Todays Gazette is brought to you, in part by,.... "The Grafton Rouser"
by Herman W. Monson
The current temperature is -5 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was N/A
Normal H.L temp for this date is N/A
It sounds like we can expect "winter like" weather, for the rest of the
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Yesterdays winter-like weather gave many area travelers reason to end
up in hiway ditches. The end result for me at least, was a snowdrift
on our driveway knee high to a full grown snowman.
It's funny, how quickly I have learned to adapt to my environment. As
I stood looking out our living room window the first thing I thought of,
was how lucky I am to have hand warmers on my snowblower. The next
thought was, "I sure hope they work." And,.. then I went right into
wishing I wouldn't have to find out.
Oh well, at least we won't be bothered with Skeeter bites,... for
awhile anyway.
We are already into the second week of Raumin-gone. Jerry left a week
ago Friday and "most" of the folks at Granny's are adapting quite well.
We did leave Jerry's chair open for the first morning he was gone. In
respect, I suspect, for his leaving. Then too, I suppose, to give it
(the chair) a chance to acclimate.
Today will be Don L.'s first full week away from the gang as well.
Although neither one left any definite instructions about shaking while
they are gone. We have been shaking for them anyway. I'm not real sure
way they haven't been as lucky since they left. I'm guessing it's one of
those Murphy's Law things.
I received this yesterday and I'm not exactly sure what it means.
Again yesterday I got a couple Gazettes returned from the invisimax
people marked "Looks like spam. Sorry, not wanted here."
I can't argue with the invisimax folks. Heck even I view the Gazette as
nothing more than a goofy compendium of letters and words with little or
no meaning.
It certainly is not my intention to "pester" anyone. Hence, if those
folks refuse to accept it, then I guess it's best that I don't send it.
Or so it seems to me.
My cousin Dean Sevigny shared the following with me. It's seems even
more appropriate after yesterdays weather.
>>> Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who
treat you right. Forget about those who don't. Believe everything
happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your
life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it
would most likely be worth it. <<<< Thanks a million for caring and
sharing Dean. I really thought this was a perfect spot for your
My calendar has five stars for nieces and nephews on it. Monday, Mike
Roufs blew the flame off of 54 candles. Wednesday Jennifer (Demester)
Ostland won't need nearly as much wind to blow the lights out on her
cake. This Friday, Jada (Demester) Mattiel will darken her birthday cake
with little more than a pufff. Friday is also the day Chase Perry, Craig
& Holly (Demester) Perry's son will blow out 12 candles with one short
slap shot.
Wednesday Liz Aasand will celebrate the anniversary of her birth by
adding another candle to her cake.
Happy birthday everyone.
"Show the world you really care, by the things you do and the things
you share."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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