Friday, April 04, 2003

April 4, 2003


With the wind from the NE at 14 MPH under cloudy skies, the temperature
is 19 degrees.
The major winter storm forecast for our area yesterday. Ended up to
resemble that of a Private, or Private First Class. The last Major
winter storm for our area was back in the last century. (1997)
Yesterdays H/L was 28/23
Last years H/L on this date 31/16
Normal H/L for this date is 42/25
Todays Skeeter Meter reading ZERO
Todays lovely living index---4---
profanity makes ignorance audible
According to Todd Morgans article SPEED LIMIT TO REMAIN 55-MPH, on the
front page of this weeks Walsh County Record. The County Commissioners
have decided to keep the county speed limit at 55 MPH. That decision was
a good one.
Individuals that feel the speed limit on county roads should be raised.
Have the option of considering county roads, toll roads. Then, when
arrested, they can claim it as a business expense. I'm not sure the IRS
will allow it, however, my guess is, it's not the dumbest idea they've
ever heard.
Judging by the size of the Walsh County Court Report. Several county
travelers have already chosen that option.
In yesterdays Gazette I referred to KXPO radio's old call letters as
KGPO. I have been reminded, and very graciously I might add, that the
old call letters were KGPC. I knew that. I do have a viable excuse
however. Actually, I think the donkey that designed my key-board
deserves much of the blame.
I think putting the C so close to the O qualifies for the poor design
club. I'm almost sure, if the C had not been so close to he O, I
wouldn't have made the type-O (pardon the pun)
Old-times will remember some of the individuals that started KGPC. Ted
Mattson, (Ted's Tavern) Elton Ringsak, (Attorney) Rodney Webb,
(Attorney) and Clayton Matheson (station manager) among others. Over the
years KGPC radio personalities, include names such as Don Jorstad, Noel
Stendahl, Del Nygard (later became an owner) DJ Johnson, Sig Jagelski,
Bob Hunt and Gunder Berg (in the snuss room) to mention a few.
Gosh it's great to know some folks actually read this babble once in a
Thanks a million Kathee, your note brought back memories of several
individuals I haven't thought of for a long time. Aren't memories
"To know what is right, and then not do it, is the worst form of
Judging by the amount of vehicles in front of Graftons new furniture
store. Landowski's Furniture appears to be doing well. It is a beautiful
store, full of beautiful furniture. One of the slogans Landowski uses
"first or last, a chance to bid, is all we ask." Says much about the
business, and, the area it serves.
I suppose it is possible that there is something out there somewhere
Landowski's couldn't get for their customer. I just can't imagine what
that might be.
S P O R T S and STUFF:
What about that Herby Puckett guy? Did anyone have any doubt Herby
would get off. (pardon the pun) As soon as I heard a famous quarter back
named Herby, was charged with taken a girl in the boys bathroom, I
figured someone got their signals crossed. (pardon the pun)
As I see it. Herby's in the huttle talking and patting the rest of his
team on the rump. Someone suggested he go for the "tight end". Herby, a
famous member of the hall says, NO, I'm heading for the "wide receiver".
Herby continues, as soon as I finish fooling around with the centers
rump, I'm gonna give it to the first open man in the field.
Now, not being an expert in sports, I'm not aware of all of the
possibilities. Some circumstances of the situation will have to be left
to the readers with more expertise than I.
To think a man of Herby's stature would even consider taking a 'lady'
into the boys bathroom for anything other than honorable reasons. Would
totally destroy the integrity of the sport of basketball.
Anyone can see, by simply looking at a picture of Herby. He spends most
of his waking hours grazing, not grasping. Unfortunately. it is also
evident. Most of what Herby consumes, doesn't turn to excrement.
And so it is.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's to late.

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