Saturday, April 05, 2003

April 5, 2003 -


It's 9 degrees under a cloudy sky. A 6 MPH north wind puts a slight
nip in the air.
Almost every weather person out there is still predicting we will have
summer this year. Most of them aren't sure what day it will fall on
Yesterdays H/L temperature 30/18
Last years H/L on this date 35/12
Normal H/L for this date is 46/26
Todays Skeeter Meter reading - ZERO
Todays lovey living index---4---
profanity makes ignorance audible
The mention of KGPC Radio brought back memories for some. I received
the following two notes that nudged my mind into memory mode as
Kathee Carlson wrote;
Yes, memories are wonderful. Thank you, Gary, for jogging my memories
of KGPC. Let us not forget a most gracious, generous woman who had a
regular program on KGPC for many years--Jean Archer. She addressed items
of interest to the community. I think Tuesday was recipe day and
Saturday she shared stories with the youngsters. She died in 1973
leaving a host of friends and admirers. I dearly wish I could remember
how she signed off at the end of each program. Can you ask if anyone on
your subscription list remembers? Thanks.
My mom sometimes substituted for Jean on her program, and even I took my
hand at it when my mom was out of town. I shudder to think what I
sounded like in comparison to Jean's delivery.
Suzanne Burns wrote;
Your reminiscing of the days of KGPC brings to mind the Police Report
with Bill Janousek and his famous sighting of an "UFO". Also, I
remembered Jean Archer's wonderful morning program of local happenings.
She ended each program with a short poem or reading. I can't remember
all of it but the phrase "This is the Day the Lord Has Made" remains
forever etched in my memory.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you Suzanne and Kathee. Thank you for sharing and caring. The
exchange of information is the main reason the Gazette exists.
Reminding us of such wonderful people as Jean Archer and Kathleen
Carlson. Not only adds value to their efforts, but also allows us
insight, of the end result and benefits of our efforts.
"To know what is right, and then not do it, is the worst form of
================================== Tomorrow (Sunday) at this time,
it will be one hour later. It's hard to believe we are already at the
daylight savings time, time of the year. I don't remember what I spent
all the time I saved last year on. This year, I'm going to invest it
Welcome Lynn (Knuth) Holte, to the crazy world of the Shivercity
Gazette. Our subscription department would like a note from your
mail-box every now and then to keep your subscription current. Our
subscription list has reached it's maximum capacity. Hence new
subscriptions will, if warranted, replace inactive subscribers.
It amazes me, how many more caring people there are. Compared to the
number of sharing people. It's relatively easy to care, it's much more
difficult to share.
As I look back on my life. I find an enormous amount of caring. I have
been blessed to be surrounded by caring people.
I wish I could say the same about sharing. The sharing of feelings and
thoughts. The sharing of family and friends, along with the sharing of
heritage, all must be done before we leave this world.
To wonder where you're going, is the challenge, in your life. To wonder
where you come from, without sharing, there's no light.
Last night Pat and I had supper (dinner for you folks south of
Minneapolis) at Marketplace on Eight. Rosalie (Kasprick) Hagen was
there, and, after exchanging travel notes. I mention Dan wanted us to
say hi and happy birthday.
She said to say thanks, and then added. Dan Crookston, my word (I
cleaned that up a little) I haven't seen him since high school. He was
10 feet tall then, I wonder how tall he is now.
I couldn't really answer that question Dan. I did tell her that,
compared to Rosie almost everyone was tall.
Did I mention? The Walleye and Shrimp at Marketplace was fantastic?
Something to ponder. 40,000 soldiers are fighting with a green card.
Hoping to become citizens. The folks in France won't even eat apple pie.
I had a nice talk with Maurel Mattson this morning in Granny's. It's
pretty easy to see the resemblance in his gene pool

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's to late.

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