Todays Gazette is being brought to you by Noah, his wife, their three
sons and their wives.
The current temperature is 16 degrees.
The "feels like" temperature is 2
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 31/1
Normal H/L temp for this date is 19/0
It was 47 degrees on this date in 2002
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It just might be my imagination, and I may be the only one that thinks
that politics is a funny critter at best. For instance, I agree that the
American people did vote for a change. I cannot believe they voted to
allow the president to blow more than a trillion dollars without some
very serious consideration and debate.
Maybe,... just maybe, our Washington politicians should take advice
from our communities political leaders. We, for instance, all know we
absolutely do need flood protection for the growth and long term
viability of our community. As a matter of fact, we have known that for
more than sixty years.
However, here we are still "looking for a potential flood plan". Our
Mayor Todd Burianek shared the following message regarding Grafton's
potential flood plan.
>>>> Hi Gary,
I write in reference to your quote: "It's the time of the year again,
when all the folks that could, won't do anything about protecting the
town from flooding."
In 2004 EVERY voting age citizen of Grafton had the opportunity to do
something about protecting the town from flooding. By a vote of 63%-37%
the CITIZENS said NO to flood protection. I can only assume that the
"folks" you refer to are all the Citizens of Grafton and not just the
elected officials.
I have no way to discern the feelings of the public now (other than
another vote) but it's my opinion that we simply can not wrap up the
same project, with the same expense to the City of Grafton citizens and
somehow, miraculously 14% of the people will switch their vote to pass
flood protection this time. Thus, we seek better ways to fund such a
plan that lessens the burden on the local taxpayer. The Stimulus package
being discussed could be one way to do that though most of the projects
involved in that must be shovel-ready in 90 days.
I don't have the answer to flood control, but it's not that we, in City
Government, are not trying to find one.
Todd Burianek <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Todd. I am well aware of the
numbers at the pole. It would be extremely interesting to know exactly
how many of those that voted truly knew what they were voting for. I
venture to guess a significantly small amount. It would be interesting
to know how many of those voting actually had a investment in city
property of any kind. It would also be interesting to know the Chamber
of Commerce (by individual establishment) position on flood protection.
The agricultural community meets on a regular basis to discuss water
issues such as general drainage and flood problems. I would venture to
guess if we allowed grade school students to vote whether or not there
should be school. They too would vote a resounding NO. Certainly not
because they truly understand the ramifications, and the negative impact
it would have on their future, rather because they do not. Much the same
as the last vote for a flood protection plan for the city of Grafton. I
suggest that very few, very, very few, truly understood all of the
intricate issues involved with the proposed program.
To expect ordinary people to understand the specifics of a plan that
involves so many aspects simply defies logic.
Or so it seems to me.
For the past several months local folks have been driving past the
corner of hiway 17 and 81 watching the transformation of a reasonably
standard (pardon the pun) gas station, into a eye pleasing facility
capable of distributing gasoline as well as a corner convenience store
and, at least til now, it has been thought it might also accommodate
something akin to a Subway Sandwich Shop.
The longer it takes for Simonsons to complete the process, the more
some folks are convinced that corner may never ever become a Subway
Sandwich Shop. If the following note is any indication, and,.... it may
or may not be, we could well be buying Simonsons Sandwiches under
another name entirely.
One individual wrote: >>>>>>
My bet is that when Simonson's opens it will have sandwiches but it
will not be a Subway. Drive to Grand Forks and take 32nd east. Cross S
Washington and look to your left just behind the building in the NE
corner of S Wash and 32nd. Simonson's just opened that after extensive
remodelling. It even has the same color scheme as Grafton's now is.
There are sandwiches and quite a bit more.
That project took a long time, too, but as an occasional customer it
appears they are trying to learn the business, or what will work best in
that type of store.
Unless they own a Subway franchise that requires them to have that
business I think instead we will end up with the type of store they just
opened in GF, and that is, in my opinion, a better store than just a
Subway. And their sandwiches are good. <<<<<<
WOW, no wonder it's taking so long to finish the Grafton site. They're
"practicing" their culinary skills on the folks in Grand Forks first.
Now then, if that is really true, it certainly would be a big city paper
story. Right Ryan?
The parking lot in front of Pamida was full of cars all day long
yesterday. Then again, so too was the lot at Alco's store. I might also
add that all of our eating establishments were full yesterday at noon as
Our growing IS truly is showing.
"I am" is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language.
Could it be that "I do" is the longest sentence?
I'm not absolutly certain I read the sign correctly, however I could
swear the sign beside the MetLife Resources building indicates that we
can now do all of our financial business with the folks at MetLife. If
so, does that mean we have added yet another bank in Shivercity?
The old saying, "competition is good for the community", may well come
into play.
Ralph Dangerflield's philosophy belongs in Washington. He always said,
"I never knew a man that could spend his way into prosperity".
Obviously, Ralph never met our new president.
I really do want our new president to be successful. Because I truly
believe if he fails, we all fail. However, I don't want him thinking we
voted to throw away good money after bad. I honestly don't think anyone
else does either. Except maybe the politicians in Washington.
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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