Friday, March 31, 2006

March 31, 2006 - Friday


03/31/06 FRIDAY grp 1 of 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Mother Nature. Mrs.
Nature decided our area could use a 24 hour rain event and pufff,... we
got one.
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was Ave.
Normal H/L temp for this date is 42/25
Bare ground is beginning to show up throughout the area.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff, mostly stuff.
Grafton's Granny's restaurant continues to add improvements. Monday
they added a neon "OPEN" sign to their front window. Thursday the
framing for glass partitions were installed and representatives from
Simonsons Lumber and Hardware showed up Thursday afternoon to take
measurements for the "glass" inserts in the partitions.
The new partitions will make it more difficult for those entering
Granny's to "snatch" food off the two booths by the door.
It's seems like more and more folks are talking about the LeClerc &
Schrank families and their need for our prayers and understanding. This
weeks Walsh County Record carried a super story, "A little man fights a
big battle", written by Sue Matcha. The picture of beautiful little
Maria and Ben Wharam centered in the article speaks volumes.
Howard Ray send the following note in regards to both upcoming benefit
activities. >>> Gary, just to let you know that we have tickets to both
benefits for sale at First United Bank if anyone in interested or/and
wants some. Even if you can't attend, it would good to support them in
their need. Thank you. Howard <<< Thanks a million Howard. The First
United organization is always quick to step up to the plate when folks
in the area need help.
Reports of ¾ of an inch or more rain the past twenty four hours seem
pretty common throughout the area. The weather service has issued flood
watches for several areas in the valley.
I mentioned the nice sign over the former Penney's building the other
day and that Ann McAnn's artwork was admirable to say the least. I
should have suggested taking a look at the giant Coke sign on the north
wall of Polly's at the same time. That too, I believe, is Ann's the
ANYWAY, even though I'm half French I didn't know that Cafe - Au -
Livre was. I do now though, because Wanda sent me the following
information. She wrote. >>>
Dear Gary,
The new sign you mentioned is in French. I have a houseguest from
France and she says:
Cafe - Au - Livre would translate from
French to Coffee with the Book
"Coffee and Books" translated to French would
be Café et Livres
'livre' is singular = one book.
The French translation of some words depends on what you are trying to
That's why French is so hard for Yankees to learn correctly she tells
I've had my French lesson for today
I enjoy your newsletter very much. Merci, Monsieur
Maggie in Los Angeles <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Wanda. Now all I have to do is figure out what "Merci, Monsieur" means.
And, will I have to take medication for it?
I received the following "quote", yesterday. Actually, it was at the
end of a much longer message. I though about not sending it, then I
thought about sending it. Then I wondered if it would offend anyone,
then I though it wouldn't, much anyway, and, then I couldn't
remember if I decided to send it or not, here it is. There is more
money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on
Alzheimer's research This means that by 2040, there should be a large
elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no
recollection of what to do with them. <<< Thanks a million for caring
and sharing Don, and I couldn't agree....more, I don't think.
The local political races haven't even started yet and already "some"
can be seen waving and smiling at folks they don't even know. I'm going
to try real hard not to get to involved in politics this political
season. Who knows, I may not even share an opinion,...or two. I was
pleased to hear from Margie, however, and will share her thoughts with
everyone. She wrote. >>>
Hi Gary,
Funny that I was just thinking about dropping Todd Burianek a note
this morning when opening your e-mail I see his name. I met Todd
through a mutual friend and had the pleasure of meeting him in person
little more than a year ago when I was out your way for the World Junior
Hockey Championship.
My knowledge of him makes me believe he'd make a great mayor for
Grafton. He's intelligent, has high moral standards and compassion
for others. I don't know the opposition so my comments
regarding Todd are just that, about Todd. I wish him the best of luck in
the mayoral race.
I don't care if you don't use my comments. You may not want your gazette
to become a political arena. I don't know all the facts anyway. What I
do know is that I like Todd and appreciate his communications with me.
Marjie <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Margie.
I am pleased to welcome Nicholas Osowski to the Gazette family. Nike
sticks his feet under a desk at Farm Credit, and, that qualifies him to
be considered one of the gainfully employed.
I am also pleased to welcome Tom & Deb Torkelson to "our" Gazette
Although the following message was not sent to me directly from Julie
or Chris Wharam. I am taking the liberty of sharing their information
with "our" group.
>>>> Here's the latest on Ben
Friends and Family,
We are back in Rochester...Maria is with Grandma and Grandpa LeClerc.
Today, Ben had a Hickman catheter placed. It is basically an IV line
that enters Ben's chest and feeds into the Superior vena cava (the big
vein just before the heart). The Hickman will be used to administer
chemotherapy, IV fluids, and blood draws. This catheter will stay in Ben
until he is done with chemo or until he pulls it out.
The excitement for the day was when Ben was in surgery having the
Hickman placed, an IV line in his right hand was dislodged from his vein
and pumped his hand and arm full of fluid. His hand was white and hard
to the touch. The fluid will be absorbed and all will be well...but it
just seems that if something can go wrong it does.
We are hoping tomorrow goes better, as it will be Ben's first day of
chemotherapy. He will receive two drugs. First a 1 hour infusion of
Carboplatin. Followed by a 2 hour infusion of Etoposide. Hopefully, all
goes well and the side effects are minimal. We will keep you posted.
Ben is doing great. As of the 27th, he is 7 months old. Today he weighed
21lb 2oz and was 27.25 inches.
They tell us that being a big, strong, and healthy guy will make the
chemo more tolerable.
Thanks again for all the support.
Chris and Julie <<< Little Ben and his older sister Marie Wharam and
beautiful Nessa Schrank, have not only entered the hearts of me and my
immediate family. They are in the prayers of the entire Gazette family.
I hope the Schrank and Wharam families will continue to keep us
informed of their progress.
The Gazette works best, when the folks the read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

March 30, 2006 - Thursday


03/30/06 THURSDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by A. E. Pagliarini's
first class in welding.
The current temperature is 41 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 46/32
Normal H/L temp for this date is 42/24
Near normal, to a little above average temperatures are forecast for
the next few days.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Most of the large snowbanks surrounding the entrances of area business
establishments are slowly turning into somewhat smaller piles of
cigarette butts. Some filters, some not.
The latest rumor suggests local residents may be participating in a
race this spring. It'll be a political race, not the NASCAR variety.
Yesterday, I heard that local attorney Todd Burianek will be throwing
his hat in Graftons next Mayoral race. He will be running against
current Mayor Fred Stark. It should make for an interesting race.
Todd is younger and looks to be in pretty good shape from hauling law
books to the courthouse. However, I think Fred has longer legs, and, he
has marched in Joe Birklands parade band. Making music with the best of
The local states attorney position will also host a race this year.
Incumbent Sharon Martens and Barbara Whelan will square off at the
starting gate for the race to the Walsh County Court House. I expect
both ladies will be able to submit numerous reasons they should be the
one parking in the Court House parking lot.
I also heard by way of Granny's Grape Vine that "Big Ern", Ernie Barta
is hoping he'll be running up and down the court house steps if he wins
his bid for county commissioner.
I wish all the candidates the very best, and, it should go without
saying, I hope the best person wins. Like always, However, it's not
whether you win or lose. It's how you play the game that counts. Often,
in politics, that means, he that slings the largest pile of bull dung
wins, and, the losers have to haul the dung out to the pasture.
Pagliarini's first Welding students were. Garfield Knutson, Reuben
Knutson, Norman Russum, Vernon Russum, W. O. Smith, Martin Odegaard,
Alex Feltman, Irvan Christianson, Edward Bolek, Alf Nygard and Erick
(Feb, 1, 1945 Walsh County Record)
Anyone that knows anything about hockey. Knows theres a million stories
connected with the sport. I am pleased that Dorothy Wentz was willing to
share one of hers. She wrote; >>> Hi Gary -- It's just a good thing you
were on the ball today cuz I was about to call you to see if you were
ailing or something as bad! I kept thinking if I would just have sent
the dumb stories I have had on my mind to send for weeks you might
have had a little "copy" for help with an edition! So, here goes
with a silly story -- Many years ago when our sons were playing with
the Grafton Pee Wee's hockey team, several car loads of parents
followed the team to Devils Lake. WE WON! As a result many
mothers ran out onto the ice to give the coach, Sonny Wentz (my husband,
by the way), a congratulatory kiss, or whatever you want to call it --
anyway, after several of those -- he seemed so pleased -- I figured I
might as well try too. Wrong! I kissed him in front of the whole
rink full and he sort of cringed and gave me kind of a "dirty" look and
said "For Pete's sake, Dorothy, in front of this whole crowd -- what
are you thinking, or are you?" I was thinking -- Millie, Leona,
Blanche, etc., why not me. Needless to say, it did NOT happen
Print it or not -- depending on how hard up you are for something
to say. I'm really happy that you didn't miss those days cuz you
weren't well. As many others state, you and your writings are enjoyed
by me and obviously by several hundreds more -- keep it up! <<< Thanks a
million Dorothy. I'm certain those folks that knew Sonny, can really
appreciate your story.
And, your note adds credit to the final statement of "almost" every
"The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it."
The next note is one of the shortest yet.
"When is the new coffee shop opening?"
I can only assume it relates to the one in the former Penny's building.
I might add that Ann McAnn's artistry in the new sign above the store is
another beautiful addition to Grafton's main street.
The sign, across the entire store front, reads Cafe - Au - Livre. I'm
not sure what language it is, however it means coffee and books.
ANYWAY, I haven't heard when the coffee will be hot, I expect someone
will tell us when they think it's time for us to know. Right Allen?
The subscription department was busy again today. The first note was
from Marian Hajicek. She wrote; >>>
Dear Gary, I am really enjoying your little news items each day.
Keep up the good work. I have 2 of my sons and their family that want
to become one of us on your list. John and Gary. Yesterday
was my 75th. birthday and I spent it with a big part of my family and
had such a good time reminiscing about the good old days when we lived
on the farm. We all enjoyed talking about way back when. It also
was one of the nicest days for weather that I can remember for many
years. Usually it stormed, like March going out like a lion. Take
care Gary, and keep us all entertained with your column. Thanks
loads. <<< Thank you Marian for caring and sharing. And, welcome to the
Gazette family John and Gary.
Mert sent the next request. >>> Thanks for all the news, do appreciate
all the work you do in getting this news letter out. I have been
printing your letters for Jeannie and Albert (they don't seem to want a
computer, or, need one) Anyway, Val and Brian would enjoy being
added to your long list. Val is Jeannie and Albert's daughter.
Thanks and take care.
Love, Mert <<< Thank you Mert. This will be Val and Brians "first
edition". I sure hope they will be able to tolerate all the babble. Say
hi to Jerry and all the current and former Rocky Point residents for us.
I would like to thank Harlen and Ann Thompson, Jim Rystedt, and June
Erlendson for becoming supporting members of this years American Legion
Baseball program buy purchasing $20 calendar draw tickets.
We have lots of kids that love to play and I still have lots of tickets
to sell. 23 weekday draws of $50 each and 4 Saturday draws of $100 each.
Of course everyone can't win, especially those that don't buy tickets.
Please don't forget the Nessa Schrank, Ben & Maria LeClerc benefits
coming up soon. Checks should be made out to Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans --- c/o of the benefit of your choice. They can be mailed to
Thrivent Financial, 819 Hill Avenue, Grafton ND 58237. Or, if you
prefer to The Wharam or Leclerc Benefit, Care of Gary Moe, 764 Birch
Court, Grafton ND 58237. and I will see that the money gets in the
proper hands.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 29, 2006 - Wednesday


