04/20/05 WEDNESDAY grp 3.
The current temperature under a clear sky is 44 degrees.
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 62/41
Normal H/L temp for this date is 57/33
Todays Gazette is brought to you , in part, by SELL & TOLLACK ==
hardware, furniture and harness. Phone # 66
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff;
Well after several months, "it's in,... and it's out." The vote on
smoking or not smoking, that is. Let there be no mistake about it.
Smoking is not a 'good' thing no-matter where it happens. Let no-one
misunderstand the facts. The facts are, in-haling smoke, from either end
of a cigarette, is detrimental to our health. Another interesting
all-be-it unfortunate fact is. The folks in our wonderful little
community will need to divy up several thousand dollars to pay for an
election that would not have been necessary in the first place.
Least we all run out and rejoice to soon, we should be reminded that
the decision to ban smoking in "most" public places. Will require some
individuals, and, business establishments to incur cost that they may,
ultimately, not be able to bare. Yes it is true that smoking is not
conducive to a healthy life style. The sad fact is, it's unfortunate,
that it required a law to stop folks from doing it in "most" business
My final thought would be, that it is not, for the most part, the
business proprietor that encouraged folks to enter their facilities and
fill them full of smoke. It is their customers. Unfortunately, it will
be the proprietor that will foot the bill.
Oops, I almost forgot to report the results of yesterdays smoke, no
smoke, vote.
239 voters thought they should be able to smoke wherever they want.
(no) While 470 voters think the 239 should stick their butts up one.
(yes) Or so it seems to me. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The first duty of love is to listen.
Speaking of rules and regulations. I understand there is legislation
pending that will make it legal to breast feed, in public. I think I
also heard someone comment that it never really was against the law to
do so. I have also been told by some that there is already "feeding" and
"changing" stations set up in "most" restrooms in the country. I think
that, too, is a law. I guess I don't know much about that either.
I am wondering though, before they actually "pass the bill", if they
shouldn't do a bit of clarifying and confirming. (Anyone out there
remember that term?) I'm thinking like,...how old can one be, and still
legally breast feed? I'm almost certain you'd get a different response
from the boys than the girls. Would it be against the law for the
"supplier" to run out of supply?
Then of course, would come the issue of volume, one breast or two.
Could it be against the law to "over indulge"? I can even imagine OSHA
getting involved with the sanitization regulations of the "feeding"
station(s). Who should bare (pardon the pun) the primary responsibility
of maintaining clean, disease free, distribution centers? There just
doesn't seem to be an end to the problems that need to be solved. Or so
it seems to me.
I'm not sure what going on at the Wells Fargo Bank downtown. From the
street, it looks like they're cleaning out the hayloft. Or, heating and
cooling stuff.
SPEEEDY-ATE is a new word formulated at Granny's. It means, now that
the vote is over, the refurbishing can begin.
Today is the day our daughter-in-law Denise (Barta) Moe will celebrate
the anniversary of her birth. I won't share the number of candles,
although I'm guessing some days, after chasing the twins around and
taking care of Trevor, it seems like more than they really.
Denise, is not just the mother of our three youngest grandchildren. She
is the "wonderful mother" of our three youngest grandchildren. Happy
birthday Denise, we love you very much. Mom and Dad Moe.
The Gazette works best, when the folks the read it, write it. Or so it
seems to me.
A special thanks to Rod Alme for "sharing" all of his baseball tickets
with me. If there is another Legion member that would be willing to
share a few more with me, I would really appreciate it.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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