Todays Gazette comes to you with the complete confidence that
health care costs will not increase nor will our taxes. On
the other hand, we may have allowed ourselves to be conned because we
are to dense to understand the true agenda of our Washington
Or so it seems to me.
Wednesday the nations Weather Service issued our first
winter weather warning of the season. At least we have one consolation,
as opposed to the politicians in Washington, the National Weather
Service actually is right,.......... once in a blue moon.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Most folks in our area woke up to see their lawns had turned snow
white over night. We've been told that it (the snow) won't last long but
I'm thinking time will probably tell that story a bit more accurately.
Rumor has it our city leaders are revisiting the possibilities of
protecting our community from the ravages of flood. It even appears as
though the issue may come up for another city wide vote in the near
future. I'm thinking time will also tell that story more accurately as
It doesn't sound like sugarbeet harvest will be able to resume
WIth Halloween just around the corner more and more "seasonal"
decorations are starting to pop up in the community. Troy and Cindy
Senger, on the corner of 12th and Western Avenue, may have been among
the first to begin decorating their property for the festive spooky
season of orange.
It's a fact, all birds do not fly south for the winter. Some of
them ride in Cadillacs. It is also true that all turkeys do not fly
south. Some of them get there by way of refrigerated truck,... just in
time for Thanksgiving. Which I might add, is the latest date I've heard
for the opening date of Shananigan's.
I have been told by a very reputable resource that the term "Trick
or Treats" did NOT originate in Washington D.C. (although it certainly
does seem like a very real possibility)
The same person I might add, assured me our taxes would not
Wash your hands,... as often as you can. It is the flu season you
Speaking of the flu season, and the things we should or shouldn't
do. Scott Boura shared his thoughts in that regard. He
wrote: >>>>
"Sneeze in your elbow,... it's flu season." I'm not sure that is good
advice for you guys that "rub elbows" during your morning coffee at
Granny's. <<<<
Thanks for caring and sharing Scott, I'll share your thoughts with
the group in the morning.
OKAY Richard,... it's your turn to buy breakfast at Granny's so
hurry up and get back home.
After reading about the recent problems the Strand Theatre has
been experiencing and the scheduled Chili feed to be held at the
Federated Church. Christine Jensen shared the following thoughts. >>>>
Hi Gary,
Nice to have you back, I missed getting the Gazette!! I just want
to say a few words about the Strand Theatre in Grafton. My younger
brother and his wife refuse to go ANYWHERE else to watch a movie because
he says the Strand is the BEST. In his words, "They have the most
comfortable seats, the best popcorn, and the nicest people working
there." I hope to attend the fundraiser in November and I think it is
AWESOME the community is pitching in to help such GREAT people and
business owners. Whenever my husband and I get the opportunity to go to
a movie, we come to Grafton!! There really is no better place!! You have
a great day and thanks again for the Gazette!!!! Christine Jensen lia
sophia advisor
"Just because you have all the answers, doesn't mean you will be
asked all the questions" Or so it seems to me.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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