Sugar Beet Combine? More on
that tomorrow.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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