The present temperature is 9 degrees, with clothes on, - 6 without.
The sky is cloudy and the wind is blowing Canadian right down "our" main
Yesterdays H/L temperature was 3/-26
Last years H/L temperature was 8/-3
Normal H/L temp for this date is 15/-4
"Profanity makes ignorance audible."
L O C A L news & stuff:
Some of you may be wondering why you received a "short version" of the
Gazette this morning. The short answer is, I'm stupid. The long version
is. I was running my hand past the send button, on the way to the "spell
check" button. My right hand suddenly went from it's normal, shake a
little bit, to a tsunami, and puff, there went a pile of premature
Gazettes. Sorry for the "bugger up", I'll try and be more careful in the
"Our" Grafton community (GMU) utilities department is taking down the
Christmas season street decorations. The next big event in town will be
Valentines day. That will also be a $250 Firefighters Calendar draw day.
Success is getting up just one more time than you fall. (Thanks Dane)
Yesterday sure was a busy day in the mailbox department. Some messages
were interesting, some fun, a couple informative, most came with
signatures, and one, I think, from a travel agent. Or at least someone
that felt qualified to tell me where to go.
I also received a few notes from folks about the WCR and, a couple from
folks at the WCR. The first note, could well speak for most of us in the
area. I am pleased to share this one. >>> Gary,
It is my opinion that Grafton is very lucky to have the Morgans and
their paper. In the first place, it is more than just the paper. It is a
publishing company. Look at all the "local" papers they print, and I
think the state Legion magazine. Several other publications, and alot of
significant private printing business. I don't remember seeing their
Christmas ad this year (maybe the ad rates have gotten too high), but I
think the last time I counted there were 55 or more people in that
picture. It is a home grown business, that as far as I know has never
received any development money. Development came from hard, smart work
of first Rilie, then John, and now the third generation. Just think of
all those jobs they have created in Grafton, and then read Lunski's last
column about the multiplier and realize what it means to our town that
they are here. When John died so young, Mrs Morgan and "the kids" could
easily have sold off the paper and it would have ended up being a
Grafton paper in name only. Owned and printed somewhere else. With maybe
0 employees in Grafton. It is certainly one of Graftons most significant
employers, and what is really nice is all that Grand Forks money their
printing business brings to Grafton. On top of that, I think it is a
good paper. Todd does a real good job as editor. Gary and now Mike have
written very good sports columns. Sevigny and Jensen's writing is always
interesting, and don't forget the Nash Rambler. Finally, Larry's
pictures are top notch, and to find them in a paper as small as the
Record says alot about the Record's philosophy. The Gazette and the
Record are like comparing apples and oranges. I want, and look forward,
to seeing both. Ralph Kingsbury.<
Thank you so much for sharing and caring Ralph. It's about time you put
all those years of education down on paper.
Since we're still talking about the Record, and, I'm in the oops mode
anyway. I should share the following:
Hey dad, just a quick note that your grandson Jacob was also on the front page of that paper..... right
above Davids article.
That one was from "our" daughter Wendy. Sorry Wendy, I'll have to blame that omission on the dark spot between the
Then about the time I finished healing from Aunt Wendy's note. Jacobs
mom wrote the following; I HAVE TO ADD THAT ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE
Please forgive me Yvette, for sometimes I know not what I do, or
for that matter, how I do it.
A short note to Dr. J. R. Today is Friday: We hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip Marie and Dick. Please say
hi to those we know while your away. We'll look forward to your return.
The next note comes from a lady at the Record, I always pay attention
two. I enjoy her columns and appreciate the following comments.>Gary,
the greatest award for one's work is the number of readers one provokes
thought in, arouses emotion through, and/or encourages discussion from.
Avid readers are my greatest reward anyway. If such be the case, you my
friend are an award winning Gazette publisher! Blessings, Christine <
Thanks so much for caring and sharing Christine.
I also received a most interesting note from Todd Morgan. Among the
many areas covered, one I am able to speak of, is an answer to the
following Question posed by Todd. He wrote;
I would, however, be interested in what you think about the smoking
ban as it is going to be a big issue in the next month or so. wtm<<<
I did respond to this one with the following. Thanks for the
"venting". I prefer to call it communication with a
safety valve. Your thoughts will be locked up in the part of my brain I
call experience.
First of all, I'm pleased you have decided to "convert to clean".
I lost my mother when she was 36 years old to lung cancer (old gold
cigarettes), my step mother to lung cancer before she was 60
(Chesterfield cigarettes), my best friend and brother-in-law Chuck
Demester died much to young from lung cancer, and numerous friends
because of the several dozen brands of smoking and chewing junk on the
market. I too, participated in the practice of self destruction
for the better part of 40 years. During that time I smoked as much as I
could as often as I could afford to. I am pleased to say I have been
"clean" for the past eight years. So, for the most part, I feel I speak
from the "been there done that" side of the issue. Your question
about why shouldn't someone that owns their own business, or home, be
able to smoke as they wish in them, has a very simple answer. If they
are the only person to ever set foot in those facilities,...have at it.
Go ahead and let them kill them selves. HOWEVER, in almost every single
case, smokers do in fact, "infest" and "infect" the people around them.
Would you think it right, for a father to force his children to
live in a smoke filled home, simply because the father owns it. I find
it hard to believe that anyone, sane, or insane, would provide a room
for people they truly care about to enter in for the expressed purpose
of killing themselves for the sake of a cigarette. You can believe
me Todd, when I say, "smoking does kill you", there is absolutely no
question about it. Second hand smoke also kills, that too, can no longer
be denied.
So where do I go with all this? I'll be darned if I know. I guess
folks will still have to make up their own minds on what they think is
right and wrong. Some will choose the easy way, some will choose the
right way, and then there will be those that won't do anything at all.
Now then,'s my turn to thank you for allowing me to speak
forthwith. Gary
Then of course, there is the difference between your world, and
mine. In my world, everything we have "discussed" could go out in the
Gazette. In your world, one of us, would be looking for a new job. Or,
so it seems to me.
I must admit that I used the term eight years clean, only because
I couldn't remember, for certain, when I actually quit smoking.
The "hunters" are still enjoying themselves, and, wanted me to tell
everyone back home, unless hunting picks up a lot. They will be home as
planned. Steve seems to have gained a bit of weight, although that could
be due to some kind of buildup. Of course that's my opinion. I'll take a
better look tomorrow morning.
Please welcome Steve Schmitz to the Gazette family. We hope your gun is
always loaded with the right ammunition, and, that you always get what
your aiming at.
Colleen & Ross Anderson have also agreed to subject themselves to the
crazy world of Shivercity Gazette. Welcome, we are pleased to have you
in "our" family.
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are,
before it's too late.
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