Today is the first day of the annual Celebration of SummerFest in
The current temperature is 81 degrees.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
If someone were to ask me how the fishing has been, I would have to
say. "The fishing has been absolutely fantastic, AND, the catching has
been wonderful as well." Of course, I have only been fishing out of
Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort on the south shore of Minnesota's beautiful
Lake of the Woods.
It's a fabulous place to spend a day, a week, a summer, or the rest of
your life. So far,... I've covered the first three and now I'm working
on the forth.
Those that say nothing ever happens in a small town almost certainly
couldn't have been thinking of Grafton, North Dakota.
The folks from Storage Pro's have given the building the Hvidsten
family constructed to house their Implement Dealership a well deserved
face lift.
Mike DeSautel's Storage Pro's organization should be commended for
resurrecting and significantly improving two of our "innercity" eye
sores. Thanks to Storage Pro's the former Robertson Lumber Company
property and the former Hvidsten Implement facilities have been returned
to aesthetically pleasing and beneficial components of Grafton's
downtown business district.
Speaking of changing the downtown facade, and adding value to
Grafton's downtown business district. The former Nelson Drug Store
building may well earn the distinction of one of downtowns more stately
The folks who operated the former Shananigan's Pizza Place will become
the old drug stores anchor business establishment. The building also has
lots of additional space available for private offices as well, and, all
behind beautiful new windows, doors and a wonderful brand new paint job.
Contractors are also in the process of resurfacing a significant amount
of our communities streets making the drive around town much more
Speaking of streets. A drive thru Leistikow Park is more enjoyable than
ever. The Frisbee Golf course that runs throughout the park is becoming
more and more popular by the day. It is not unusual to see three or four
groups "golfing" at the same time.
The crew at the park has also opened up, or cleaned, the river bank
from the area that the old dock was to a point just past the former
dressing facilities to the north. That project makes for another
beautiful scenic addition to the park this year.
Rock Twetens Photography facility is also getting a new face lift, (of
sorts) for this years SummerFest Festivities. A painter high up in the
giant SOS Tree Service boom truck is painting the original skyline of
Grafton's oldest Brick Structure. The building was constructed in 1893
to house the Bank of Grafton and was later used by the Walsh County
Record, Wilfred Sevigny's Grafton Appliance, Marvel Argue's Fashion
Shoppe which was later sold to Jay Seeger and then to the Herbel's for a
shoe store and finally to Rock Tweten for his Photography business.
It sure is great to see so many of Grafton's business establishments
investing in the future of Grafton. It would be absolutely fantastic to
have the residents of the area reciprocate by supporting the local
business community as well. Or so it seems to me.
Please plan to attend the 2009 Grafton area SummerFest Celebration.
It'll be fun for everyone.
The folks at Heritage Village would like to share the following
Summerfest at Heritage Village Sat, June 27th, serving lunch after
the parade 11am til1pm
Treasure Hunt for ages 3-6—7-9—10-12 year olds starting at 12:30pm
with drawing for prizes at 1pm.
"Free Merry-Go-Round rides, open tour of buildings.
Lunch menu is Roast Turkey on a bun, macaroni salad, baked beans, chips,
lemonade, coffee for $8.00 per plate. For the kids—BBQ, chips,
lemonade $3.00.
It been several years since I shared the following thoughts in the
Gazette. However, they are just as important to me now, as they were so
long ago and I would like to share them with everyone again today.
"I know my Fathers with me each time I see a tree. You see my Father
taught me, the value they could be. He said if planted properly, with
care and love I'd see. That tree would grow and help me, and always be
with me. That tree would give me shelter and protect me from the Sun. It
would calm the winds and clean the air, and, climbing it is fun.
I remember my Father with me, when I planted my first tree, and
now I know he's with me, every time I see a tree.
Happy Fathers Day Dad, you mean the world to me, and, thanks a
million also, for helping me plant that tree.
I'm proud to say my dad, had one of the longest dashes
around and every time I see a tree, I believe it's planted in my Dad's
hallowed ground.
"Life is to short for long answers."
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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