03/29/06 WEDNESDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by the Grafton Cab
Company. Transportation problems readily solved.
The current temperature is 35 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 42/28
Normal H/L temp for this date is 40/23
With the warm weather the past few days summer is almost a certainty.
When, of course, is still up in the air.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Please remember Ben & Maria Wharam.
Grafton Municipal Utility crews have been out in full force sweeping
streets, levelling alleys and even filling potholes.
There is still snow piles throughout the community but another couple
days of sunshine and most of our snow will be heading for Hudson Bay.
Please remember Nessa Schrank
Still no definite word on the Pizza Hut opening. Construction crew
vehicles are starting to bunch up at the door, if that means anything.
Ben, --- Maria, --- Nessa
If Steve Arnesen wins another Firefighters calendar draw. They may
have to hold this years Firemens Ball at Rocky Point Lodge.
Julie (LaClerc) & Chris Wharam
Negative comments about Marvins $500,000 contribution to Grafton's
future brought the following response. >>>
When I read the grumblings of the citizenry regarding the gift from
Marvin's for community development, I thought of my mother's saying, "He
would complain if he were hung with a new rope." Some people are bound
and determined to look for the cloud wrapped around the silver lining. I
say bravo for Marvin's. <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing. I
too say BRAVO for Marvin's
Sandy & Keith Schrank
I apologize for not sharing the following message from Marty Riske
sooner. I received it on Wednesday, March 22. I am pleased to hear he's
doing so well. >>>
Subject: On the road to recovery......
Thank you for all the messages of good tidings, best wishes,
prayers and greetings of good will. They all helped. This surgery
packed quite a wallop. It'll be a week tomorrow since, and I'm still
pretty much concerned with comfort vs: discomfort, and that's about
it. I have only had the energy to call immediate family so far, and
even in that case, not every day. Most of the time I am sleeping with
intervals of a movie here and there and three squares. Overall I am
doing very well and every day I have significant progress.
Anne has been Heaven sent during this recovery period. She
is intuitive, sensitive, bright and lovingly careful.
The surgical team at Mayo emphatically stated that all cancerous
material was removed along with the prostate, so there will be no need
for follow up of any kind. That is One Big Yippee!! Once I get rid
of this catheter, which will be a week from this this Friday, I will be
in La La Land.
Wishing you all Good Health..........Marty
"After each war there is a little less democracy to save."
– Brooks Atkinson <<< Thanks a million for the update Marty. I'm
thinking it's about time for another one. Maybe you'd even be willing to
"remember" the boys playing baseball, AND, the two very worthwhile
benefits at the same time. It's just a thought, and, It's the thought
that counts. Or so it seems to me.
Both benefit dinners at Marketplace on 8.
Norman Russum celebrated the 84 anniversary of his birth on Tuesday. I
can't be certain although I'm guessing the last thing he thought about
Monday night, and the first thing he thought about Tuesday morning,...
was fishing. Right Norm?
Happy Birthday Norman. We'll celebrate your birthday this summer in the
Rock Harbor Lodge at Rocky Point,.... after we catch a limit of fish.
American Legion Baseball Program.
Speaking of The Grafton High School / American Legion Baseball
Program, AND, the two upcoming benefits. I received the following note
from Vic and Dorothy Johnson. >>> Hi Gary and family: We are still
enjoying our winter in Az. We will be staying here until the last part
of April. This morning we are getting a few sprinkles, any rain is
good. We are sending you a check for two Legion Baseball tickets one
for Vic and one for Dorothy. We are also enclosing two checks for the
benefits one for Nessa Schrank and one for Ben Wharam.
See you at Granny's when we get home. Keep up the good work. Vic
and Dorothy Johnson <<< Thanks a million Vic and Dorothy for caring and
sharing. We will all be eternally grateful for your generosity.
Dianne sent the next note along with the latest Mount St. Helens report
from her uncle Johnny. >>> Hi Gary here is the latest update from my
Uncle Johnny on Mt. ST. Helens, I just wanted you share this with as
many people that are interested in what is happening and he is the right
person to get it from. I also want to wish my Uncle a VERY Happy
Birthday today. Dianne Molde Urbauer <<<
>>> From: "John Burns"
Subject: Mount St. Helens.
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006.
There are changes occurring on Mount St. Helens. The upheaval of the
has slowed considerably. About a cubic yard per second as compared to up
10 cubic yards per second. Since September 23, 2004 on the average a bit
more than 2 cubic yards per second has been produced. Multiply that by
46,483,200 seconds and you will get an estimate of the volume of magma
has pushed up.
Geologists are quick to suggest that the end of the eruption could be
in sight. I will wait and see what occurs.
On the east flank of the mountain
is a deep V shaped depression. At the apex is a V notch on the rim and
it is
more than 250 feet lower than the rest of the mountain rim. The dome has
a 280
feet to rise and then the viewers on the east side from advantage points
will be able to see the top of the dome. This V shaped depression was a
glacier called "Shoestring". When the mountain exploded on May 18, 1980,
glacier slid off to the east causing a "Lahar", which is rock, boulders
gravel, huge chunks of ice, and water all in motion that levelled a
forest and
everything in its path and ended up in a large river that stopped its
But thats another catastrophic event. The lahar site is a visitors
center today.
For thoughts of you contemplating a vacation, this summer should be
interesting and a good time to see the mountain. A day on the north side
would be pretty much spent. The observation site is just over 50 miles
from Kelso. A day on the south side is just over 70 miles to the "Lahar"
My best wishes, Uncle Johnny. <<< Thanks a million for the wonderful
update Uncle Johnny and we too want to wish you a very happy birthday. I
hope you have plenty of room. Just in case everyone that reads this,
decides to come out and visit.
Speaking of birthdays. Our Grandson Josh Moe celebrated the anniversary
of his birth yesterday. With everything that was,.. and wasn't, going on
yesterday. I didn't get a chance to extend Josh a "proper" Birthday
wish. Oh, we did wish him Happy Birthday over the local radio station,
but somehow I always feel it means just a little more when it's done in
print. I'll bet the folks down at the Record will even agree with that.
Happy Birthday Josh, on your 23. We love you very much, your Gram and
I am pleased to add Vic and Dorothy Johnsons names along with Dr
Harold Blanchard and Hod Hutson on the Gazette family list of Grafton
Legion Baseball supporters.
Legion Baseball Calendar draw tickets.
Drawings to be held in May. 23 weekday draws for $50 each. 4 Saturday
draws for $100 each. Maybe some would like to purchase a ticket in
memory of someone.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

