Monday, July 24, 2006

July 24, 2006 - Monday

07/24/06 MONDAY
Todays Gazette is brought to you by Jim & Kaye (Kieley) McFarland
The present temperature is 85 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 94/62
Normal H/L temp for this date is 83/57
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff,.. mostly stuff.
Those that think nothing ever happens in Grafton probably just haven't
left town long enough so it can.
Spudniks building, although not completed, is up and providing shelter
from the sun (and rain, if it ever does).
A major portion of the Gerszewski potato warehouse, the part that
busted out last year, has been torn down.
The Simonson organization has purchased the BP gas station (formerly
Lee's Standard) on the corner of Hill and 17.
Aurel and Delores DeSautel sold their home in Eastwood (once owned by
Bill and Peggy Moe) to Jim and Cheryl Vistad, Rumor has it Jim thinks
it's better to have the kitchen and the bathroom on the same floor. The
Vistads have been living in the former Norman and Winnie Burns home on
Western Avenue.
Then, I noticed this morning that the business that occupied the former
Tollacks Furniture store is moving to Sauk Center (I think).
Although I haven't been told specifically, it also appears that
Ekatta's "liquor livery" is open and doing business in the same area Sam
Nelson used to sell chocolate malts.
I was also sorry to hear the Louis Goodrie age 78 died last Friday at
his home in Grafton. I'm sure there are as many stories about Louie as
there are people in Grafton.
Let it suffice to say, "Louie always did the best he could, with what
he had to work with." I will miss seeing Louis walking around town
looking down at the sidewalk with an unlit cigarette in his mouth,
wearing his 'well worn' parka and hard hat.
I received the following note awhile back and hope someone can shed a
bit of lite on it for us. Kristy wrote: >>>
Hi Gary! I want you to know how much Bruce and I enjoy your Gazette!
Thank you for all you do for our community! I received a letter from my
dad, (Chuck Stenso), today and in it was a picture of the airport. It
was taken from the air, and it was underwater. He said it was taken in
the 1948 flood. There is a P-51 mustang airplane behind the hanger. He
mentioned the air force had given it to the city after the war. He also
said the city sold it to someone for $6,000.00. The gentleman who bought
it came to the airport and worked on it for about a day and flew it out
of town. He said at the end of the letter that he thought it would be
fun to know where it went and who it was that purchased it. I thought
that maybe someone in the Gazette family might know that info. Again,
thank you for all you do! Kristy Stenso <<<
Thanks a million for caring and sharing Kristy, I'll bet someone can
help us out.
It was really great hearing from Lyle Anderson this week as well. I met
the Andersons a couple weeks ago at Rocky Point. Lyle wrote:
Got your e-mail, thanks. We got home on Friday, about 4600 miles
total. But the best part of the trip was, we were able to take some
time off and relax, which is hard for me to do sometimes.
Stayed at some good camps, met some good and interesting people,like
yourself, and saw some country. I was a little disappointed with the
fishing tho. I wish I'd have had my boat there to battle those waves
and wind. Maybe next time.
It's back to work on Monday. I'm going to be building a tennis
club here, which will include a weight room, pool, offices etc. It
should keep me out of trouble for about 14 mos. It will be connected
to an existing 8 tennis court bldg.
I'll stay in touch.
lyle <<< Thanks a million for caring and sharing Lyle. Your probably
right about a better boat Lyle. Your nephew's little lund boat is a bit
small for the Lake of the Woods. Next year, when you return, we'll make
certain you get out and hook a giant walleye in the upper lip.
Speaking of giant fish, and I am. Last week I was able to hook on to a
giant sturgeon. For more than twenty minutes, my brother-in-law Ken
Demester and three boatloads of fisherpersons that gathered to watch,
observed the prehistoric behemoth and this Nor-Frenchman take battle.
The first time it broke water, by the side of the boat, I darn nearly
dumped the contents of my colon, as I think, did the three guys in the
boat only a few feet away. The second time it surfaced, "we" were ready,
and this time certain it was a giant bottom feeder with big bumps on
it's back.
After twenty minutes, (it felt more like an hour) I finally had the
bugger next to the boat, and, we (Kenny) had about three feet of it's
backend in the net,.... and.... doggone, bugger heck shucks, gee
willikers darn,... it lurched out of the net and back into the water.
At first I said "rats" then I realized it was best we didn't land it in
the boat. As we returned to Rocky Point I was pleased for several
reasons. First, that so many got a chance to see it. Second, that my
colon was still able to function under pressure, and third, that for
several days after, every time I walked into Arnesen's Rock Harbor
Lodge, people would refer to me as, "the guy that caught the giant
There now, see Paul, I hardly didn't mention it in the Gazette at all.
As for fishing out of Arnesen's Rocky Point in general. Fishing
continues to be nothing short of fantastic,... and,... catching has been
fantastic as well.
It seems every week we get to meet new and interesting folks at
Rocky Point. Last week Paul and Diane spent a week catching and eating
fresh Lake of the Woods Walleye. They reside in Rochester Mn, where Paul
is a retired homicide investigator who presently sells BMW'S to
Rochester's professional base and Diane who is still in law enforcement
as a deputy. Both of them worked on the Jacob Wetterling case several
years ago in the St, Joes Mn. area.
Both Pat and I enjoyed spending time with them and were fascinated by
some of their stories. They gave us every indication they would not only
be returning to "the Point" but that they are also very interested in
becoming summer residents as well. I look forward to seeing them
again,... real soon.
We were so please when we returned Sunday night to find so many notes
and letters from folks congratulating us for being honored at this years
Summerfest. Often, they contain tidbits about the past that are very
special to us. Sometimes, as is the case with Kaye (Kieley) McFarland,
we receive both an electronic note which says, >>> Please include us on
your email list.
We've been getting your news letter forwarded by the class of '53, but
hope that you will include us directly, so that we don't miss anything.
Keep up the good work. You and Pat are bringing joy to so many. THANKS!!
Kaye <<< Thanks a million Kaye, and welcome to the
Gazette famly.
Kaye also sent a picture of Pat and me during the parade, along with
the following note I will cherish forever.
She wrote: Not sure that you would remember Kaye Kieley --- you were
always "David's little brother". Enjoy the Gazette --- Thank you. Your
dad and mom, Cora, Hazel and this former GHS student are very proud of
you! (That's Cora Lykken and Hazel Sutterlin, of course.)
Our fathers were very good friends and your dad "MADE" my wedding ---
after Father Garland refused to marry me in the church proper --- your
dad "flowered" the sacristy "magically". I'll always be grateful. Keep
up the good work. K. <<<
Thanks a million Kaye, for caring and sharing. I have always known that
Grafton Floral has ment a lot of things, to a lot of people. It is
heartwarming to learn of them "firsthand". Gary
And yes, I certainly do remember you Kaye. I helped tie the bows on the
sacristy pews.

Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.

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