04/21/04 WEDNESDAY grp 2
The current temperature is 40 degrees with a N wind at 13 MPH. We have
a 70 percent chance it won't rain today.
Last years H/L temperature 64/38
Normal H/L for this date is 57/33
For those still looking for the weather map n the Herald. It's in the
Local Life section today.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible"
L O C A L N E W S:
You can't fight city hall, although for the past few weeks several
have wanted to. I can't be sure if any of those folks were successful or
One thing is certain however. You can change city hall. Stan Pastoreks
construction crews are proving that. City hall is becoming handicapped
accessible. The original front lost the entry way several years ago.
This year, Pastoreks masonry surgeons have removed the front steps
completing the process that converted the city hall front,..into the
The side of the city hall will, in fact, be the front and all traces of
the "old" garage and city jail will continue to wane away.
Tuesday, as I drove by the south side of the city hall building. I
couldn't help remembering the old Plymouth coupe Ed French used to
drive. At the time it was unpainted, primered I guess.
I thought of the day before I was to leave for St. Johns at
Collegeville Minn. Ed, Bob (young Bob) Burke and myself were in Eds
primered plymouth parked out on the northwest corner of town. Ed, I
think, was planning on entering the winter consumption olympics and this
day, I think, was his precontest trial run. At any rate, Bob, being
considerably smaller, seemed to "fill up" faster than Ed. The end result
of that was Bobs need to "empty out" through the open door of Eds primed
Wouldn't you know it? Just as Bob (young Bob) was voiding himself of
his previous dinner and a half a gallon of fermented barley fluids.
Police officer Bill Janousek step up to the car. Without going into
detail, officers Bills trousers and shoes and squad car all required a
serious cleaning by the end of that encounter,
Yup, as I gazzed at the spot where the old police station used to be. I
wondered. What would have happened to the three of us "dummies", if it
had been today instead of 46 years ago? It was that night that I
acquired a healthy respect for luck, and, I might add I increased my
faith in God.
The lucky part was the fact that Arnold (-remember Arnold Narveson, he
was the police officer that would forgive anything if you would go to
church-) was on duty with Bill that night and was in the police station
when we arrived.
Arnold looked at Ed French and said, Frenchy, your never going to learn
are you? To which Ed responded, "NOPE, guess not". Then he looked at Bob
Burke (the young Bob) and, I think, because Arnold knew Robert Burke
(the old one) was an attorney said. "And you Mister Burke, what are you
doing hanging around with this hoodlum? "He's my friend Bob replied,
with his chin and shirt still covered with his previous dinner.
After ushering Bob to the restroom for additional water and towels.
Arnold looked at me and stuck one hand under his belt and said. "What
about you there Moe, what's your excuse for such behaviour?" With the
look of a Norwegian on Steroids, I said. "I'm leaving for St. Johns
tomorrow and I guess I got a little carried away celebrating tonight."
Bill Janousek asked. "What St. Johns, you mean the church by Central
school?" No I said, St. Johns Seminary at Collegeville Minnesota. Arnold
looked at Bob, then at Ed and finally Bill and said. "You know Bill,
maybe we should just take them home with a stern warning."--- And that
they did.
It's obvious, I didn't become a man of the cloth. Though I might have
been a good one. Bob Burke, to the best of my knowledge, became a
lawyer, and I suppose I can't hold that against him. And, the last I
heard of Ed French, he wanted to get that primered Plymouth painted.
Awe,... for the good old days.
I spent a minute in the grocery store yesterday. I would have stayed
longer but I couldn't afford more than that. I did, however, notice the
price for the front end of a cow has dropped a little the past while.
Unfortunatly, I sure can't say the same thing for the "udder" end. The
price of milk is up higher than a cows tail in fly season. Or so it
seems to me.
Rick Mont shared an article involving the Columbine High School
shooting. It included a poem written by Darrell Scott, father of Rachel
Scott, one of the shooting victims. The poem is worth remembering:
Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!
Thank you Rick for sharing this with "us".
It's still a little early, but so I don't forget.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY come this Saturday Dan Gowan. Your not all that old
just yet.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
From: Gary Moe [
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