March 27, 2006 - Monday


03/27/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by C. A. Stark.
Radiator and Lawn Mower Repairs. Grafton, ND.
The current temperature is 33 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 38/28
Normal H/L temp for this date is 40/22
It looks like we "might" expect high temperatures to be in the
upper 30's, or more, by the end of the week.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
To all of you that noticed the Gazette has been "missing"
since the 21st. Please accept my most sincere apology. Tuesday morning I
received a "note" that literally knocked my socks off. The Readers
Digest Version..... The perception was, that a high school boy from
another town claimed he had done something exceptionally stupid to a
group of ladies from that same town, while he was working in a Grafton
restaurant. (he no longer works in the restaurant).
Unfortunately, that vicious rumor spread across the country
faster than a baby on prune juice could fill a diaper.
It is my understanding that the people involved have discussed
that issue, and, all of the people involved have come to a resolve. It
is also my understanding that the manager of the Grafton Chamber of
Commerce has expressed "our" most sincere apologies, and that those
involved have been issued local gift certificates as a token of "our"
appreciation for their patronage and future considerations. I hope
everyone, will in time, return to a more cordial relationship.
THEN, at almost the same time. Word was released that Marvins
Windows would be "investing" $500,000 in "our" future in the form of
housing credits for new or relocated homes in Grafton.
I thought, then, and I still do, that was a fantastic gesture on
behalf of Marvins, and it will almost certainly have a very positive
impact on "our" community.
Unfortunately, almost immediately, I started hearing people
"complain" that it would be detrimental to the housing market in
Grafton. There's to many houses for sale in town already. I heard. Why
can't they by the houses that are already for sale in town? I heard. How
will that help when we already can't sell our house for the appraised
value? I heard.
I'm not absolutely certain, but I think somewhere about here, is
when I started letting my depression and suppression relief valves
switch places. Actually,... I don't think it was right then either.
It may have been when I picked up 40 tickets for this years High
School/American Legion Baseball Calendar draw. The drawings will be in
May. With 23 daily draws for $50 and four Saturday draws for $100. Send
me $20, I'll put your name on a ticket and get it in the drawing. If you
like, I'll even send the receipt to you by return mail.That's the easy
part. The part I struggled with is remembering that just a few short
years ago the Grafton Legionaires had enough members, and, the Legion
club was vibrant enough to literally assume almost complete sponsorship
of that program.
That to, isn't as bad as remembering the 10's of thousands of
Veterans that have given their lives, so those that survived could help
the ball team.
Then, just as I was about to pound out last Wednesdays
Gazette, I looked up and there,.... staring me straight in the eye was
two pictures I won't soon forget.
One of the pictures was Julie (LeClerc) & Chris Wharam and their
two fabulous children Ben (7 mo.) and Maria (almost 3 yrs) Maria was
diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis in January 2005. Ben was diagnosed with
Neuroblastoma Cancer in March of this year.
Ben and Maria's grandparents, Kim & Dennis LeClerc, of Grafton and
Vernie & Glenn Wharam of Park River are giving their little angels all
the prayers, help and support they can. However, it would be fantastic
if others could do the same.
The other picture is of a beautiful 20 year old girl who's
name is Nessa Schrank. She is the daughter of Keith & Sandy Schrank.
Nessa is hospitalized recovering from a brain aneurism due to a brain
development called moya-moya. Nessa will need to undergo several
surgeries to correct this condition.
NOW THEN, along with numrous others, Susan Corneillie and
her staff at Marketplace on 8th will play host to the fund raising
events for both the Wharam and Schrank families.
Turkey & Buffalo Meatballs with all the fixings will be served at
the Wharam benefit Thursday, April 6 from 4:00 to 8:30 at Marketplace on
8th in Grafton.
A Bar-B-Que Pork Dinner with all the trimmings will be served at
Nessa's. Sunday, April 9th from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm at Marketplace on
Checks and donations for both families should be made out to
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, and sent to 819 Hill Ave Grafton, ND
Please identify which fund you would like to support, ie, c/o
Nessa Schrank Fund or c/o Ben Wharam Fund.
Meal tickets for both events can be obtained at the door for $10
each. As I look at both of these families I can't keep from thinking.
are many out there with few, if any, problems. There are also many out
there that will leave this world wealthy and never truely know where
their money will go. Nessa, Maria and little Ben would be a fantastic
destination for some of it.
Or so it seems to me.
The Gazette subscription department was busy this week.
Please help welcome Susan (Pickett) Torgrude, Tami Egeland, Lisa Votava,
Christopher Larson, Everett Aasand, Ray & Marcy Gourde and Heather
Votava to the Gazette family tree. I hope I have entered the correct
addresses for everyone. I would appreciate it if everyone would let me
know that for certain.
This weeks Grafton area Firefighters annual calendar draw winners
are: 3/27/2006 Jeanette Gemmill $20.00
3/28/2006 Katie Grzadzielewski $20.00
3/29/2006 Memorial for Russ Restemayer to Grafton Volunteer Fire
Department courtesy of Allan Szklarski $20.00
3/30/2006 Dwight Rost $20.00
3/31/2006 Pat Dusek * $20.00
4/1/2006 Gil Herbel $20.00
4/2/2006 Steve Arnesen * $20.00
Congratulation to this weeks winners.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me. P.S.
If you would prefer to send your "help" in care of the Gazette.
Please clearly identify which benefit you're supporting in your
correspondence. The Gazette address is; Gary Moe, 764 Birch Court,
Grafton, North Dakota 58237

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

March 21, 2006 - Tuesday


03/21/06 TUESDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Pickett's Meat
"Courtesy Is Part of Our Service"
C. D. Pickett --- and --- H. M. Pickett, Sr.
Phones 552 -------- Grafton, N. D.
The current temperature is 7 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 26/2
Normal H/L temp on this date is 37/19
Yesterday may well have been the first day of spring.
Unfortunately, It certainly was not the last day of winter.
--- Please remember Nessa Schrank ---
I think Nessa Schrank's story would be a great one for Rona
Johnson to champion.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Mondays are almost always slow news days. Rumor has it, the
"civil disturbance" over at Ekatta's,.. Grafton's New Entertainment
Complex has been resolved. Although It has been reported that Allen
Taylor suffered a heart attack late last week also. No word, yet, on the
actual cause or how serious. Reliable sources have said he (Allen) is
resting at home. The Taylors have changed the face of "our" community.
Their health and well being is a concern of everyone.
---- CORRECTION ----
I forgot to put the "h" in Thrivent Financial in yesterdays
Gazette. For that I am very sorry. I hope the "h" stands for help and
that everyone will. "Don't just give til it hurts. Give til it helps."
Becky & (Dean) Mathiason won the Harley at the hockey raffle.
Marlene Neimann took home the Artic Cat ATV and Frank Vavrowski won the
Riding mower. Ray Charlton Jr. will be able to rototil the flower beds
around the Motel with his new rear tine tiller. Loretta Moe will
probably be out mowing all the lawns in the neighborhood with her brand
new self propelled lawn mower.
I'm already happy I didn't win the Harley. By now, I'd probably
already have piled it up in a snowbank anyway.
Yesterday was a very special day, for a very special person. It
was the day Mildred (Mrs. Bennie) Molde celebrated the anniversary of
her birth. Dianne sent the following message. >>>
Subject: Good Morning Gary and Pat.
I just wanted to send a little note to tell you that today
is our mothers Birthday and I wish I was there to help her celebrate but
I am sure that she will have a lot of family helping her. I want to wish
My MOM a Very Happy Birthday. I wish she was out here cause we are
having 60 degree weather and I have to mow the lawn and start working
on our garden. More rain on the way.
Gary I really enjoy you news letter and keep them going
cause this is the way I start off my days is by reading your news.
Thanks again Gary and Pat your the greatest.. Dianne Molde Urbauer <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Dianne. The Molde's are a
pretty special family and will always hold a special spot in the entire
Moe gene pool. Mildred is a very special lady, the Matriarch of the
Molde dynasty. Happy Birthday Mildred, we love you. from the entire Moe
It seems California's Knotts Berry Farm is going to continue to
bring up questions. And, that's a good thing. Bert wrote; >>>
Subject: Knotts Berry Farm
Hi Gary, there was a serious personal connection to Grafton
and someone at the Knotts Berry Farm. When we went to the 49/50
Rosebowl the entire Grafton Parade Band was invited for a private
luncheon there. And to top it off we were entertained by a famous actor
of the time --"Leo Carrilio"-- He was the sidekick to William Boyd,
"Hopalong Cassidy". Some of you may remember his opening statement done
with a Mexican Broug. "A kid just walked up to me on the way in and said
'I know your face senior but I don't know where to put it". Brings back
a memory or two? Bert Overland <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Bert. I did ask Fred Stark about that
luncheon and he thought it may have been the outfit that arraigned the
band tour in the first place. As a matter of fact, I think he even told
me the name, but I forgot it, between Granny's and home. It is a two
block drive you know.
Gosh I sure hope uncle Norman isn't eating to many chocolate chip
cookies or brownies.
What a difference a billion makes. Or, maybe it would be better
said. What difference does a billion make?
The next time you hear a politician use the word
"billion" in a casual manner, think about whether you want "politicians"
spending your tax money.
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising
agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in
one of its
a.. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
b.. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. c.. A billion hours
ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. d.. A billion days
ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet. e.. A billion dollars ago
was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending
While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at
Orleans- It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division
Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking the
for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans. Interesting number,.. what does
it mean?
Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man,
woman, child), you each get $516, 528.
Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans, your home
$1, 329,787
Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012.
Washington, D.C.!!!..........................Are all your calculators
Please make checks for Nessa's benefit payable to Thrivent
Financial. $10 is fine, $100 would be better and $1000 would be
fantastic. I doubt you can buy your way to heaven. A donation to Nessa's
fund raiser just might grab the Lords attention though.
I am pleased to announce another branch to the Gazette family
tree. Polly Lamoureux wrote: >>> Hi, I just got an email from my good
friend Dan Crookston, we lived in Grafton for 18 years and moved to Lake
Metigoshe about a year ago. I would like to get your newsletter, Dan
keeps talking about how great it is. We still keep in touch with a lot
of our friends there and are interested in what is happening in Grafton.
Thanks Polly <<< Thank you Polly. I hope you will find the Gazette, at
least, worth the price of the subscription. Please remember,I have to
"get news" to "give news". That's true, I might add, with the Walsh
County Record and Grand Forks Herald as well.
This weeks Grafton area Firefighters Calendar Draw winners.
3/20/2006 Mike Faller $20.00 3/21/2006 Joe
Olson $20.00 3/22/2006 Wade Haugen
3/23/2006 Ralph Kieley $20.00
3/24/2006 Judy Suda $20.00
3/25/2006 Larry Fisher $20.00
3/26/2006 Jeanette Gemmill $20.00
Congratulations to all of this weeks lucky winners. If your have
trouble deciding what to do with the check. You might remember Nessa
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Monday, March 20, 2006

