Todays Gazette is being brought to you, by State Senator Elton W.
November 18, 1915 ------ May 17, 1982
The current temperature is 32 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 29/16
Normal H/L temp for this date is 33/17
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
If stuffing the lawn mower in the back of the garden shed was any
indication winter "might" be on the way. Watching, local railroad crews
unload a giant railroad snowplow on the crossing east of city hall must
be the "guarantee" winter isn't far away. Or so it seems to me.
The front windows of the old Tollack Furniture Store are still covered
with brown wrapping paper. Although, If you look real close, however,
you can see the recent addition of two letter H's on the front door. I
don't have a clue what the H's might stand for.
Then, while researching a special project, in the Gazette library. It
occurred to me,.. that I might find that answer in Wednesday's Walsh
County Record. Now I don't receive the Wednesday's Record til the mail
comes Thursday, but I was pretty sure, (cause it is news, right?). The
answers, to all the questions, about the store behind the brown wrapping
paper, with the newly applied double H's, could certainly be found in
the Record.
NOPE, I looked and I looked and I couldn't find anything with two H"s
in the Record anywhere. I guess I was totally wrong. The new business,
now being referred to as "The Double H" (by me anyway) must not be news
at all. Cause, if it was, it would have been in the Record, I think. Or
so it seems to me.
Speaking of main street businesses. I inadvertently proved one old
adage wrong. A picture "might" be worth a thousand words, IF, the
picture is mentioned in the first place. I should have mentioned the
fabulous pictorial display's in the windows of the Steve Larson Studio,
and, those exhibited in the windows of Tweten's Photography as well.
Both operations contribute significantly to the facade of downtown
Grafton. For the most part, the management and staff of Grafton's main
street establishment's can be proud of their projected demeanor.
State Senator Elton W. Ringsak received the President's Trophy from
President Gerald Ford. It is one of the nation's highest honor, being
named "Handicapped American of the year." An Eagle Scout, high school
letterman and holding a BS degree in commercial law, are but a few of
Elton's lifetime accomplishments. He was wounded, by shrapnel, four
times in the North African campaign and returned to duty each time.
A artillery shell exploded over his head at Monte Cassino, tearing into
the left side of his brain causing total paralysis of his right side.
As a soldier, Elton has the distinction of being one of the most
decorated veterans to serve in World War ll. He received five purple
hearts, the Bronze Star, the Silver Star, two Distinguished Service
Crosses, the French Croix de Guerre, the Italian Military Valor Cross,
the Presidential Citation, the White Legion of Honor, and four European
Theater Operations medals.
Lieutenant colonel Elton W. Ringsak a distinguished soldier, super
attorney and a darn fine statesman. He was, a "Hell-of-a-man", and,...
he'd been there,... and back. Our community, our state, and our country
are a much better place because of Elton W. Ringsak. I am pleased to
say, not only have I worked for Elton, he too, has worked for me. I am
pleased to have had the opportunity to share space in this world with
such a man, and, I'm proud having been able to call him my friend.
Elton was laid to rest at Washington's Arlington Cemetery. I was also
privileged to visit Eltons final resting place as well.
I received the following note from the subscription department. Reading
it, may give you the idea that I included the part about Elton because
of it. If so,... you would certainly be right.
The note said >>> Hi Gary
just got your shiver paper from Bev Desautel. Please put me on your
mailing list. I have put you in my address book so should not have any
trouble getting here,
thank you.
Ruth (Toni) Ringsak Glover
P. S. please include the selling of Almer and Irene Bjerke's house and a
little about the new owners. That is the house I mostly grew up in. <<<<
Thanks a million Ruth, and welcome to the Shivercity Gazette family.
I must admit, of all the things I don't know anything about. The status
of the home at 343 Cooper Avenue is one of the things I don't know the
most about.
I do know, by way of rumor, that both Irene and Almer have taken up
residence at the Sunset home. I also understand that much of Irene's
antique collection was sold during a two day sale at Park River not to
many days ago. Then too, I am also pretty sure there are other members
of "our" Gazette family that could add considerably to this knowledge
base. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing, if they would?
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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