04/29/04 THURSDAY grp 3
Temperatures in the mid forties after a day of almost eighty is the
kind of thing that keeps North Dakotans humble. Forecasters are calling
for springlike weather all the way til summer.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible"
This will be the last Shivercity Gazette for the season. Last night
and again this morning, I caught one of those little buggers with a well
drilling rig sticking out it's head. I got the first one, broke all her
legs and flattened her abdomen against my forearm. The second one was a
little quicker than me. I slapped myself, as she flew off into the
ANYWAY, Yesterday the temperature was well into the seventies-hardly
shiver weather-and last night the Skeeters crawled out of their winter
homes for another season of slapping and scratching.
The "Rumour Mill" cranked out a good one this week. Word is the
former Field's Dry Cleaning building has been sold. It sounds like some
kind of furniture or wood making operation is going to take place in it.
WOW, won't that be great, another new business in Grafton.
The same "Rumour Mill" suggests that Cyrils Laundry might have new
people ironing sheets in their store as well. If that's true. That would
be a WOWIE for sure. Time,.. and new tenants will tell us for sure if
the story is credible.
So now that we're on a roll. Another bit of "gossip" from the "mill" is
someone might be interested in the old Gabe Galle electric motor repair
building. The one behind the old Dairy Queen. Previously owned by Geogre
LaHaise & Sons and prior to that it was Eddies Super Value.
Speaking of real estate changing hands. There's another sold sign on
the corner of Griggs and Willow Court. If the signs are any indication.
I think this will be the second or third time that house has been sold
in less than a year. Then again maybe there's something funny going on
there that passers by can't see. For now, I will just say, another local
real estate agent (Country Realty) has sold another piece of local real
Last night I was watching television and an advertisement came on
featuring a Boston Terrier. BUTTONS, was the first thing that popped
into my head. BUTTONS, a super (and spoiled) little black and white
Boston Terrier that called the Leonard and Teresa DeSautel home, his.
Buttons had a "snort" like nothing you've ever heard. When Uncle Leonard
would come in from the field, Buttons would come running up, jumping up
and down, snorting and slobbering all over the place.
Leonard would pull up a chair sit down and grab Buttons by the upper
lip and squeeze til the poor little puppy's snort turned to a full blown
squeal. Then he would shake Buttons and say "hows my little bu-tau?"
(sp)( French for buttons, I think.) Or so I remember it.
Graftons SummerFest 2004
June 23 thru June 26th
It's going to be a great time in a great place with great people. CHECK
You can even plan a fishing trip at Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort just
before or after Graftons festivities. The only folks that won't enjoy
it, will be the folks that don't participate. Or so it seems to me.
SADLY; Obed Williamson, originally from Grafton and owner of Smokey's
the home of the 52 ounce steak. was found died in a raven in the
Bullhead City Arizona area. Obed was 68 years old.
I received the following note from Tom Hermann. Mothers Day Breakfast
Hi Gary;
I know you have a big list of fans that you send the Gazette to, so I
have a favor to ask of you. The St Thomas Fire Department and Quick
Response will be holding a Mothers day Pancake Breakfast on May 9. Could
you please put a note in your gazette to let your readers know about it.
As you know we are a full volunteer dept, we try to raise some money to
buy and upgrade our equipment every year.You have put in several good
and generous things about the people who donate there time and effort to
keep these departments going, thank you for that. I have been a member
of the St Thomas Fire Department for 5 years and it truly has been a
rewarding experience for me. We have a great bunch of guys on the
department. Our breakfast is on may 9th, Mothers Day, from 8 to 1:00. We
are serving buttermilk pancakes, ham, eggs, juice and coffee. There will
be a free will offering. It will be held at the ST. THOMAS FIRE HALL. If
you could do this I would really appreciate it. Thanks Gary<<<
Thank you Tom. Thats what the Gazette is all about. I've had the
opportunity, on more than one occasion, to see the St. Thomas Fire
Department volunteers in action. They are a super group of individuals
with a community spirit unmatched anywhere. Good luck to you, and, your
fine organization Tom.
Speaking of community spirit. Once again I find a article in todays
Record perplexing. It's headed in bold print. PARK RIVER'S TURN. Then
goes on to say Board talks hockey; meets with Lankin and Fordville
regarding reorganization. WOW. WHAT, does all that mean.
WHAT, original agreement with WHOM? WHO had the right, to change the
name of the school our tax dollars support? WHO gave WHOM. Or is it
better said, WHOM gave WHO the right to sell another town, facilities
that the patrons of the Grafton School District established. WHY is it
even "up for discussion?" What is this foolishness about playing one
game "somewhere else". Should there be one game played in every town a
player has a relative in.
I enourage the Grafton school board to quit fraternizing and deal with
the facts. The facts are. The Grafton High School Hockey program is pure
and simply that. The Grafton High School Hockey program. The
responcibility of a board member is to leave his "civilian coat" on a
hanger, outside the boardroom. To deal with the issues and facts as they
are. And NOT make decissions based on how one feels they will be
affected personally.
BOY, that's a whole lot easier to say than do. Unfortunatly that too,
is a fact. The issue will never be resolved, until it is dealt with in a
straight forward "business" like manner. "Don't take it personal, this
is business.
Both Park River and Grafton businesses have suffered long enough from
the mistakes of someone many years ago. Please,.. Grafton High School
Board members, along with it's management and staff. Dont continue to
foster the problem.
I have witnessed the needless loss of business in our community, over a
high school sport, called hockey. It's shameful,...at best. I find it
ironic, that we continue to destroy our community over circumstances
created by individuals not even in our area any longer
Or so it seems to me.
I received the following note regarding a place I hold dear to my
heart, from a person I hold dear to my heart. Denise wrote; I thought
that it was worth mentioning the Developmental Center's 100 year
anniversary. The celebration is being held this weekend (Sunday and
Monday). The DC is a huge, integral part of our community and has been
for a very long time. As a current employee of the Developmental Center
(Occupational Therapy), I am proud to be an advocate for those who are
unable to be for themselves. I am proud of the facilities and of my
co-workers. I believe that those who are employed by the DC are a very
special bunch of people. The individuals who reside at the DC are
wonderful people with so much to offer. People from the Grafton area
should really consider attending some of the events that are planned for
the two day celebration. Tours of the facility are available---a great
way to see how the DC has changed. Several presentations are being
offered as well. It is all free! Take it in, I am sure you will enjoy
it! Sincerely, Denise Moe<<<
Thanks Denise, for caring and sharing, I couldn't agree more.
P.S. The next few editions of the "Skeeterville Gazette" will be
written with invisible ink.
I am always willing to entertain opposing views. Keep in mind. I'm the
one that say's, "I may not always like what you tell me. But I will
always appreciate it." GLM
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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