March 20, 2006 - Monday


03/20/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Horter
Implement Co. Grafton North Dakota. Phone 223
The current temperature is 5 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 24/5
Normal H/ L temp for this date is 36/19 Most of the lawns in town
are still covered with lots of snow. This week should help get rid of
most of it. I hope.
"profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The annual Grafton area youth hockey banquet and raffle was a huge
Not only were all the raffle tickets sold, but it appeared as
though a significant number of ticket holders turned out at Marketplace
Saturday night for the festivities.
As usual Susie and her staff at Marketplace on 8th did a fabulous
job of hosting the banquet. Everyone I talked to said the food and
service was nothing short of fantastic.
Now that this years "hockey" festivties are over. It's time to
start thinking about next year. I was pleased to share a table with
Yvette, & Jeff, John Corneillie and Steve Larson during this years
event. That, and several things during the evening provided me "food for
Hence, later that night, as I was doing some research in the
Gazette library. I got to thinking. Next year, the youth hockey board
might consider drafting the talents of someone like Steve Larson, for a
multitude of reasons. First, he would make a fantastic MC. Second he has
access to, and knowledge of, a variety of local entertaiment. "Our"
community offers a tremendous selection of entertainers that can perform
as proffesionally as any we might find anywhere in the country. Then
too, a short presentation of where the youth program was, where it is,
and where it's going would generate addition interest for the program.
It may even be able possible to talk Dan Burianek out of
retirement to play a set or two. Last years, area youth hockey, event
was a big success. This years event was significantly better. Next
years, will be even better. Or so it seems to me.
The Gazette mailbag received many notes about the Bozeman drug
documentary in last weeks Record. None I should add, were very favorable
toward the Records "spin" on the subject. I think everyone would agree
that drug abuse is an extremely serious issue, and, that Grafton, like
every community in the country must increase it's vigilance if there is
to be any hope to control it.
The first step in dealing with a problem is realizing there is one
to start with. The Record's article certainly went a long way towards
letting people know there is a problem. For that we might be thankful.
The old saying, "It's not so much what you say, but how you say it." I
think, could certainly apply in this case.
Anyway, Wendy shared the following thoughts. >>> Dad, I would have
to agree and infact put your comments in BOLD. I too believe that some
are so ignorant that they dont see the negative publicity they bring to
thier very business steps. I often wonder why not just cut the ropes
themselves. THEN I stopped to breathe. I guess everyone who is honest
with themselves would know that the drug problem exists EVERYWHERE. But
it is easier to point out someone else's problems then your own. NOW,
why our paper would see the benefit to our community by not only
assisting to POINT OUT our faults but by putting it right up there for
(as you would say) God and everyone to see that WE ARE THE WORST AROUND
is beyond me....PERHAPS their next story could be that of GRAFTON HAS
THE GREATEST.....and people from Florida are here doing a 20 minute film
on it. Ok I will get off your soap box now.. <<< Thanks for caring and
sharing Wendy.
The next one lends credence to the fact that "we" certainly do
have local issue's, and of the need to step up "our" battle in the war
on drugs. >>> Hey, finished reading the Gazette and I'll just say that
Grafton had the reputation of a "druggie town" when I was in high
school. I think if you look back in history there have been quite a few
"big?" drug busts over the years in your fair city. I think it's
possible and highly likely that could be connected with the high
population of migratory residents in the area.
Grafton is, and has been, a hub for drug distribution in the NE
part of the state. Maybe area farmers could get blamed for this because
they quit using migrant labor in the fields and they had to expand to
other areas of income? If the truth were known, those involved probably
used to supplement their "income" with illegal drugs all along. But it
isn't only Grafton, all towns have a drug problem. We have our share of
it in our town also. When 50% of the population of the state prison is
incarcerated because of drug arrests, it seems apparent what we're doing
isn't working. To throw someone in jail because they are caught with
drugs, then let them out to repeat the above doesn't seem to make much
sense. I'm not sure marijuana shouldn't be made legal. If someone wants
to grow it and smoke it in the privacy of their own home, why should
that be any business of the government? It would certainly take the
money out of the equation and eliminate the large profits that encourage
gangs and other criminals from being in the business. Education would go
a lot further than incarceration in my humble opinion. <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing. It seems to me marijuana has
taken a backseat to the seriousness of all the other "hard" drugs
available in todays "mind munching market".
It happens often to me, I'm pleased to see I'm not the only one
that writes something one day, then rewrites it the next. "To error
making effort, is not a sin. Sin, is in not making effort".
Anyway, Agnes sent the following. >>> Well Gary, I was at
a reunion, of sorts last night with friends and relatives and I think I
got the answer to Knotts berry farm. It wasn't that, at all. It was
Camelback Inn that was started by Graftonites, and, we thought it was
Jack Stewart that started it. Rodney Glennon was at the party and he
remembered it. We did a lot of reminiscing last night as we lived about
a block apart on Prospect years ago and the kids were about the same
age. I visited with neices and nephews, family, friends, and a good time
was had by all. Everyone says hi, take care. <<< Thanks a million Agnes,
for caring and sharing. And,.... for getting Knotts berries in the right
Speaking of Knotts Berry Farm. Keith added the following
information to our knowledge base. >>> Gary,
WIth regards to "Agnes" question about the origin of Knotts
Berry Farm
I live about 7 miles from there, and have been an avid fan since the
It was started by Walter and Cordelia Knott, school mates who
attended Pomona H.S.. He was born & raised in California and she was
born in Bushton, Illinois and moved to California with her parents. The
only Grafton connection I can recall is when Ed Granum drove one of
their famous and now non-existant cable cars. My parents used to
spend several weeks out here every Christmas and this was one of their
favorite spots to visit. I hope this helps answer Agnes' question. -
Keith Mohagen <<< Thanks a million Keith. As you can see from her latest
note. We are all well on the way to a better understanding.
Actually, we received two notes from Agnes over the weekend. The
second one was addressed to the subscription dept.
She wrote: Subject: another reader.
Gary and Judy Smith would like to recieve the Gazette and I told
them I'd send her email to you. Please put them on your list. Thanks a
million Agnes and welcome Judy & Gary to the Gazette family tree. It
would be helpful for me to know I have you address correct. Please let
me know if you do.
The following request from LeAnn is helping "our" Gazette
family tree turn into a forest. LeAnn wrote;
I would like to be added to your email list for the Shivercity Gazette.
Thank you, LeAnn Thorvilson,
Fargo, ND
Grafton Class of 1990 <<< Thanks a million LeAnn and welcome to the
dribble I call babble in the Gazette. Should you, or anyone, find the
Gazette is wasting more time than you would like. Please let me know and
"pufff" you can be unsubscribed.
Please remember the benefit Bar-B-Que Pork Dinner for Nessa
Schrank this April 9 at Marketplace on 8th. For additional information,
call Rose or Howard Wendelbo at 701-352-3496. Already several have
indicated they will be "coming home" for the event. Please make checks
payable to Trivent Financial as that organization, (Trivent Financial
for Lutherans) will also be providing additional funds for Nessa's
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

