Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part, by The Grafton
Optimist Club.
The current temperature is 26
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 37/26
Normal H/L temp for this date is 44/25
It was 69 degrees on this date in 1928
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
We have already observed several indications that spring is just around
the corner. Several flocks of geese have been seen,.. and, heard flying
overhead. Our local snowman population is little more than water
puddles. And, then of course, is the return of the Snowbirds. Jerry R. -
Art T. - Harlan T. - Don L. - Jim R. - Frank M. and Keith B. have
already returned to Granny's for another season of serious coffee
consumption and conversation. I expect to see Norman R. - Vic J. - Jim
J. - Don A. and Ray C. before long as well.
I have received several notes asking how many were served at Kelly
Andrews Benefit last Friday. The number I heard was 664 dinners served.
Although that is not a official figure I believe it is pretty close,
and, I might add, a pretty impressive number as well.
I understand the bake sale, silent auction, Root Beer Float, etc, etc,
also was very successful.
There is still a lot of Interest in Tom's 1948 flood pictures. Because
of the continued interest I am sending out Tom's original note once
more. He wrote; >>>
Hi Gary,
I've had lots of interest in the photos of the '48 flood. I have
prepared three options for your subscribers view them:
1. They can use this link
to see a slide show of the photos
2. They can email me at and I will send them a
PDF file of the booklet that can be viewed on their computers
3. They can email me at the same address and I can send them a
printed copy of the booklet. However, because of the cost of printing
and postage I will need to charge $12.50 for each booklet.
The first two options are free and will give the viewers photos of
"fair" resolution. Also, at the link site, the slide show
"Paving of Main Street" is still available for viewing.
I hope that your subscribers enjoy the slide shows. Just a
little bonus they receive with their "paid up" subscription to the
Shivercity Gazette !
Tom <<<< Thanks a million for all your hard work Tom. My little
"puter" doesn't allow me to open the files. However, my imagination
still works pretty good. Now,.. I can only imagine the flood of 1950.
I received the following announcement from Renae and the Grafton
Optimist Club about a very important fund raising event coming up on
May, 2. >>>>>
= Subject: Optimist Outing fundraiser =
Hi Gary: I have the good fortune of being President of the
Optimist Club this year, and we are having a great time promoting and
doing fun things with our youth in the community. This year, we are
trying a new fundraiser that I hope draws at least 250 people! (ONLY
250 TICKETS ARE BEING SOLD FOR THIS EVENT.) We are having an evening of
food, fun, & music. On May 2nd beginning at 6:00 PM, we will be
hosting our First Annual OPTimist OUTing Night. For a $50.00 ticket,
you will receive the opportunity to win one of 6 prizes. 5-$100
prizes in Grafton Bucks and 1-$1,000 prize in Grafton Bucks. You also
will be able to join us at the Fair Oaks Golf Course for an evening
social from 6:00-7:00 PM, followed by a steak supper at 7:00 PM.
Along with this, there will be several games going on throughout the
evening and we have our very own, Ryan Johnston, from KXPO, who will be
our DJ for the evening. The music will start about 9:00 PM or a
little earlier. It will be a great time and a great way to give back
to our youth by buying a ticket and then enjoying some social time.
If you are interested in promoting this event for us, we will gladly get
you some tickets to sell.
Otherwise, they are free to e-mail me at or Andrea Johnston at the radio station at Thanks for all you do for our community.
It's always a nice break from work to read the gazette! Renae
Fayette <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Renae. And, thank you for your
kind words about the Gazette. I will be pleased to mention your very
worthwhile cause in the Gazette. And, even though I know everyone gets
"hit up" for donations from every direction. I am confident some members
of our Gazette family will see and understand the importance of our
youth and the major role The Optimist Club plays in it.
I may even suggest that those returning "Home" for Summerfest in June
will be able to use the Grafton Bucks at that time. Or, if you
absolutely can't make it home for the celebration, you could always buy
a little kid a (chocolate) ice cream cone.
2008 World Men's Curling Championship
~~~~~~ Date: Friday, April 4 ~~~~~~~
Location: The Ralph Engelstad Arena
Featuring traditional Scottish Bagpipers.
Introduction of teams from all 12 nations.
------ Native American Dancers -------
Witness the unveiling of the official event banner and the ceremonial
first rock.
The MC for the Opening Ceremonies is Grafton businessman (The Extra End
Sports Bar) and resident John Aasand.
Please welcome Myrna, Lisa, Cordell, Janice & Jim to the Gazette
family. Our family tree is slowly turning into a forest.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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