It's clear, dark and 16 degrees (above) outside. The wind is calm, and thats
a good thing.
Yesterdays H/L for this date 27/17
Last years H/L on this date 47/15
Normal H/L for this date is 21/3
Todays Skeeter meter reading ZERO ==================================
"Profanity makes ignorance audible" ==================================
SO-DAMN-INSANE HAS BEEN CAPTURED!! According to news, I received early
this morning, from the news. So-Damn-Insane has been captured.
It may be fair to say, his capture might well be one of the worlds greatest
presents this holiday season.
The words, WE GOT HIM will bring more satisfaction around the world than
happened when the words, "One small step for man, one giant step for mankind."
So-Damn-insanes capture, definitely is, giant step for mankind.
The "Twins" (Grandchildren 11 and 12) will be baptized today. Jadrian and
Tyler are already 30 days old. Jadrian (the oldest by a minute) still appears
to be the biggest. Probably by as much as 4 or 5 ounces. They were scheduled
for an official weigh-in this past Tuesday. Inclement weather postponed that
idea. Until a few days ago. Jadrian was the blue ribbon drinker.
Lately however, Tyler has become the family guzzler. He has always held the
trophy for dispensing gas. (from both ends) If I haven't mention it before.
They sure are cute little stinkers. ==================================
The farmers who asked merchants to wait on them until wheat was worth fifty
cents a bushel should now meet their engagement and not keep the merchants
waiting longer. What may go higher and it may swing back again into the
forties. At any rate merchants must have money at once or they will have to
cease giving credit any further.
Walsh County does not need to experience hard times this year if every man
will pay his debts according to his ability. With an average of 14 to 15
bushels of wheat to the acre we are far better off than most states in the
I read the above article from the Record this morning. Interesting,... I
thought, the above article indicates to me a mutual bond between merchant and
farmer. It fortifies my belief that our economy is totally interdependent on
both the urban and rural facets in our land.
It gives some indication, the more things change,...the more they stay the
same. Suggesting that farmers, not, continue waiting in hope of even higher
prices. Seems to be repetitive over the course of time.
The article also points out the need of local merchants to be "paid for their
crop" as well.
Although it might be possible the article was taken from a recent addition of
the Record. In fact however, the article was written September 20, 1893.
And so it goes.
Speaking of food.
All things considered;
We are the richest nation in the world. If we do not, or can not, supply our
caloric needs. What makes us think, poorer nations will feel sorry for us and
send us the "cheap food" we presently enjoy?
What might we guess, would the French charge us for fries? There is a bright
side to "fair trade". We will eventually find out if all the halla-ballu about
illegal use of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides will have any negative
effect on our nations health. We will also have the peace of mind knowing
children and individuals working for "slave labor" wages. Will be providing us
with nourishment.
Fair trade,... there's no such thing. It's a nice term used by some
politicians to camouflage a corrupt process for their own personal gain. Fair
trade,.....there's no such thing. It's a process developed by politicians out
of ignorance of the process. Fair trade, the exchange of a boulder for a
pee-wee. Until fair trade, we (the United
States) were the boulder.
GOTTA GO WORK ON MY DASH ==================================
It cost Columbia Mall Sixty bucks when the UND Sioux Hockey team whooped the
Duluth Bulldogs last night in Ralph Engelstads Hockey Palace. 6 to 3. I'm still
not clear, why someone should pay someone, everytime a hockey team score a
point. Why, for instance, doesn't Colunbia Mall give someone 10 bucks everytime
the Sioux basketball team scres a point? Darned if I know. P.P.S
License plate for a hearse. "SEE-YOU"
Write if you can, call if you can't, and, tell your loved ones they are, before
it's to late.
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