March 18, 2006 - Saturday


03/18/06 SATURDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Campbell Tire
Supply. Our U. S. Tire Distributor. Harold Campbell, Proprietor. (July
13, 1953 WCR)
The current temperature is 22 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 27/-7
Normal H/L temp for this date is 35/18
This will be the last winter weekend before spring. Monday
will be the first day of spring. Weather authorities have not decided
what day we will have summer on,... yet.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Workers are installing the last of the new replacement windows on
the south side of Ekatta's second floor. That part is fact.
Rumor has it Friday there was a note on the door of Ekatta's
saying, something about being closed til they find a compass that can
tell them what direction their going. Someone else mentioned that Al and
Susan were thinking of eating breakfast in different kitchens for
awhile. Then again, know how rumors are in a small town. It could
be that the water closet was just plugged and they couldn't open til
Mickey poked the plug out.
John Tweten wanted to add the following to his note from
yesterday. >>> Hey Gary
I forgot to mention. The Rift band will be playing at Polly's Cantina
and Half Day Spa March 24-25 for the mixed curling bonspiel. JT <<<
There you go John. Don't worry about forgetting things. We all suffer
from a touch of "old timers" disease.
Agnes sent us the following note. >>> Being it is
spring break here in Az. my granddaughter and her family were on their
way to Knottsberry Farm. I told them that it was started by a family
from Grafton but I couldn't remember the family name. Maybe your readers
would tell us the name. I don't think that name is around Grafton any
more. It was a small business years ago but is a big tourist attraction
now. Keep up the good work. Agnes <<< Thanks a million Agnes,
for caring and sharing.
I have been to Knottsberry Farm, although I never knew who started
it, and I certainly never knew they came from Grafton. I would really be
fun if someone knows the answer.
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- PLEASE...
give the following message your every possible consideration.
There will be a benefit for Nessa Schrank April 9, 2006 between the
hours of 10:30 am & 4:00 pm at Marketplace on 8th.
Tickets for the event will be $10 a plate. A Barbecue Pork Dinner
will be served.
Proceeds from this event will go to help defray some of Nessa's
medical expenses.
Beautiful 20 year old Nessa Schrank was stricken with a disease
called Moya Moya a couple of weeks ago. The disease could require
several months of hospitalization, and several surgeries.
Rose and Howard Wendelbo, with Susie Corneillie and the
Marketplace on 8th are instrumental in organizing the event for Nessa.
I hope everyone that is able to attend will do so. I also hope
those of you that can't attend, might find to in your heart to help out
as best you can.
Please make checks payable to Trivent Financial. Supplemental
funds will also be provided by Trivent Financial for Lutherans.
Checks can be mailed to the Wendelbo residence at 1485 Griggs
Avenue, Grafton ND 58237 OR, if they should end up in the Gazette
office, we will make certain they get to the proper place, with the
proper recognition.
April 9th is also my birthday. One of the best birthday presents I
could ever hope for would be a gigantic turnout for Nessa's benefit.
I have received a couple interesting comments about last weeks
mention of "our" drug issues in the Record and the Gazette. I will share
them in Mondays Gazette.
Tonight I will be attending the annual "hockey" function at
Marketplace on 8th. I expect there will be more people there than you
can shake a stick at, (pardon the pun) and that will be a good thing.
Another good thing, as I see it, is that we have a place like the
Marketplace on 8th to hold functions like the "hockey" banquet as well
as benefit functions like those for Nessa Schrank.
Speaking of small towns. As I'm writing this, I am watching three
wild turkeys walk across our back yard. Even so, I may have missed them
except three neighbors called to tell us they were there.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write
it. Or so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Friday, March 17, 2006

March 17, 2006 - Friday


03/17/06 FRIDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by The New
Scott-Urshel, Sugar Beet Combine.
The current temperature is 1 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 19/0
Normal H/L temp for this date is 34/18
The way the forecast looks for the next week or more. You
snowbirds might as well unpack and stay where you are for a little while
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
I found the headline and article in this weeks Record extremely
disturbing and frustrating. Disturbing, because I too believe "we" have
a drug problem in Grafton. I believe every town in the United States has
a drug problem. A person would have to be crazy, not to think thats
disturbing. I think, that three college students would "assume" that
"our" drug problems are worse than those in Seattle, Wash,. Portland
Oregon, or Riverton Wyo., (their home towns) is exceptionally
disturbing. Personally, I think that the author of todays Record article
didn't challenge those concerns is even more disturbing to me. Of course
we have a drug problem in Grafton, every town, has a drug problem. If
the trueth be known, I'd venture a guess that the Montana State
University in Bozeman (their University) also has concerns and issues
with drugs on occasion.
So,... since the Record chose to print the following quote, "It
seems like Grafton has had a history of drug abuse going back many
years," I challenge the Record to qualify that statement. As a matter of
fact, I believe the entire community is entitled to a full and complete
explanation as to why the Record would allow an article so slanted, one
that leaves the reader to believe Grafton's drug problem is so much
greater than anywhere else in the United States that a "film crew"
should come to "our" town to document it.
Disturbing, because the approximately 10 minute long "film", the
article relates to will be "entered" in a Bozeman community arts and
movie event. Disturbing, you bet. The fact that drugs and are a problem
in "our" community, or any community, is extremely disturbing.
Frustrating, you bet. The fact that the Record appears to have
"jumped" on the bandwagon to showcase another local negative is
frustrating. Frustrating, because I have been in, and around, the
Riverton, Wyoming area several times, as well as Portland, Oregon and
Seattle, Washington. If, someone would ask me if I believe they have
problems with drugs in those communities. I would have to respond with a
resounding, YES, of course they do, as does every other community in the
The "film crew" mentioned in the article that they just finished
up a "fiction story" in Seattle Washington. Now, doesn't that make your
puppy wanna bite something? One things for certain. It isn't "fiction"
that Seattle has problems with drugs. Why then, wouldn't those three
young students have done their documentary right there in Seattle? I
suggest they preferred coming to "us" during their spring break, on a
lark. Do we have a problem? Of course we have a problem. I doubt very
seriously, that a 10 minute (approximately) film shown in Bozeman,
Montana will do much to solve "our" problem, nor theirs.
Of course that's "my" personal opinion.
The latest Grafton news on the bright side of things. It
appears that Grafton School Superintendent Dr. Paul Stremick is leaving
us for greener pastures, and more oil field money, in the Dickinson
school system. No, Paul leaving certainly isn't the bright part. The
fact that "our" school district was financially embarrassed when Paul
came to Grafton. And, in only a few short years, "our" school system can
once again afford to leave the porch light on, is a tribute to Paul's
capable direction.
Paul is a relatively short man in stature, though a first class
contender to be sure. He is a man of few words, though he demands
meaning from every one of them. He has even stopped by Granny's a time
or two and bought breakfast,... when he lost.
It will take a man with spirit and above average knowledge to
replace Paul Stremick. Although, his replacement will have the advantage
that Paul already has us going in the right direction.
I wish Dr. Paul Stremick the very best in his new venture and hope
he will check back once in awhile and make sure "our" GPS is still set
for the right direction.
Speaking of school stuff. Suzanne sent this note. >>> Hi Gary,
Just to let you know - the Class of "71" will also have a reunion during
the Summerfest. <<< I'm not sure, but I think the class of "71" was the
tame one,..wasn't it?
Speaking of "tame" classes and Summerfest. I received the
following update from John Tweten. He wrote. >>>
Subject: Summerfest
Hi Gary:
I'm sure you and all of your subscribers will be happy to know, Polly's
and the Extra End have planed another great parking lot dance. Thursday
and Friday June 22-23.
We have booked a great band called RIFT. They played for us
last year and a good time was had by all. They are out of Bismarck. In
fact Shaun Oban, the leader was born in Grafton.
The chamber has also booked the one and only Johnny Holmes again at the
Centennial Center for Saturday June 24.
Take Care
JT <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing John. Wouldn't it be
great if everyone that ever lived here came back for this years
Summerfest? We might have to put some cots in Mike DeSautels storage bin
in the old Robertson Lumber Yard.
The subscription department sent this note from Melanie.
Hello Gary,
I sure do enjoy reading the Gazette and I thank you for all the time you
spend putting it together. Would you please add a co-worker of mine to
your subscription list: Janet Wysocki.
Thank you and keep up the great work :)
<<< I am pleased to welcome Janet to the Gazette family tree. You might
notice Janet, once in a while I tend to express my opinion. I encourage
everyone to do the same. Often I find myself struggling between two
sides of an issue. Since my writing skills are minimal at best, I
generally only express one side. I encourage everyone to share their
thoughts and ideas as well.
If you just want to tell me where to go, or where I should stick
my opinion. AND, you don't want it in the Gazette. Simply say so and
I'll stick your message in the same place. If you want your opinion in
the Gazette without your name, I can do that, assuming of course, that I
don't end up in jail doing so.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me. P. S.
Does anyone remember the Scott-Urschel Sugar Beet Combine? More on
that tomorrow.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

