A successful fisherman is deemed so, not by the number of his hooks,...
rather by the number of fish he hooks.
The current temperature is 71 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 77/58
Normal H/L temp for this date is 81/57
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
It's been a while since the last Gazette. The first thing I noticed on
my return was the large Subway sign hanging under the 125 year Grafton
celebration sign on the corner of Hill and 17. I also noticed that the
Grafton Subway is not only offering breakfast 7 days a week, they are
advertising they will be open for business 24 hours a day as well.
That means Grafton now has two retail businesses that are open 24 hours
a day, Grafton Square's gas station and convenience store has been open
24 hours a day since they opened and now Subway is planning on doing the
It's a fact that Grafton's 125 year celebration was better than most
could hope for. I, too, want to thank those involved for all their hard
work. I was especially pleased to be able to watch the entire parade
without getting soaked by water cannons.
Once again, as usual, the Shriners organization added significantly to
the parades presentations. I enjoyed watching the "guys" on motorcycles
performing their normal "crowd warmup" pass by before the parade began.
And, as always, I truly appreciate standing with my hand over my heart
as former local members of our armed services lead the parade with our
beautiful stars and strips flying high over their heads.
One of the most popular events during this years celebration was the
formation of and performance by several former Grafton Parade Band
members. Joe Birkland would be extremely proud of the legacy he left us
Although the events leading up to the bands performances required the
help and input of many, Donald LaBerge should be congratulated, first
for planting the idea, and then cultivating it into a most memorable
presentation. To that end I am very pleased to pass along a note I
received from Ryan.
++++ Ryan wrote: >>> Hello Gary, Just wanted to let you and others
know, that I recorded the Grafton Community Band during summerfest.I
used the best portablerecording equipment on the market today so the
quality is amazing. I figured I should capture this once in a
lifetime event on CD. It may be the last time this reunion of
Grafton's finest musicians ever happens again. Cd's can be picked up
at the Radio station for 10 dollars or send a check for $ 12 to 856 W
12th St Grafton ND 58237 and I will mail one out immediately. The
cd's have a picture of the early parade band in the 50's etched on the
disc itself and the cover is pure maroon and gold. Grafton Pride
through and through.
Ryan <<<< WOW,... Thanks a million for caring and sharing Ryan. I must
believe their are dozens of folks out their that would really enjoy
listening to your CD and I can't even imagine how much fun it will be
for their future generations to listen to them as well.
Another special event this year was held at the Strand Theater. I
wasn't able to send Tammy's note out before the event but along with my
appreciation for Tom's efforts I would like to share it now.
Tammy wrote: >>>
Subject: Tommy Gives Back!
Good morning, Gary! I just wanted to let you know that Tom has taken
YOUR IDEA for Summer Fest, and he RAN with it. He went WAAAYYY
back in the books to find out what 1947 ticket prices were, and since we
are celebrating 60 years in this theater, we are running a Thursday
night Take-a-Chance Movie at 1947 prices. It's going to be a
PG-rated film so people can bring their whole families, and he is doing
an early and late show. This is not a film that's out on video - it
will be a first-run movie that we have not shown yet.
I think it's a comedy, but MR. STRAND is not telling. All
he will say is kids were a dime and adults were 20 cents, so that is
what admission will be. And he will have concession deals.
He wanted to do something very special to show his appreciation
for the customers we know and love, so he decided to use your idea and
incorporate it into the Summer Fest and Grafton's 125th.
Hey! Thank you for a great idea. Hope to see you Thursday
Tammy Henriksen <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing
Tammy. And, thank you Tom for helping show the whole world that
"everything" isn't "always" about the almighty dollar.
I am pleased to welcome former mayor Fred and Betty Stark to our
neighborhood. They recently purchased the house Chuck and Lise Lambrecht
called home for so many years.
I must also thank all of you that have written wondering how, or at
least where I've been. The readers digest version of course would be,..
Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort and the south shore of the beautiful Lake
of the Woods.
If you like to fish, eat fish, or, if you simply prefer eating fabulous
food while enjoying a fantastic view of one of north America's best
sport fishing spots. Try Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort.
You can do just about everything you will every want to do at Arnesen's
Rocky Point,.... except, possibly driving a Cadillac Escalade out on the
beach. Isn't that right Diane?
Speaking of Rocky Point, I think I forgot to shut off the Walleye
Combine when we left Sunday so I am going to "have to" go back tomorrow
and check.
Ernie the Angler always says we are supposed to take care and "take a
kid fishing",... So,... I'm going to take this kid fishing.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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