Todays Gazette is being brought to you, in part by, the little town of
The current temperature is 31 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 29/16
Normal H/L temp for this date is 224
Our normally seasonable weather has been unseasonably warm of late.
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Monday morning proved to be another beautiful winter morning in the
Northland. The fog ladened morning air from warmer than normal
temperatures. Trees and hiline wires were all coated with a layer of
frost giving our landscape the appearance Terry Redlin and his palette
had visited overnight.
Tho' it may just be wishful thinking, parking spaces and lots
throughout our little community seems to be busier than usual.
The Carols and Candles Community Service at Grafton Lutheran Church is
less than a week away. The event will begin at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is
welcome to attend.
I am pleased to be able to share a note I received from Stacie Sevigny,
staff writer for the Walsh County Record. Along with explaining the
Records position on the subject, and, answering some of the questions
being asked.
Stacie wrote: >>> Hi Gary,
Just wanted to drop you a note on behalf of the staff at the official
county newspaper for Walsh County, The Walsh County Record.
I assume your questions regarding the business in the former Tollack
Furniture store building (I don't know what it once was as that was
probably long before I became a resident of Grafton) are regarding
Henry's Countrypolitan, as it is now called, evidenced by the
beautifully painted lettering on the door's window.
You're wondering why, as it IS news, it hasn't been in The Record yet.
It's a question you've brought up before and I just thought this would
be a great opportunity to give an explanation. I think people "talk" a
lot about different things and assume since they talk about it, it is
news. Unfortunately that isn't always the case. But Henry's
Countrypolitan is news and it will be featured in The Record soon.
People seem to forget there are two sides to getting news out there -
The Record knowing about it and making the contact AND (most
importantly) the subject or subjects being willing to visit with The
Record staff for a story. Just because we think it's news, we can't
always assume the person or persons want to do a story for the
newspaper. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. So for many stories
The Record is at the mercy of another person's wishes. But because you
don't see it in The Record, don't assume the contact hasn't been made.
Then other times, as is the case with Henry's Countrypolitan, the
subject(s) want to "have their ducks in a row" shall we say before they
get their story in The Record. So the timing for a story in The Record,
is again, at the mercy of someone else. And that's fine with us. Because
really, isn't a story better when all of the information is complete?
Record readers will see the story soon. I know you'll be watching for
it, Gary! Thanks for allowing me to share "the other perspective." Feel
free to share it with your readers.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family!
Stacie Sevigny <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Stacie. I
certainly do agree, if one is going "hunting" having ones "ducks in a
row" is a wonderful advantage.
I struggle with the rational (advantage) a business might enjoy by
keeping it's venture a mystery to the general public. Those that will
ultimately become that businesses customers.
Some will remember the very same rational was used during the
construction of the last main street business venture. Ekatta's had been
open, doing business, for several days already and still many local
residents were asking what "was" going to go into the drug store
The management and staff of Graftons newest business, Countrypolitan,
may well have true and valid reasons for note wanting to "share all of
their ducks", until they were all in a row. I have absolutely no problem
with that. However, as the news leader, and, the largest publication in
Walsh County, I believe it would have been good business for the Record,
and, beneficial to Countrypolitan, had the Record simply shared with
it's readership, the fact that a new business was planning on opening in
the community of Grafton.
I might also add that that business was preparing to open, not only
during the largest retail sales day of the year - the day after
Thanksgiving - it is pushing deeply into one of the largest retail sales
periods of the year, namely the Christmas Holiday season. I might be old
fashioned, but I think most mainstreet businesses would agree. "It's the
money generated before Christmas, that carries them through the long
cold winters of the Northland. Or so it seems to me.
Anyway, I am thankful for Stacies note, and I / we will be looking
forward to a more complete story on Graftons new Countrypolitan
On a different note, Today, Tuesday December 12 is the anniversary of
the birth of Leona (Lansing) Sevigny. I remember once many years ago,
Local Attorney Jake Hodny asked me if it was true that Leona was my
aunt. When I said yes she was, he asked. Leona Lansing from Lankin you
mean? Again I told him yes, to which he replied. "Well I'll be ------
darned". I knew her before she moved to town. I'm not sure what all that
really means Leona. I do know that Pat and I want to wish you HAPPY
BIRTHDAY and tell you we love you very much,... and, we would love to be
able to do the things you do, when, and if, we get to be your age. Heck,
I'd like to did that now!!
A well known song once had a phrase in it, some days diamonds, some
days stones. Leona is, a center cut diamond.
Over the years I have purchased many cars from Dave French. He always
seemed to provide me with the vehicle and the feeling I needed buying a
new vehicle. Dave moved to Jamestown earlier this fall although it's
obvious, he hasn't forgotten his roots. Dave wrote. >>> HI GARY, I AM
JAMESTOWN. THANKS--- DAVE FRENCH <<<< Thanks a million Dave.
Believe it or not, I'm starting to miss all the free breakfasts too, if
you know what I mean. I thank you and I know all of your Firefighter
friends will be pleased with your contribution as well.
The Gazette works best, when the folks that read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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