Saturday, October 28, 2006

October 28, 2006 - Saturday

Todays Gazette is being brought to you by, JILLIAN's BENEFIT this
The current temperature is 41 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 55/32
Normal H/L temp for this date is 48/27
The forecast for tomorrow is for temperatures in the mid to upper
A perfect forecast for Jill's benefit.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Tomorrow at this time,... it'll be an hour earlier.
The "for rent" sign has been removed from the front door of Bill
Tollack's former furniture store. That, I think, is a good sign. The
brown wrapping paper covering the windows still prevents anyone from
"peeking", although I have it from a reasonably reliable source that the
new business won't have anything to do with the brown paper wrapping
RADIO SHACK has opened a facility in the Alco Discount Store on the
west side of Grafton. Radio Shack will be a welcome addition to Graftons
Business community.
Speaking of Graftons business community and how wonderful it is. The
list of businesses joining in to help with Jillians Benefit continues to
grow. In addition to those mentioned yesterday, we would like to thank
Sally & Dennis Schneider and Denny's Food Pride for their help and
contributions, Lee's "Chinese" Restaurant for the "to go" boxes, McCann
Farms for providing the plates, Pamida for the cutlery and John Maxwell
for donating 3 pairs of blue blocker sun glasses for the silent auction.
Dakota East has donated a cord of firewood, cut and delivered. Gift
certificates have been donated by 12th street Bowl, with Grafton Oil and
Jet Oil Company both donating gift certificates for the auction.
The process of caring and sharing is not unique to "our" little
community. Over the past few years I have come to realize folks in
communities everywhere share "our" values of love, life, and compassion.
I have seen people from all over the country not only share their
empathy with "our' local Firefighters, but also with "our" youth and
youth organizations. Often, of course, They have roots or family "ties"
of one kind or another in our community giving then cause to
Yesterday, I received the following note that for want of a better
description, rattled my emotional warehouse more than a little. >>>>
Subject: benefit
I am not sure if Chuck was able to get ahold of you today and we
wanted to make sure you got the message. On behalf of the Ohio Fox
Hunters, we will have a check in the mail for the benefit of Jillian.
She sounds like an awesome young lady and may I add lucky. God was sure
watching out for those young ladies and had bigger things planned for
them. Hope things go well.
Bill and Cindy and all the Ohio Fox Hunters <<<<
I read that note, and then I read the note again, and again. Then I
thought, how lucky I am, to live in a world with such wonderful people.
This group, for the newest Gazette family members, is a group of guys
from Ohio that come to Grafton every fall for a couple weeks to hunt and
enjoy "our" area and the great outdoors.
I am both humbled and gratified to be able to call them "friends" and,
I might add, members of the Gazette family.
Then, last night, another member of the Ohio Fox Hunter Group called.
Chuck wanted to be sure "we" knew, "they" haven't forgotten us and that
the check could be used as "we" see fit. We talked for quite a long time
about their weather, and our weather, their kids and our kids and how
important family is and of course, the importance of caring and sharing.
I mentioned that Pat and I had just returned from a super supper
(dinner for you folks south of St.Paul) at MarketPlace and that all the
morning coffee guys from Granny's were waiting for them to come again
this fall. Chuck said, they too couldn't wait to get here, and that they
too are looking forward to the fantastic food at MarketPlace.
As we said goodbye, I couldn't help thinking. ==== EACH OF US IS A
One of the best things to hold onto in this world is a friend.
Gosh I hope I can see a bunch of you folks at Jillian's benefit
tomorrow. If you can't make it. Please,... keep Jillian in your prayers.
A really terrific lady shared the following quote. "A slip of the
tongue, is no fault of the man." Thanks Mary.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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