March 16, 2006 - Thursday


03/16/06 THURSDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by City Club
The current temperature is 3 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 17/-7
Normal H/L temp for this date is 34/17
Some snowbirds may notice "our" normal "H" temperature for this
date is already above freezing. It's not time for them to return yet,
but it won't be long.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
As I was in the library "searching" for a sponsor for the days
Gazette in an early edition of the Walsh County Record. I noticed the
list of top bowlers for the week, in the January 1955 edition.
The ladies leading average list included my mother. I remember
well, mom leaving home for bowling with what I thought was a god-awful
looking yellow and brown silk bowling shirt with City Club beer
embroidered across the back of it.
Mom's average for that week was 133. That same week Marian
Matheson (City Club) averaged 138, Winnie Burns (Legion Club) averaged
132 and June Capouch (Savard's) recorded 131 for the week. (what is
Savard's anyway?)
Anyway, while I was reminiscing about "The Hole" (bowling alley)
and it's proximity to the Basell Bar. I remembered I had written
something about beer a year or two earlier, so I went back and sure
enough, I did on Feb 24, 2003.
Here it is,...again.
Subject: Excuse to drink
Some folks spend a life time looking for THE REASON they drink.
NOW, you have it,.... right here in Shivercity.
In one episode of 'Cheers', Cliff is seated at the bar
describing the Buffalo theory to his buddy, Norm. (I don't think I've
ever heard the concept explained any better than this....) "Well, you
see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as
the slowest buffalo. And, when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and
weakest ones, at the back, that are killed first. This natural selection
is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of
the entire group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest
member. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast
as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol
kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest
brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates
the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient
And that, Norm, that is why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
"A goal is a dream with a deadline."
I've already started receiving questions about this years
Summerfest. When and what seem to be the most popular ones. The when
part is easy. This years Grafton Area Summerfest Celebration,... with
multiple high school reunions, is scheduled for the 22 thru the 25 of
June,.... I think. The what will be taking place part, is a little more
difficult. Especially since I haven't seen or heard anything about the
"what" yet.
Rest assured, there will be lots of "what" going on and as
soon as I see, or, hear what, and when, what will happen, I will share
it with everyone I know.
Wouldn't it be great if everyone that comes for this years
celebration had a "large button" with their picture on one side of their
shirt, and a large name tag on the other? That would eliminate a whole
bunch of, "I bet you don't remember me?" questions, from a bunch of
folks that a bunch of folks really don't remember.
Rumor has it the class of 56 is expecting a large turnout this
year. And, the class of 66 is hoping to hear from a bunch as well.
Small town class reunions are not only fantastic social
events, affording the opportunity to monitor the loss of a friends hair
in fast forward. Class reunions do in fact, create a very important
economic impact on small communities as well.
That being the case, I hope "our" business community, and all of
our area residents, will show our returning visitors the kinds of
courtesies they deserve, and, are entitled to.
Although it looks like some of the pages in the Chambers
website need updating. It is a great source for Graftons future events.
Check it out, and follow the progress on
The East Side Cafe in Grafton went under new management last week,
with Mary DeSautel and Irene Johnson taking over operation of the eating
establishment on east fifth street from James Barr. Both residents of
this city, he new proprietors began managing the cafe last Thursday.
( Walsh County Record June 24, 1948)
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me. P.S.
For Thomas R. The address I received for you doesn't work.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

March 15, 2006 - Wednesday


03/15/06 WEDNESDAY grp 11 of 20
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Wollitz Barber
Shop. Where Urban Wollitz is the "head clipper".
The current temperature is -4 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 17/-4
Normal H/L temp for this date is 33/17
It won't be long and we'll be trading frost bites for Skeeter
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
If you haven't already made plans to attend the 2006 Summerfest
festivities. Today would be a great day to start. I understand there is
still plenty of room for anyone wishing to come "home" for the
Summerfest. It could very well be, the best "reunion" yet.
While reading the Record, I came upon the following "article of
Citizenship Regained by Resident of Grafton. A Grafton lady, Mrs
Eric Overland, was repatriated as a United States Citizen at proceedings
before Judge Albert Lundberg in the county court house Monday.
Mrs. Overland, a native of the United States, was married to an
alien during the time when federal statutes brought loss of citizenship
through such an action. Later, although her husband became a naturalized
citizen, she did not regain the citizenship under the now-revised
(taken from the Dec. 23, 1954 WCR)
Yesterday was the day the Lord, and the state of North Dakota
decided I should renew my drivers license. SO,...I did.
I took the "notice" off the refrigerator and headed for the
Chamber office. As I entered the rear door, I was reminded of
Gillespie's Meat Market, as I was told I had to take a number. (I was #
21) With every chair full, I backed up against the wall and immediately
started the observation phase of the visit.
It was apparent, I was the oldest one in the room. The young girl
to my right looked like she was less than a week out of "pullups" and
she was telling the girl on my left that she wouldn't pass anyway,
because she never studied. The girl on my left was telling the girl
walking out the door, (the one going out to take her drivers test) not
to smash up her boy friends car. While, number 17 was called to take her
written, Number 18 was instructed to stand still and smile during the
flash and number 19 was making out a check for her license. Then 17
flunked, as did 19 and number 20 was called to the counter. I was almost
certain I would be the next in line. After all, I was # 21.
Anyway, the lady called for number 27 and they both headed for the
door. Then the man asked the father of number 20 to step behind the
counter. Two minutes later, he, walked out with his daughter watering
the flowers on her sweatshirt. As I started moving away from the wall,
now almost certain I would be next, number 27 came back in the room and
the young man was crying like a farmer that just lost his last wheat
By this time a young lady came out of no-where and was standing in
front of the camera. Should I smile, or shouldn't I, she asked, It's up
to you, he said. What do you think looks better, she asked. It's up to
you, he said, and just then the camera flashed. Then she said, I sure
hope I don't look as stupid on this one as I did on the last one. (I'm
not sure if I heard the mans reply correctly or not. I think, he said, I
doubt that can happen miss.
ANYWAY, FINALLY, the man called for number 21 and the lady next to
me said, "that's you isn't it?" Yup, they checked my eyes and I could
see, then I filled out the required form and that's when my visit to the
drivers license bureau started taking on a more serious tone.
I notice your shaking, he said, and how long have you been
diagnosed with Parkinson's, he asked. Are you taking insulin for the
diabetes, he continued and then he said, grab my arm with your right
hand and squeeze, then do the same with your left hand please. After
writing down several notes he looked at me and said, "you seem good
enough to me." Then he asked me to check the rest of the information for
accuracy. I did add a couple numbers in the weight box, and took an inch
off the height from my previous license. My eye color remained the same,
although I changed the hair color from brown, to caucasian. (A more
realistic appraisal of the actual color of the area on top of my head.)
I thanked the young man that helped me, and, as I walked out, I
couldn't help wondering, if I will have another opportunity to make
similar observations four years from know when this one needs renewing.
Or, if I will find the quote "nothing is forever" come to past, in my
Yesterday "we" mentioned a book written about the flood of
1941. I guess I knew once, and, do again now, that; Doug Ramsey works at
ACSC in Drayton. Now don't that just beat all?
We also received this note, "about the book". Subject: Candles in
Gary, for those that want to know, I found the book
"Candles In The Window" on Amazon. Good used is $14,95, Like new $20.00.
There are several books by that name but this is definitely the one
on the 1941 Blizzard. Bert <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Bert.
I have been asked to share the following message without a
Gary, Did you know that Muriel Gjeim will be 100 years old
on March 18th. Isn't that wonderful? She still lives alone and is really
sharp. <<< Thanks so much for caring and sharing. That's 1,200 months,
5,200 weeks, 36,500 days and 876,000 hours here on earth.
CONGRATULATIONS Muriel, on the most significant celebration of the
centennial anniversary of your birth.
Today another wonderful lady will also celebrate the anniversary
of her birth. Mert Pribula will be blowing out one more candle today. We
hope you enjoy this special day Mert, and many, many more.
From Pat & Gary Moe and our entire gene pool. We love you, and
wish you a very Happy Birthday.
The next note covers alot of ground. First, "we" now know where
Carol and Connie were. And,. we've learned they would like to become a
part of the Gazette family. >>> Hi Gary
Talking about Carol and Connie they were here in Kansas and
spent the night with Paul and me. We had a great time they are two
great ladies who enjoy life.
While they were here they read one of your newsletters and would like
to receive it. Wonder why there email is lighthouse twins? Beverly
A. & Paul A. DeSautel <<< Thanks a million Beverly. I can answer the
lighthouse question. That's because they are as nuts about lighthouses
as Pat is.
Welcome Connie and Carol DeSautel, to the Gazette family. I hope
you will find something in it worth your time and energy.
I am pleased to add yet another branch to the family tree. Tom
Please add me to your list. This site is very interesting to read.
Thomas Restemayer, Fargo <<< We are very pleased to welcome you to
"our" Gazette family Tom. Our only guarantee is we will do the best we
can to provide a pinch of yesterday, with a bit of today, mixed with a
dash of untamed imagination and poured into the mold of tomorrow. All
for our next generation to read and decipher. "If it's spoken, it's mere
words in the wind. If it's written, it's factual my friend." GLM
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

