Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30, 2009 - Wednesday

We have absolutely no reason to believe a national health system
formulated by or operated under our federal bureaucracy will not be, at
the very least, every bit as effective is the Social Security program.
Or so it seems to me.
It's flu season,... Wash your hands!
The current temperature is 55° (above).
The weather forecast for the next week gives us every indication
that the areas full scale stockpile sugarbeet harvest begins today. The
readers digest version of the next two weeks weather is,..... to windy,
to wet, to cold OR to hot, (sometimes on the same day) AND,... no matter
what, it is always best to remember, "please keep the harvester as close
to the roto-beater as possible".
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff
The small remaining percentage of acres to harvest, of
beans, potatoes and to a lesser extent small grains, will hold startup
of the full long term storage sugarbeet to a level somewhat less than
Realistically, a slow sugarbeet harvest startup isn't always a
negative thing. It certainly does give everyone involved time to "get
used" to the equipment. Even with the less than desirable forecast for
the next few days, each factory district should have no problem getting
enough beets on hand to guarantee continuos operation through adverse
weather conditions.
In some way shape or form, when taken to it's fullest
extent, the Red River Valley sugarbeet harvest will touch the lives of
literally 10's of thousands of people. Sugarbeet harvest is a 24 hour a
day, 7 day a week process that continues (weather permitting) until the
entire crop has been harvested and put in long term storage piles.
Sugar is not only pure, proud and sweet, it also increases
the shelf life of many consumer food products. Especially when compared
to artificial sweeteners.
I am always impressed with the response I get when I send
out the Goose Story. I found the following comment from Keith Mohagen
especially interesting. I particularly enjoyed his quote.
Keith wrote: >>>>
Gary - Congratulations on your Walleyes, good
health, and welcome back to the Gazette. I enjoyed your quote
"Profanity makes ignorance audible" it is similar to one of my favorites
"Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity." Both
quotes sometimes fit the same person!! Also your article on
Goose sense was apparently adopted by our military sometime ago, as
they have applied the same flying techniques to airplane
formations; as well as the "downed member" technique.
Keep up the good work, I always enjoy the Gazette and the people in it.
It's kind of like that country-western song that says "It's the only
place they call me one of their own.. Take care........Keith M. <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Keith
It's funny how sometimes somethings just seem to "come together".
Yesterday while Pat and I were driving through our beautiful Leistikow
Park. I mentioned how wonderful it was to see the campground almost full
of campers. Of course, several occupants are pipeliners and I suppose a
couple are folks just passing through. I am also sure several of the
camp grounds residents are staying there while they work in the harvest.
Anyway, I mentioned to Pat that I really wished everyone in the
community could see, and appreciate the business generated by the
Leistikow Park Camp Ground. Then,... when I returned home and turn on my
little computer I discovered Gloria Charlton from the Leonard Motel was
thinking about "almost" the same thing. Gloria wrote: >>
Gary, I wonder if the government
can really run anything with a profit.... so far we know that the Post
Office is in the hole, Soc. Sec. is running out of money, Medicare
isn't doing much better... is there any governmental run agency that is
in the black ???? I don't want them running my Health Insurance...
it will only make more bureaucrats richer....
(Gloria continues) -------
Need to thank all the pipeliners in town for helping out our
community... they are spending lots of dollars in our town...
Gloria Charlton <<<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Gloria. Your point
about the ability of the federal government running anything efficiently
is well taken,.... as well. Sometimes I think way to many people, know
far to little of the values and benefits Leistikow Park and the entire
park system affords our community.
"Life is to short for long answers.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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