Todays Gazette is brought to you by.... all the wonderful folks from
St. Thomas North Dakota that welcome everyone in the area to help them
celebrate St. Thomas Daze this Saturday, June 21.
The current temperature is 51.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 81/46
Normal H/L temp for this date is 77/54
It was 105 degrees on this date in 1933.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Trucks and equipment from Strata Corporation are hauling the all the
dirt from three street projects into the area often referred to as the
States School Slough south of the Leistikow Park. Filling in the slough
will not only improve the overall look of the area, it will eliminate
some real serious skeeter breeding grounds as well.
Speaking of Leistikow Park. The staff responsible for it's day to day
care and maintenance are to be commended for the fantastic work they do.
Grafton can be very proud of it's Park & Rec facilities and the programs
they offer the Grafton area.
I invite everyone to take a leisurely drive through Leistikow Park and
experience the tranquil, calming, effect it can have.
Rumor has it that more and more people every day are finding the Daily
Grind, just off main on east 5th street is a fantastic place for a
coffee break and a lunch.
===== === MINTO === =====
everyone will motor to Minto for their Quasquicetennial Celebration
Burgers, brats, chips, pop and ice cream sundaes will be served on the
Main Street in Minto from 5 to 9. I guarantee you won't find better
burgers and brats anywhere in the world.
Proceeds from the FREE WILL offering will be used to defer celebration
Graftons Heritage Village is open Sundays from 1 to 4 to tour the
buildings and grounds. Vintage Merry-go-round rides are also available.
Graftons Heritage village is fortunate to have one of the country's few
remaining "authentic" merry-go-rounds in existence.
Heritage Village will also be participating in Graftons SummerFest and
will be offering the following lunch menu after the parade.
Saturday June 28th from 11am til 1pm
Music will be provided by Brent Hermans—Piano Talk—from 12noon til
Roast Turkey on a Bun, Macaroni Salad, Chips, Ice Cream, Lemonade and
Coffee all for only $7.00.
On the lighter side:
BBQ, Chips, Ice Cream and Lemonade all for only $4.00.
All proceeds will go toward the operation of Graftons Heritage village.
~~ Grafton's 2008 SUMMERFEST ~~
I understand most of the final preparations for this years celebration
have been completed. Members of every age group should find this years
celebration fun and entertaining.
Events like SummerFest require significant effort and input of many
people to make them successful. Everyone in the business community is
not only asked, but to a certain degree required, to contribute and
participate if such undertakings are to come to fruitfull fruition.
To that end I often find myself wondering. Why, I wonder, isn't
businesses like Wal-Mart, Target, Menards, Loews, Old Navy and the
Columbia Mall among others, listed in the credits along with our "local"
merchants? Certainly, in my mind at least, they have gained as much, or
more, from the folks that will enjoy Grafton's SummerFest Celebration
than the local merchants that inevitably end up "footing the bill".
Everytime I drive through our local merchants parking lots, I am truly
amazed at the number of vehicles that have been purchased from a small
town dealership along the Red River. I often wonder, how much that
business contributes to, and participates in, the success of the
community in which I live.
"Small town celebrations are a lot more fun, when there is still people
left in them,.... to celebrate.
Or so it seems to me.
The next several issues of the Gazette will be written in invisible
ink. If something really important comes up. During the day, I can be
reached at
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they
are,..... before it's too late.
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