The world truly would be a better place if only our politicians
would spend as much time doing whats best for their constituents as they
do worrying about what's best for themselves.
------- Or so it seems to me -------
The current temperature is 53 degrees. It's not nearly as warm as
it has been. Unfortunately,.... it's a whole lot warmer than it's going
to be.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
It amazes me how some folks can make one simple little four letter
word take on so many different meanings.
L O C A L News & Stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Full scale sugarbeet harvest is scheduled to begin Thursday
October 1 (weather permitting). As always the areas hiways and biways
will be very busy, especially this year as many of the areas other crops
are still be harvested as well.
Sugar Facts:
Sugar (sucrose) is a carbohydrate that occurs naturally in
every fruit and vegetable. It is the major product of photosynthesis,
the process by which plants transform the sun's energy into food. Sugar
occurs in greatest quantities in sugar cane and sugarbeets from which it
is separated for commercial use.
Refined sugar is 99.9 percent pure. It contains purified sugar --
sucrose. It contains no preservatives or additives of any kind.
Refined white sugar is pure sucrose, a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates
provide energy, contain no fat, and like protein contribute 4 calories
per gram in your diet (as opposed to the 9 calories per gram contributed
by fat).
Your body treats sucrose in the same way regardless of its source. In
fact, your body uses all sugars in the same way, so eating refined
sugar, or honey, or sugars from any other source has the same effect on
your body -- it is converted into glucose and used by the cells for
--- How much sugar do Americans really eat? Not as much as
reported. Using information from a 2001 report as
illustration, a general statement like "Americans consume more than 150
pounds of sugar in a year" is not only thoroughly misleading, it is
completely wrong. Such false assertions perpetuate the myth that
"Americans eat too much sugar." The fact is the average American
consumes no more than 1.6 ounces of sugar per day or less than 40 lbs.
The source of this 1999 report information is the Economic Research
Service [ERS] of the United States Department of Agriculture. ERS
statistics are purely economic numbers. By convention, economists use
the term consumption to describe the total supply of any product
available for all commercial uses during a specific period of time.
Economic consumption simply indicates the total weight of a product that
is used throughout a year. No matter the goods, economic consumption is
calculated by subtracting year-end inventory from the sum of the amount
of merchandise produced during the year + the stock-on-hand at the
beginning of the same year.
Ignoring the descriptive term "economic" and misrepresenting supply
numbers as human consumption is not only deceptive, it is dishonest. A
news release like "According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) data, sugar consumption in 1999 was 158 pounds per person - 30%
higher than in 1983." misleads the American consumer. Reporting economic
supply numbers as nutrition fact is as fictitious as equating gross
salary [total available supply] and take-home pay [human consumption].
Besides misrepresenting economic supply numbers as human intake, there
is a second factual error in this news release. This error is using the
word sugar to represent all sweeteners.
Sugar is only one component of the total sweetener supply. When
tabulated by ERS, total caloric sweeteners include all the corn syrups +
honey products + miscellaneous edible syrups, like sorghum, as well as
sugar. Total caloric sweeteners is cumbersome to say or write
repeatedly, thus the term sugars was adopted for convenience [note the s
on sugars]. Although the term sugars was coined to represent all caloric
sweeteners, some continue to write and talk about sugar [pure sucrose
from sugar cane and sugar beets] instead of sugars. This is more than
semantics. Continued misrepresentation of total caloric sweeteners
[sugars] as sugar [no s] is not only flawed but damages America's
hardworking farmers and the stability they bring to their local
ANYWAY,.... for those of you that may not have already guessed.
Sugar and the Sugar Industry, most specifically the Red River Valley
(American Crystal Sugar) sugar industry has been a significant part of
my life for a good many years.
American Crystal Sugar, along with the cooperatives grower owners
has added significantly to the areas economy.
Sugar truly is "Pure, Proud and Sweet".
------- Or so it seems to me. -------
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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