Saturday, April 10, 2004

April 10, 2004

04/10/04 SATURDAY grp 3
It's 21 degrees outside the Shivercity headquarters. A 10 MPH wind
from the NNW makes it feel like 10 degree down at the marina.
Today is National Kitty Litter day.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible"
Speaking of kitty litter. You've never lived, til you've played in a
sand box, in a neighborhood full of cats. I remember once convincing a
neighbor girl. The little "soft sand covered rocks" we were digging up
in the sandbox would bring her good luck if she would bring them home
and tuck them under her pillow.
I really remember the neighbor girls mother telling my mom "that was
not a very funny thing to do". I can really, really remember, mom
smacking the "good luck" out of my backside. Oh well.
I received another note containing a message about Landowski's
Furniture Store in Grafton I'd like to share. Thanks Kim, for the note:
She wrote;
Happy Birthday Gary. You have two reasons to celebrate - your
birthday and Easter weekend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I also would like to comment on Landowski Furniture. We lately were
looking for some bedroom furniture. Our first stop was Landowski's, but
they didn't have what we were looking for in their showroom. After
many trips through ALL furniture stores in GF and Fargo, we found a set
in Fargo. I went to Landowski's and they were able to order the exact
same stuff, A LOT CHEAPER and FREE DELIVERY. The savings was I
believe around $500-$600. That is only one instance. Almost
everything I have purchased since they opened their first store in
Drayton has come from Landowski Furniture. This is just one of many
examples. In short, if they don't have it on their showroom floor,
check their catalogs and I'll bet you'll find what you're looking
for. Kim Thompson<<< Thanks Kim, for caring and sharing. The old
adage "use it or lose it" applies even more today, than ever. "First or
last, a chance to bid is all we ask."
We brought Sami to the vet in Park River yesterday. Park River has two
very good veterinarians. Sami received his "going to the lake for the
summer shots", a nail clip and a couple new dishes, for Larry Nelson's
(Tuffy) dog food, in the cruiser. We stopped in at Waynes Variety store
to look for some blanket making material with butterflies and some with
bears. The stores in Grafton must have "just sold out". Anyway,
unfortunately so had Waynes. So we picked up some "blanket stuffing"
stuff and took a trip through Lon's Hardware (If you can't find it at
Dave's in Grafton, Lon's might have it in Park River) and returned home.
Alco and Pamida will, probably, be restocking their shelves in the next
few days.
If you've ever wondered where the old Fargo Iron and Metal went. The
junk yard Wally Brakett used to operate. Some may remember it "between
the tracks" off 5th street. Or, the one Allan Collette filled in and
built his potato warehouse over.
With a little effort, and even less imagination. You can find the
modern version of Wally's old junk yard, across the street from Alchem's
Booze, perfume, and wood chip facility on the north end of town.
If memory serves, and sometimes it does, "we" (the powers that be) have
raised all sorts of bugger, heck, shucks, with folks on the West and
South sides of town about exposing our fragile eyeballs to the sights of
a junk yard.
It's fascinating how fast Alchems monstrous mystical metal menagerie,
has evolved into one of Graftons most memorable mountains of rusted
iron. A properly constructed, and positioned fence, would not only
increase the safety factor of the facility. It would improve the North
end aesthetics significantly. Or so it seems to me.
The following note about my friend and mentor Donnie LaBerge needs
further clarification (on my part, I think). Jackie Thompson wrote;
I'm been waiting for my response about Donny LaBerge in one of
your columns. I'm assuming since we did the story about two years
ago, that you might not share that information with your readers. I
sure would like for you to clarify with your other readers that this
story was done in June of 2002. Jackie<<<
Thanks for the note Jackie. It is a fact, when one of two people in a
conversation doesn't understand the subject. It's often the person doing
the talking that's not getting the right message across. I must admit, I
was talking when I should have been listening. Gary.
Have I mentioned the super job the Record did on covering the flood and
flood issues of late? If not I certainly should.
I am extremely pleased, and, humbled by the number of birthday
greetings and well wishes for the anniversary of my first "slap on the
butt". More than a bunch is a conservative estimate. And, they're still
coming in. From Boka's and balloon's (thanks a million Nicole) to a
fabulous new Skeeterville Jacket (from my sweetheart) Thanks Kathee for
a very special "60" stopper. And so much more. I will read, re-read and
absorb the thoughts and messages of the past few days and "try" share my
thoughts with everyone.
For now, and until I can properly respond. Thank you everyone, from the
bottom of my heart. You have made my day, one I shall never forget.
Gary - GGP

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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