Todays Gazette is being brought to you from 40 miles North of a daily
The current temperature is -31.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was -8/-26
Normal H/L temp for this date is 22/6
The high no this date in 2000 was 51 degrees above. Todays record low
of 31 degrees beats the -30 posted in 1939.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
By now, it shouldn't be a secret that I'm not one of the areas most
astute members of the athletic community. Most of the time I have to
wait for the radio announcer to tell me when a hockey game has to go
into extra innings,... and why. I'm not even always certain how many
periods there are in a football game.
However, from time to time I have mentioned the results, as I
understand them, of a hockey game or two. And, albeit less often, other
games where physical and mental dexterity plays a part in the outcome.
Anyway, with all that in mind (or not) I received the following note
suggesting that I might reevalute my position. It said, >>> "Don't you
think you should give equal time to the Grafton Girls Basketball team
that just won the district 4 championships? Also the boys basketball is
the number 1 seed in the district also. Hockey is not the only sport in
Grafton that should be recognized." <<<<
Now then, since I received this note, a few days ago, several area
athletic events have transpired. And, in the interest of "equal time" I
have not mentioned any of them,...... equally.
The fact is, the Grand Forks Herald and the Walsh County Record both do
a much better, more in depth job of reporting those events than I can
anyway. Assuming of course, that someone remembers to let them know.
However, three things I will always remember, relative to an athletic
event, I learned from my brother-in-law Ken Demester. Ken once told me
that without, proper preparation, proper conditioning, and proper
attitude going into an event. You will be competing with yourself,....
as well as your adversary.
I have since translated a portion of the "proper Attitude" to mean
"anger management".
It'll cost most folks around Grafton $3.10 a gallon for the liquid
from the land of the Sand Ranchers. I'm guessing the oil refinery fire
in Texas will add even more upside pressure to that number.
Speaking of gas. It sounds like Grafton will have another sailboat fuel
storage facility in the Western Plaza complex. Denny's Food Pride, Dr
Scheflo's Clinic and Curves (move it and lose it) are already full of
sailboat fuel. The latest "rumor" has the Subway Sandwich folks moving
into the BP Gas station on the corner of Hill Avenue and Hiway 17.
No word yet on where the "BP free coffee oasis" will be moving to.
However, the car wash will likely end up north of the present Simonson
Station Store.
Speaking of North, that's probably where the BP coffee pot will end up.
At the station on the north end of town I mean. Jet oil already keeps
their bulk oil truck there and it wouldn't take much to turn the heat up
a little and plug in a coffee pot.
And to think some folks were wondering what the heck Pete Simonson
wanted the BP gas station for. Especially when everyone already knew
that BP was pulling all of there stations out of this area.
Well,..... now we all know. It is a fantastic spot, for a Subway. We
wish them well,.... and, it will do well. Or so it seems to me.
$ 32,500 === $32,500 === $32.500
Speaking of benefits. It's that time of the year again when
"everyone" has the opportunity to participate in the Grafton Youth
1st prize is a 2008 Harley Davidson.
2nd prize is a 2008 Arctic Cat ATV
( I won the ATV last year)
3rd prize is a John Deere Riding mower. (H. Dale Aasand won the Rider
last year) 4th prize is a Napa Tool Chest 5th prize is a giant flat
screen TV.
++plus 35 additional prizes AND a super dinner is included with every
$32.500 in cash and prizes, with 1 chance in 15 to win cash or one
of the prizes. The banquet dinner and drawing will be held on March 15,
(Need not be present to win.)
AND, for a mere one hundred dollar bill ($100) you have a 100
percent chance of getting a ticket. Simply let me know how many chances
you would like to help Grafton's Youth Hockey organization become the
very best it can be.
Please make checks payable to Grafton Youth Hockey. My address is
764 Birch Court, Grafton, ND 58237
OR you can call 701-520-1804. That's a cell number. I'll be darned
if I know who's, but I am sure of one thing. If you call it, you'll get
as many tickets as you want. That will help our youth hockey program be
as good as it can be. And, my grandson and I will be very pleased
Thanks a million Loren and Harvey. I received your Checks in yesterdays
mail. John, yours must still be on the way.
"Real friends are those who, when you feel you've made a fool of
yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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