10/13/06 FRIDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you be the "Little" Grand Cafe (1937 -
1939) Then a new establishment was built that was called The Grand.
The current H/L temperature 37 degrees. Yesterdays H/L temperature was
Normal H/L temp for this date is NOT
So far, we haven't even received enough snow to build a decent
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
ISN'T IT IRONIC: Mexico is warning it's citizens NOT to eat American
A funny thing happened the other day. It's definite proof advertising
does work.
For several weeks a local man, who shall remain nameless, was trying to
sell his low mileage, good condition, van. For several days his van was
parked in his driveway with a "for sale" sign in the window. Then, I
guess, he decided to list it in the paper to see if it would sell. Not
the local weekly paper, not even the daily paper forty miles down the
road. He decided to list his van for sale in the Fargo Forum, 120 south
of here. Shortly after inserting that ad. He sold his van. Not to anyone
in Fargo, not even anyone in Grand Forks.
As luck would have it, his neighbor, on the very first day it snowed,
rolled his van. Then went next door and bought the one Don Almen was
trying to sell. All proof positive, that advertising really does pay.
Fortunately Neil McDonald only suffered minor injury and a slight knob
on his humility, and,... he got a darn good used van too. Right Don?
The list of items for the silent auction at Jillian's benefit is
growing. Yesterday Kim sent the following note. >>> Hi Gary,
You mentioned about items for the silent auction, I have a "pink" wagon
and a pair of handmade wool mittens. Kim LeClerc Then Hanson
Auto & Implement donated a super weather station, Embroidery Plus is
contributing a UND Fighting Sioux shirt complete with team member
Leah's "tribute" to her father continues to bring back memories. Denise
wrote: >>> I was just reading the gazette from yesterday and as I read
Leah's, I too shed tears. Leah, I still think about Pa a lot too and
what you wrote was so special. I practically lived at the Harts, I
guess you could say. A bunch of us girls hung out there all the time
and spent a lot of time sitting in the kitchen around the table and Ma
and Pa sat many times with us. We would tell stories, laugh, eat and
just enjoy being there. Then they added on the big family room and
couldn't get rid of us. The memories I have of being there and being
a "part" of that family will alway's be treasured. Even after I moved
to Washington and would come back to Grafton for visits, I alway's
stopped in to see "Ma" and "Pa" and they were alway's there with open
arms. I haven't been back there in 3 years so the last time I saw
"Pa" was in 2003, we saw him at Granny's and he came over to give my
sister and I our hugs and then we stopped to visit at the house of
course also. It will be sad to go back the next time and go over to
the Harts and not see Pa.
My dad would go see Bob at the Machine Shop and he would ask Bob
when he was going to retire. Bob would say "I can't, I will be here
till the day I die," and that he did. I just want to send my love to
the Hart family. Leah give "Ma" a big hug from me please, and say hi
to Larae, you can give her a hug too! Ha! Denise (Sevigny)
Woinarowicz <<< Thanks for caring and sharing Denise. Aren't memories
The following note is from Jillian's mother. I encourage you to please
read her message carefully. Imagine if you will, that it could be you,
describing you and your son or daughters similar circumstance.
Jill wrote: >>> I don't have enough words to express how thankful I am
for everything and everyone that has touched our lives in so many
different ways. Thru prayers, phone calls, cards and just
I, like you, love to learn. At this moment, I don't know if it is
so much "learning" or somebody waking me up a bit. In a cynical kind
of way, I wish everyone could experience and see what I have in only
three short months. I could go on forever and tell you about her
stay in the hospital and rehab and all the "Angels" that helped us
along the way. However, our day has limited hours and space.
I'm not sure how to describe Jillian as all of my children are
wonderful and unique (I'm a mom---what did you expect me to say!).
Jillian sustained multiple injuries in the rollover. One of them
being traumatic brain injury. Part of the recovery is understanding
"what" exactly happened and accepting the changes and challenges that
you have. Jillian has always had a positive and outstanding attitude
and has always given every ounce of her being to get
stronger everyday. Even today, knowing that she has pain everyday
and not feeling so great, she goes to school and therapy and continues
to want more. You see, Jillian wasn't in an "accident"........she was
given an "opportunity". Jillian doesn't have "scars" --- she
has "reminders" and she likes to call them "victory tattoos".
Jillian isn't "challenged" or "slow" --- she is a "new person" and
open to learning whatever she can. You see, Jillian doesn't remember
the person we all "used" to think we knew. Jillian is an
amazing new person and definitely has new perspectives. Yes, she
has changed and things are not the same. But I see her pushing thru
everyday and wanting to hurry up and get to tomorrow because she has
more to do. Often times I have to slow her down and tell her to take
a break. I know we have a another road ahead of us but I also know
that there is nothing that we can't get thru and we see it as just
another step in recovery.
I said that I would keep this whole thing brief and, you know, that is
really hard to do when you start talking about your children! But for
anyone who would like to know more (alot more) about Jillian and what
she has gone thru, you are more than welcome to log into her website at
www.caringbridge.org/visit/jilliandemester If that doesn't get you
in, you can log onto the Caringbridge website (caringbridge.org) once
you are at the website, click on "visit" at the right side of the
screen. Type in jilliandemester in the box under "site name". That
will get you into her website.
Thank you Gary ....... for everything!!!!!!!!!!
Valerie (Schlenk) Demester
"Life is a drawing..........without an eraser." <<< Thanks a
million for caring and sharing Val.
When we face our trials and tribulations.
"Remember that "tri" reminds us of three. First look to God, next to
your family tree, and you'll be surprised, how many friends you will
see." GLM
If you can find it in your heart, Please give pretty little Gillian
Louise your every consideration.
The next Gazette will include a message from my granddaughter Krystal.
She shares her thoughts of that day and of the weeks that followed.
"I may not always like, what you tell me. I will, however, always
appreciate it." GLM
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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