March 14, 2006 - Tuesday


03/14/06 TUESDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, the the Grafton
Deaconess Hospital and Training School for Nurses.
The current temperature is 0 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature, SEASONAL Normal H/L temp for
this date is 32/16
Bill & Marie McIntyre and their 2 year old daughter, Sharon, were
storm stayed between Manvel and Ardoch during the 1941 storm. They kept
warm under newly purchased slipcovers for their Merchant Hotel
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
The chalk board sign, out front of Ekatta's, Grafton's Newest
Entertainment Complex, says. "Connie and Carol are back." At first, I
wondered why the went. Then where they went, and, finally. Why did they
come back?
Probably, because Grafton is a pretty good place to work and live,
and it's getting even better. I guess we'll just have to go into
Ekatta's and find out for sure.
By the looks of Marcia's note, I could have been a lot more
thorough with yesterdays writeup about "our" hockey program. She wrote;
>>> Hi Gary
I too would like to congratulate the Bantam "A" hockey team
on their victory.
I would also like to add the Bantam "B" hockey team, won the state
championship here this weekend. (my nephew Andrew Stenerson is on the
team) it was a very exciting game, Grafton won in overtime 4 to 3 which
my nephew scored the winning goal (just had to add that in, I am a proud
Aunt). Also The Pee Wee "B" team which includes my son and your grandson
won there state championship in the B2 level. Our little Town should be
very proud of our great athletes in all levels of sports. Keep up the
great work with the Gazette it is fun to read it everyday Marcia Molde
Seeba <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Marcia. You certainly
add credibility to the fact,.."The Gazette works best, when the folks
that read it, write it." For those that may not know. Marcia is one of
those wonderful folks at Heartland Eye Care that works hard, to make my
world "look" better.
I received the following "E"-Mail via snail mail, from Ole Aasand.
He wrote (literally) >>> Dear Gary;
I will title this, "Where were you in the killer storm of March
1941?" I was taking the separated milk out to the barn, to feed the
calves at
about 6:30 pm. It was snowing very heavy, but beautiful out. We had two
yard lights between the house and the barn, and lights on in the house.
I came out of the barn, and was shocked. I could barely see the first
yard light. At 12 years old I never thought the second light could be
out. I got to the first light and once in a while I could see the second
light. I took off again when the light came into view and then to the
house. "Wow" I was a happy kid.
I always wonder, if I would have been smart enough to stay in the
barn, if the lights would have been out.???
I read the Gazette first, before any other news items.
Thanks for your giving. Ole Aasand
Maybe rain this week end, 142 days without. <<< Thanks
a million for caring and sharing Ole. What seems like nothing more than
so many words today, will someday evolve into someones very special
thoughts of a very special Grandfather, great grandfather, and great
great grandfather.
What starts out as a simple thought today, becomes fact tomorrow,
and then memories forever. Aren't memories wonderful?
Grafton Civic Club members will meet today at Mielke's cafe.
Serving members are Joe Hove, Louis Houska, Jr., Carl Hvidsten, Ted
Hoffman, Herb Steller, I. E. Stenso, and R. C. Swandby.
(Nov, 25 1942 Grafton News and Times) --------------------
JoAnn Beale sent the following information regarding the "41"
Hi Gary,
If you are interested, there is a book out: "Looking For
Candles in Windows: The Tragic Red River Valley Blizzard of March 15,
1941". It is written by Douglas Ramsey and Larry Skroch (who lives in
Grand Forks, by the way). It tracks the storm from Alberta all the
way, goes into the reasons why there was no warnings and interviews with
people that had survived. I thought it was great.
Love the Gazette, keep up the good work. Hugs, JoAnn <<< Thanks JoAnn,
for caring and sharing.
"I'd have given $5 for a cup of coffee," said W. T. DePuy who was
stranded with his wife and two children a few miles south of Ardoch from
8:30 p.m., Saturday to 7:30 a.m. Sunday, during the storm of "41".
I am saddened to report the passing of three very
significant Grafton residents.
Chester T. Thompson, age 94 of Grafton, ND passed away on
Friday, March 10th at the Unity Medical Center of Grafton. Born in Vesta
Township of Walsh County, ND on May 19, 1911 (in the Salle Log House now
in the Adams Park), He attended Walsh County Agricultural School. He
married Rhoda Knutson on June 8, 1938 at Nekoma and they farmed near
Chester is fondly remembered for his sense of humor, love of
nature and gentle personality.
Survivors include three sons: Raymond (Kathy) Thompson of Mesa, AZ;
Donald (Sandra) Thompson of Bottineau, ND; Lloyd (Claudia) Thompson of
Grafton, ND; two daughters: Leslie Muntner of Mesa, AZ; Ruth (Virgil)
Babinski of Eden Prairie, MN; one brother Lynn (Gloria) Thompson of
Grafton, ND; three sisters: Florence Myers of Hollister, CA; June Hebbel
of Davenport, IA; Phyllis Bogart of Milnor, ND; his dear friend Frances
Seeba of Grafton.
Funeral services will be Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 2:30 P.M. at the
Grafton Lutheran Church with Rev. Wayne Stark officiating. Visitation
will be Monday from 5-7 PM and on Tuesday for one hour prior to the
service all at Grafton Lutheran Church. Interment will be at the Grafton
Lutheran Cemetery.
Myrtle T. Lee, age 90 of Grafton, ND passed away on Thursday,
March 9, 2006 at the Manor Care Nursing Home of Normal, ILL. Myrtle
T. Johnson was born March 5, 1916 near Grafton, ND the daughter of the
late John T and Hilda (Brende) Johnson. She loved people and touched
many hearts. She will be dearly missed.
Funeral services will be Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 11:00 A.M. at
South Trinity Lutheran Church of rural Grafton. Visitation will be
Monday from 5-7 PM with a prayer service at 7:00 PM at the Tollefson
Funeral Home of Grafton. Friends may also call at the church on Tuesday
for one hour prior to the service. Interment will be at the South
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery of rural Grafton.
Harley Sackett
(April 20, 1926 - March 12, 2006)
Harley A. Sackett, 79, of Grafton, North Dakota died
Sunday, March 12, 2006 at the Lutheran Sunset Home in Grafton. Funeral
Services will be 2:00 pm, Thursday, March 16, 2006 at the Federated
Church in Grafton with burial in Grafton City Cemetery.
I find myself unable to adequately say what's in my heart. The
world and I, have lost three wonderful people this week. We will all be
much better for having nown them.
This weeks Firefighters Calendar draw winners are:
3/13/2006 JoAnn West $20.00 3/14/2006 Daniel
Villarial $20.00 3/15/2006 Michelle Frederick $20.00
3/16/2006 Randy Pederson $20.00
3/17/2006 Necole F Johnson * $100.00
3/18/2006 Nicole Woinarowicz $20.00
3/19/2006 Grafton Volunteer Fire Dept. from Wally & Ione DeSautel
Congratulations to all of this weeks lucky winners. Least there be
no misunderstanding. The real "true" winners of the Grafton Area
Firefighters Calendar drawing, are all of the men, women and children
living in Grafton and the surrounding area.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Monday, March 13, 2006

