Todays Gazette is being brought to you by, ==== JENNIFER HARTJE
==== Today is the day our granddaughter Jennifer will celebrate the
anniversary of her birth. Happy Birthday Jennifer. Your grandma &
grandpa love you very much.
The current temperature is 33.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 39/29
Normal H/L temp for this date is 32/16
It was 56 on this day in 1911.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff
Today our high school basketball team leaves for the state high
school class B tournament. They will be escorted out of town by a large
contingent of family and friends, fans and well wishers, lead by
flashing lights, sirens and horns.
We recognize all of the young men and women representing our
academic and athletic community winners and champions. If, during their
quest to improve themselves physically and academically, they should
garner a trophy for their efforts. That will be another milestone in
life that they've earned, and, one that they'll not soon forget.
Speaking off tournaments and things not soon forgotten. Jeff and
Lonnie Pedersons daughter Taylor will remember this years event for her
efforts as well. >>>
Gary and Pat
We also wish the Grafton Spoilers boys BB team all the best
this weekend. We got to see them play in December in Bismarck while
attending a tournament that the Kindred girls BB team was in (Taylor
plays on this team). The boys looked very impressive! The Spoilers play
the last game of the evening session on Thursday. Our daughter Taylor
Pederson has been asked to sing the national anthem for the evening
round. She will sing at 6:30 on Thursday evening. She must get her
musical talent from her uncle John! I thought you might be able to see
her on the TV at 6:30. TAKE CARE!!
Jeff and Lonnie <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing. You can be sure we
will be watching for, and listening to Taylor sing tonight.
Speaking of music. Today at 2:30 all the folks at the Grafton
Lutheran Sunset Home will enjoy some real, honest to goodness, down home
musical entertainment.
Joshua Bradley Burianek will share his musical abilities with the
Sunset Home residents. Although Josh is only 12 years old, he has
already acquired many of the musical skills and abilities of his grandpa
Danny, and his uncle Amby Burianek. Brad and Amy
Burianek's son, Josh, not only plays the accordion, (of which he has a
significant collection acquired from family members) he also plays the
piano and drums.
Today, Josh will not only be joined by his grandpa Danny, (a well
recognized musician in his own right) John & Mary Dusek's son Ryan will
be joining in on the drums. The Musical Trio shouldn't have any trouble
bringing back those wonderful, warm Old Time Music Memories of the past
to the residents of Grafton's Lutheran Sunset Home.
The lucky folks attending today's musical performance may well be
witnessing the "revival" of, a group once referred to as, ==
"Danny and The Radiators." ==
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that
participated in the 2008 Grafton Youth Hockey MEGA RAFFLE promotion.
Especially all the members of our Gazette family, your participation was
a vital part in the success of the whole program.
Thanks to, to all of the local and area people that have spent
untold hours and so much effort in making the Grafton Youth Hockey
program the kind of success it enjoys.
Sometimes memories dim and fade and to often, it seems, we tend to
forget. As a young married couple without much, (actually none) money.
We "shopped" for the best grade used furniture we could afford. It took
many visits and over a year to fill our two room apartment with
furniture. I still remember two things very well from that "we can't
even afford to pay attention era."
One of them was the direct and matter of fact way Bill Meier
talked and treated us in his Grafton Paint & Glass Store. And the other
was the wonderfully warm and kind person in that store that was always
willing to spend more time with us, than we could afford.
I somehow find it ironic, that the store that once filled
our apartment with furniture now belongs to my son and daughter in law.
And, that I never enter that building that I don't think of Bill Meier,
the man that gave us so much valuable advice, and Vi Holt a beautiful
gentle lady with a wonderfully warm smile.
Today it saddens me to share the obituary of that most kind
and gentle lady. ~~~~~~~~~~~
Viola Holt, age 91 of Grafton passed away on Monday, March
10, 2008 at the Lutheran Sunset Home of Grafton. Viola Bjerke was born
July 6, 1916 the daughter of the late Axel and Ida (Erlandson) Bjerke on
the family farm near Hoople, ND. She grew up and attended schools in
Hoople. Viola was united in marriage to Myron (Mike) Holt on
September 20, 1936 at Zion Lutheran Church. The couple lived in
California for a short time, and then returned to North Dakota where
Mike farmed with his brother Frank. Viola worked as a sales clerk at the
Grafton Paint and Glass for 33 years. Mike died on September 21, 1986
and Viola moved to the Lutheran Sunset Home on April 27, 2006.
Viola was a member of the Grafton Lutheran Church where she sang in the
church choir. She was also a member of the Grafton Eagle's Auxiliary.
Viola loved her dogs and enjoyed taking them on long walks. She is
survived by her sister ILA (Red) Eikenberry, Grafton, ND; sister-in-law
Helen Holt, Grafton, ND, brother-in-law John Holt, Fargo, ND and several
nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband
and brothers: Almer, Alvin and Orville and sister-in-law Irene Bjerke.
Memorial Services will be Thursday, March 13, 2008 at 10:00 AM at the
Lutheran Sunset Home Chapel. Visitation will be one hour prior to the
service at the Lutheran Sunset Home. Interment will be at the Grafton
Lutheran Cemetery.
The Tollefson Funeral Home of Grafton is in charge of the arrangements.
"If you don't share, you can't expect other folks to care." Or so
it seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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