Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009- Thursday

Todays Gazette is brought to you by -- CUPID -- the worlds most famous
The current temperature is 21 degrees
The "feels like" temperature is 9
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 34/25
Normal H/L temp for this date is 22/3
It was 47 degrees on this date in 1898
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
My "little brother" A.K. isn't exactly Cupid,..... I'm not even sure he
has ever shot an arrow. As a matter of fact, referring to A.K. as my
"younger brother" would more accurately describe A.K's position in my
gene pool.
Anyway, one thing I am sure of is that my "little brother" A.K. Moe is
in the business of delivering one the most beautiful methods of saying
"I Love You and I Really Do Care." And he does it, throughout
Northeastern North Dakota and Northwestern Minnesota exactly the same
way Grafton Floral & Greenhouses and the Moe family has done it for more
than 60 years.
The Grafton community is fortunate indeed to have two such exceptional,
very reputable Flower Shops.
When you "Say it with Flowers", you are saying you care. When you Say
it with Flowers, it's your wish you were there.
If your to far away, to be here on that day, call the Flower Shop and
send your Sweetheart a lovely bouquet.
I read it in The Walsh County Record.
Grafton's newest business establishment is scheduled to open "sometime
in April".
According to the Arch Simonson via the latest edition of the WCR The
Neighborhood Subway will, in fact, be a Subway. Eighty percent of the
facility will be dedicated to the construction, and, consumption of
Subway Sandwiches. You will also be able to get gas (for your vehicle)
at the same facility. AND, the rest of the building, as I understand it,
is scheduled to serve as a convenience store complete with restroom
Sometime this summer Simonsons are also planning to construct a brand
new car wash on the corner of hiways 17 & Hill Ave as well, - I'm
guessing the car wash will wash old cars too - much the same as their
car wash facilities at Simonson Station Store throughout ND and in
Bemidji, Minnesota.
There you have it folks. The very latest word on Simonsons Neighborhood
Subway Sandwich, Station and Convenience Store as obtained from the
pages of the Walsh County Record.
Sorry Ryan, evidently the previous "rumor" wasn't credible.
As is evident by the following note, I inadvertently (I think thats a
good word) overlooked extending Happy Birthday wishes to Little Eben
Arnesen, another member of the Arnesen Dynasty. (Please keep in mind
that I am in the very early stages of "Old Timer disease and Eb's
birthday, most likely, was overlooked because I don't have that date on
Anyway, Glenn wrote: >>>
This is a letter to the editor about his lack of responsibility when
it comes to reporting the news to the world. The alleged editor missed
one the biggest days in Minnesota history yesterday. It was the 4 year
anniversary of the birth of the godchild of arguably the proudest
godfather in the state. I hope Eben has not suffered psychological
damage of which he can not recover. I am quite confident that a
historical moment such as that, will not be missed by your staff again
!!! Gunner <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Gunner. And, to a lesser
extent, for chewing the part that I sit on. Now then, If it hadn't of
been that I missed, I could have told to to kiss it.
This summer, Little Eb and I will go fishing and we'll leave Gunner at
Thank Don, for sharing the following "thought". >>>>
Subject: I thought it...wished I'd said it
"What could possibly be more reckless than spending a trillion dollars
you don't have on a plan that you have no evidence will work? What could
be more irresponsible than doubling the generational debt for your
partisan pet projects in a time of crisis? And what could be more
selfish than stifling debate by deploying fear to induce voters into
supporting it all?" --columnist David Harsanyi <<<<
Thanks a million for the "thought" Don. In my personal opinion,
whether one agrees with this particular columnist, or not. It would be
difficult to argue that "we" are spending billions upon billions of
dollars without much, if any thought.
"The economy is so bad right now Barack Obama's new slogan is "Spare
Change You Can Believe In." -- Jay Leno --
Welcome to the crazy world of the Shivercity Gazette Neil. I can't
promise factual and I can't promise actual. All I can promise is, what
you pay for, is what you get. - GLM - Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers." GLM

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.

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