March 13, 2006 - Monday


03/13/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by the City Food
Market. Free delivery every Wed. and Sat. Phone 56-W
The current temperature is 8 degrees
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 26/10
Normal H/L temp for this date is 32/16
The latest forecast calls for a bit cooler weather for the next
few days.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Progress continues on schedule, according to local contractor
Harvey Nelson, in regards to the construction of Grafton's new Armory.
The new facility is located just north of the Zelda theater on Hill
Avenue. (WCR December, 1954)
Francis Phelan has moved his potato sales office to the display
room of the Wilson and Daugherty building on Hill & 8th street. (WCR
The same person that believes we can depend on foreign country's
to continue selling us cheap oil (or any oil at all) is also the same
person that believes we can depend on foreign country's to supply us
food as cheap as we can grow it.
Unfortunately, that's the same kind of person that votes. Or so it
seems to me.
Mr. & Mrs. E. B. Davis announce the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Eleanor to Mr. Jevon Aasand, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ole Aasand of
Hoople. No date has been set for the wedding as Mr. Aasand is serving
with the American Armed Forces.
(According to the November 4, 1942 edition of Grafton News and
There are some things about a small town that, almost, totally
defies explanation. (ie.)The feeling one gets when some of "our own"
does good.
Yesterday a group of our kids, won the state Bantam "A" hockey
tournament in Fargo. We won by beating a Fargo team 5 to 0 in the
championship game.
When AK called me to tell me "we" won, I could recognize
excitement in his voice unlike anything I've ever heard before. When he
wondered who, how, if, there could be a chance that the Bantams could be
"greeted" like the big team is. I suggested he talk to Jeff.
The next thing I knew, I was sitting in one of Grafton's beautiful
new fire trucks with my son Jeff. Grafton's Fire Chief, Chief Ken Popiel
& his wife Shelley were in front of us in the Fire Chief's suburban and
a city police unit in front of him. Behind us, was one of Valley
Ambulance and Rescue's units, and, all the flashing lights were flashing
on all units.
As we headed down "school road" toward 5th street. It seemed as
though the line of cars following us would never end. As we were driving
down the street numerous cars pulled over waving and honking their
horns. We turned off 5th on main and went all the way to hiway 17, then
we turned east. The team was going to JR's in Oakwood for nourishment,
and, to complete their championship celebration.
As we pulled over on the east edge of town to let the precession
go on. Every car went by with arms waving out the windows and horns
honking in jubilation.
One thing is almost certain. Those young folks won't soon forget
the reception they received when they come home with the championship
trophy. I know I sure won't.
Speaking of celebrations:
Today is the day our Granddaughter Jennifer Hartje will celebrate
the anniversary of her birth. You might remember just the other day I
mentioned Jenny's picture along with five other girls was in the paper.
I think I even mentioned how pretty she was. (Grandpa's can do that you
know) I won't mention Jenny's age, cause girl's don't like that. So, let
it suffice to say, she only has three years left, as a teenager. Happy
Birthday Jennifer. Your grandmother and I love you very much.
The important thing about your lot in life, is whether you
use it for parking, or, for building. (Thanks Dane Molde)
It's the time of the year for floods again and the following
note is flood related. >>> Subject: Floods
I saw over TV the homes and business devastated by
floods in the deep south and the home furnishings and wall board piled
up on the curb for blocks. I also saw the Grand Forks area devastated by
floods and the furnishings, personal belongings and wallboard piled
also up for block after block on the curbs.
But what I can say I am proud not to have seen was the
people from North Dakota & Minnesota and their political cronies
over national TV day after day for months crying that the federal
government wasn't taking care of their every need. They looked the
problems straight in the eye, helped themselves and got it done. These
are people with real backbone. Bert <<< Thanks a million Bert.
Although, "we" certainly many Red River Valley folks did receive help.
Some considerably more than others, it is a fact that it will take many
years, maybe several generations, before some can ever hope to become
whole again.
Newspaper reports said the storm of "41" was the worst winter
storm in history. If that was the case, and I think it was. I wonder why
so few folks remember anything about it. Heck Tom Kutz was only 9 days
old and he sent us volumes of stuff. Anyway, fortunately Glenn was
willing to share some of his "41" storm memories with us. He wrote. >>>
Gary...We will never forget that terrible storm in 41...It came on
so sudden. My mother got all excited because my younger brother
Wilmer had gone down town to meet his friends and the visibility outside
was about zero. My dad and I took off for Berquam's Academy (The Pool
Hall) We fought our way back home via the opposite route and were
relieved to find Wilmer back home safely....Glenn Paulson <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Glenn. It's those kinds of memories that
add meaning and value to our lives. I used to sell papers in the
establishment you refer to as Berquams Academy. Believe me, if it was an
Academy, it must have been for the advancement of foul language, cigar
smoking, and chewing tobacco. On the other hand, it was always good for
a minimum three paper sale and a nickel tip. Aren't memories wonderful?
Our subscription department received the following notes over the
weekend. >>> Hi Gary,
Stephany Vaudrin forwarded a Shivercity Gazette to me recently and
enjoyed reading it. My husband Robert and I grew up in small towns in
Walsh County and then lived in Grafton for about 20 years. Both of our
children graduated from Grafton High School. In 1992 we moved to Fargo
as my husband was offered a job at NDSU. Would love to be included on
your mailing list. We are the folks with the Grafton bean pot which we
won through an ebay auction. Stephany mentioned this bean pot in a
previous gazette. On the bean pot it says-- F.J. BURG
Quality Merchandise
for Less Money
It would be interesting to learn more about this store as I could not
find any mention of it in any Walsh County historic books I have looked
at. Thanks for sharing what's happening in Grafton. Eileen Thorvilson
<<< Welcome to the Gazette family Eileen. I have checked every I have
and can't find mention of the firm your looking for. Maybe someone else
can help us out. +++++++++
Ray sent the next request. >>> Hi Gary, THANKS FOR SOME
MY BEST TO YOU. RAY INGLE <<< Welcome to the
Gazette family Ray. I hope you will find reason, from time to time, to
share a bit of your world with the group.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

Friday, March 10, 2006

March 10, 2006 - Friday


03/10/06 FRIDAY
Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by Ernie & Joyce
Nyman, and Betty Sondeland. Grafton, ND
The current temperature is 34 degrees.
We've been told we should expect from two to four inches of
snowcat dust by tomorrow night.
All the snowmen in the country look like they've been working out
at Curves and drinking juice from Jack LaLain's juicer.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
A mass meeting of all community sports enthusiasts will be held in
the Grafton Central high school auditorium Wednesday, April 9, at 8 p.
m., to discuss plans for a new sports center to replace the arena that
burned last fall.
The committee handling the arrangements for the meeting have urged
that representatives from the entire Grafton community attend the
The proposed sports center would be large enough to serve the
entire community.
It would have a seating capacity of 4,000. A portable floor would
be installed which could be removed for skating facilities. It would
also include a swimming pool, club rooms, a curling rink and many other
facilities. (taken from the Walsh County Record. April 3, 1947 edition)
It would have been interesting to see where "our" sports programs
would be today, had the proposed "sports center" been built in 1947.
According to the article "Hockey" written by Robert Burns for the
100 year look at Grafton book.
Individuals like George Ellefson, Earl Anderson, James Kalbrener
Sr., and Willard "Sonny" Wentz were to become dominant figures in
Grafton's hockey future. In 1956 Jim Kalbrener Sr., and Sonny Wentz
built a 40 by 60 ice rink in the old softball field.
The first high school hockey team became a reality in 1963 under
the guidance of Coach Stan Paschke. The present day (5th Street Arena)
was rebuilt (it was destroyed by fire in 1946) in 1963-64 with
artificial ice being added in 1969. I firmly believe, any mention of the
Grafton High School Hockey program should include appreciation to the
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) who were extremely instrumental in the
formative years of a total hockey program. One that has earned the
respect of every hockey organization in the area.
Unfortunately, the artificial ice plant in the 5th street arena
has "melted" with the spring thaw. Those involved are trying to
determine, if, and/or how it can be replaced. If it isn't replaced, it
will truely be the end of a very impressive era.
The 50-piece Grafton Municipal Band will perform at the
Miles City Montana Rodeo, under the direction of Joe Birkland. Four drum
majorettes, Anne Merrie Thompson, Aurel Littlejohn, Bonnie Littlejohn
and Ann Ensrud. (April 3, 1947 WCR)
The old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words,
couldn't have been more true than it was for me yesterday, when I opened
the Record to page A-6 and saw the picture of 6 beautiful Spoilers
cheerleaders. Audra Tibert (best friend of our grandson Nick) Foreign
exchange student Caroline Goiffon, from France, Sami Johnson, Amber
Evenson, Alysia Osowski and the beautiful blonde in the middle, "our"
granddaughter Jennifer Hartje. The picture, courtesy of Steve Larson
Studio, is another reason I enjoy, and recommend everyone subscribe to
the Walsh County Record.
The cheerleaders picture accompanies a very interesting article on
Caroline Goiffon, a junior in high school and "our" foreign exchange
student from France. The article was written by the Records newest staff
writer Sue Matcha, and, I might add, she did a super job on it as well.
The front page of this weeks Record also carried a piece on flood
preparations, although I'm not exactly sure why. I've been lead to
believe that now, after the New Orleans "fiasco" the president,
regardless of what side of the isle he leans on, will be responsible for
"our" safety and keep us warm, dry and worry free. Or so it seems to me.
Rumor has it, Ekatta's,... Grafton's New Entertainment Complex has
come up with yet another new entertainment feature. Along with Trivia
Pursuit Tournaments, Country Night, Jazz Night, Sports Night, Ladies
Night, Desperate Housewives Sunday and NTN Nascar racing. Ekatta's has
added one more item to their entertainment stable. Now, I'm not exactly
sure how it works, or even how long it will be offered, but rumor has
it, the contest has something to do with a ceiling, water, leaks and how
long it will take to dry up.
I mentioned my surprise to the response from folks on the 66
and 41 area storms. Thanks again to those that cared enough to share
their memories with us. The article Tom Kutz shared from the Grand Forks
Herald on the 41 flood was also very well received. All along I was
"almost" certain Tom would have been pretty little to remember the
actual event. Although I'd be the fist to admit, more than once, Tom has
impressed me with his mental prowess. As a matter of fact, just the
other day, Tom's name came up at Granny's,... again. This time his
skills on the piano keyboard was the topic. Actually, it was Don LaBerge
that said, "Well I can tell you one thing, Tommy Kutz can play the piano
with the best of them, when he wants to"
Anyway, I received the following note from Gayle. >>> Hi Gary -
Just for the record, my dad (Tom Kutz) was only 9 days old during the
storm of '41, so I doubt he 'remembers' much of the big storm. Today
happens to be his birthday, too. He and Mary Ellen are celebrating in
Daytona Beach at the 65th anniversary of "Bike Week"! Crazy kids. Take
care, Gayle Karol <<< Thanks a million Gayle and we wish Tom a happy
65th birthday on the 65th anniversary of "Bike Week".
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or
so it seems to me.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.