Monday, November 19, 2007

November 19, 2007 - Monday

Todays Gazette is brought to you, in part, by Graftons Golden
Harvest Jewelers.
If your looking for something in silver or gold, or a wonderful
time piece where time and date are told.
If diamonds & pearls put a twinkle in your eye, give Jeff
Narloch's Golden Harvest Jewelers a try.
The current temperature is 44°.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 39/28
Normal H/L temp for this date is 31/15
We received a trace of snowcat dust yesterday. It started snowing
a little before noon and quit by late afternoon. By Monday morning, most
was already gone. ============================
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Speaking of diamonds. I am pleased to report that the worlds
largest diamond (or close to it) will light up a good portion of
Leistikow Park once again this holiday season.Thanks to the efforts of
Golden Harvest Jewelry.
Early Sunday afternoon I did some shopping at the Alco and Pamida
stores on the West side of Grafton. I talked with one couple that
commented how wonderful it was to hear Christmas music again. Then, the
lady said, "but it's way to early to start celebrating Christmas. It
isn't even Thanksgiving, for God's sake." As I watched them walk away, I
couldn't help being a tad confused.... Their shopping cart was "plump
full" of Christmas presents.
Personally, I believe we should be celebrating "Christmas" all
year 'round.
Last week truly was an interesting one, for me. It also
proved to be another of lifes learning experiences. I learned, among
other things, it's much easier to whistle thru your teeth,... if you
have teeth. I must also admit that I am a bit concerned that buy the
time I, eventually do leave the dentist office I may not be able to
afford the proverbial "pot-to-P-in". Speaking of which, wouldn't you
know it. The "Throne" in our home library sprung a leak Sunday. Now that
too, will need to be replaced. Hence, for awhile at least, I won't even
have "a pot-to-think-on", if you know what I mean.
I also learned there are numerous members of the Gazette family
willing to share various forms of solace and consolation. For instance;
---- "Well, Gary, that whole scene would be worth a Norman Rockwell
painting of it!",or, "Take heart in knowing you aren't alone in
taking a header. I made mine in front of a tourist filled carriage."
One of my morning breakfast friends thought this would cheer
me up, -- "I hear they serve good oatmeal at Grannies. You might be able
to gum some." another note mentioned, "This aging process is not for the
faint hearted and sometimes not much fun." Then too, a long time friend
said, "You might have to have an extra helping of lutefisk instead of
turkey for thanksgiving this year. Boil it long enough and you should be
able to suck it through a straw. Then, direct from the Mayors office, I
received --- Well Gary it seems you're taking that old song to heart...
"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth." Hope all goes well for
you on the 26th.
I even had one well wisher stop by the house to give me a
stout very brightly painted cane. I suspect with the idea that it would
be easier for me to see and not forget. Thanks a million John. I will
not only cherish the thought, I'll cherish the cane forever as well.
Okay, I'll admit I did take many, if not most, of the previous
"comments" out of context. I will never take lightly the compassion and
thoughtfulness of the many members of "our" Shivercity Gazette family.
AND, so that there is no misunderstanding. I am fine, I am doing
well,... and, eventually I hope to be able to gnaw the meat off the bone
of one of those giant, tender and juicy County Smokehouse T-bone steaks.
On a more serious note. Shane would like to share the following
THANK-YOU with entities and individuals that he feels are very
deserving. He wrote: >>>>
I would like to give thanks to those who have helped me through my
surgeries and recovery over the past month. Whether it was cards, food,
prayers or phone calls, every bit helped make me stronger and made me
smile. Thanks to the Unity Medical Center of Grafton, Dr. O.S. Omontunde
and all of the nurses and staff. A very special thanks to Dr. Schultz,
and his professional staff in Grand Forks and to all the Doctors and
nurses at Altru Hospital in Grand Forks. Thank you to my neighbors
especially Terry and Julie and to Dary. Your kindness and help was
unbelievable. To all of my fellow associates and extended family of
Marvin Windows and Doors of Grafton God bless all of you. What a
pleasure and comfort to work for a company that stands by your side when
you are down and out and asks "what can we do for you?" A special
heartfelt thank you to the HR department to whom I am so very honored to
work with, Vicki, Jay, Todd, Nikki, Barb, Kris, Patty and Muriel. To my
Mom, Dorothy, I love you and I truly believe mothers are the next best
thing to angels. Sister Debbie you do not know how much you are
appreciated! Thanks to Doug Flicek for when I was in the hospital in
Grafton he came to see me every night even though his worries were much
greater than mine. Thanks to Derek Anderson for being there for me.
Father Tim, his staff and all at St. Johns Church you are so special and
wonderful and are all in my prayers. To Adelle Momerak for your kindness
and help when I got out of the hospital. You were there for me when I
was a kid and you still are today. Thank you cousin Chipper and all my
friends for all the visits. It is times like these when the goodness of
so many comes to surface. God bless you all and a Happy Thanksgiving.
Shane Shereck <<<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Shane.
"We work for money, but we live for thanks." "It is much easier to
overpay someone, than it is to over thank them."
Or so it seems to me.
If your looking for a super fun time. Take the kids to the
Strand Theater in Grafton.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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